Stunned killer goes through pallet and gets hit!


This has happened like four times already, so I though I'd report it here.

• Platform: PC

• Description of the issue. While on chase with a killer, being already injured, dropping a pallet while the killer is starting their M1 attack doesn't stop the attack. Instead, the killer goes through the fallen pallet, finishes the hit, and teleports back to the other side of the pallet again, and the stun animation begins. In order:

  • The killer initiates the movement for a basic attack (this has happened to me with several killers, Trapper and Plague were the last ones).
  • I drop the pallet.
  • The killer GOES THROUGH THE PALLET, already fallen, still performing a basic attack.
  • I receive the hit.
  • The killer teleports to behind the pallet, suffering the stun.

• How often does this occur. This has happened to me in at least four chases in the last two days.

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