Hardcore/Barebones Mode

We should have a mode (online of course) where we get placed in a map with no perks, equipment (med kit, toolbox, key) and no offerings. Along with not having any perks, there are no auras which means you can't see a completed generator, an injured survivor (empathy), survivors that are close to you (bond), totems (small game) or the location if an exit gate. This can force the killer to guess which generator is being worked on and pay more attention to the lights to see which ones are close to being done or which of their hexed totem, along with the location, was cleansed. This will also force survivors to communicate on which generator is getting done and which one you are on instead of perks that highlights generators or other survivors. The UI could be eliminated just like in call of duty since you can see who is hurt or in need of assistance, this would add more communication between survivors or it could stay that was you can see your status effect or the killer can see the status of their specific killer perk.
I can't really think of anything else to include. If you think this is a good idea lets push for it and also if you have anymore ideas throw them in the comments.
there are no auras which means you can't see a completed generator, an injured survivor (empathy), survivors that are close to you (bond), totems (small game) or the location if an exit gate
I don't think you know how auras work? +You already said no perks.
This can force the killer to guess which generator is being worked on and pay more attention to the lights to see which ones are close to being done
? Do you also mean to remove the natural auras for killer?
which of their hexed totem, along with the location, was cleansed
Again, no perks? Or was that only for survivor?
This will also force survivors to communicate on which generator is getting done
So is this mode SWF only?
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I do know how auras work. I do mean natural auras and I do mean removing everything for both survivors and killers. When a totem is cleansed or when a survivor screams it shows a pop up or whatever you want to call it, I was talking about that also. It can be SWF and playing as a killer depending on the developers.