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General Discussions

So if MS is the top crappiest perk, why not to buff it?

It is said Mysterious Shrine is the best killer perk starting from the end

How about an extra 4% speed and half of percentages for non-basement hooks?

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  • Member Posts: 395

    Good to see it's on radar, and nice catch! My facecamping Bubba greets ya!

  • Member Posts: 678

    Best idea I have heard for it is similar to dying light. You get a nasty debuff when you get put down there. So it encourages basement hooks but also not just attempting to 1 hook them like the current monstrous shrine promotes (even if it is terrible at it).

    Maybe not a slowdown though, something more imaginative would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 232

    Just make it effect all the hooks on the map, but the killer has to be a certain radius away from the hook for it to work, let's say 32m. This would make it a great perk, and it would put the survivors on the spot as well. Are you going to finish that gen or are you going to get your teammate off the hook?

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Maybe BT and decisive are nullified in the basement when thats run

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    If they do that they should also double tge effect. 4 secs per stage still isnt enough to make it worth running, but yes this is a good idea. MYC + Monstrous Shrine would be awesome for starters

  • Member Posts: 678
    edited May 2020

    I would not want it to be map-wide, since in my eyes it's a perk about the basement. But I think it should be a pretty big impact. Similar to how devour hope has a big impact. Considering to get consistent MS basement hooks, it's going to be 3/4 of your perk slots.

    I think slowdowns are pretty boring. But maybe individual debuffs for the survivors in the basement? "If a survivor is unhooked from the basement and you are X meters away, they are oblivious for the rest of the match. If they are unhooked twice from the basement, they are exposed for the rest of the match, etc etc"

    Maybe those would be OP but something along those lines sounds better than "they do gens/heals X% slower for the rest of the match"

    The current MS is mitigated by a chalk pouch though which is a pretty sad.

  • Member Posts: 7,786

    I'd make it spawn EVERY totem in the basement.

  • Member Posts: 240

    Wdym. Monstrous shrine is amazing in grey ranks.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    They said the'll be reworking some of the perks. But I'm pretty sure they only mentioned survivor perks during that stream like slippery meat, technician etc

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Monstrous Shrine should just get a rework.

    Cause Obliviousness while in the basement, and persist for 5/7/10 seconds after leaving.

  • Member Posts: 583

    What if, instead of it being the basement hooks, it's four randomly chosen hooks on the map(assuming the algorithm won't put them all right next to each other). These hooks' auras would be green or purple or something to notify the Killer where they are, but they'd also look a little different than the other hooks. Not like "hey over here sabotage this hook it gives the killer bonus points!" but definitely something that looks a little different.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Why is everyone talking about Monstrous Shrine? Op was talking about the perk "Mysterious Shrine" which summons angry unicorns that track survivors and mark their positions by puking a rainbow that lasts for 10/15/20 seconds. Ok, I'll go now...

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    If they ever do rework the perk I'd love for them to change it so that it spawns a 2nd basement in if possible. That'd be pretty neat I think.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Why not have it effect all hooks... but the effect of longer Sabo time

  • Member Posts: 720

    Hooks have been a major problem in the game when there are too many of them. With the last patchings of this game from 2018 there seams to be MORE hooks on the map and it makes struggling pointless compared to what it use to be. I get that it helped make body-blocking less effective but there needs to be some "give" to both sides.

    Monster's shrine (LOL). Is only useful for Reclusive basement builds

    • MS
    • Agitation
    • Iron Grasp ( Maybe the use of "Mad Grit")
    • Whispers or Territorial

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