What are survivors supposed to do?



  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 135

    "I'm pointing out how unfair it is to play survivor in a lot of situations. The killer can have a lot of really dirty advantages but if all 4 survivors are experienced and coordinated they can still all escape."

    I'm confused. The asymmetric part of this game isn't just that it's 1 vs 4, it's that that 1 had a big knife and a lot of advantages to be able to put the 4 in very clear danger, and only by working together, being careful, being skilled, and with a bit of luck and sacrifice can they escape.

    This is really just the other side to "survivors have it so easy" and it's just as derpy.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Correct. Sad to see so many people agree with the sentiment.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    You don't have to know that the killer has Pop, stacking on gens is usually inefficient anyway. Just split up, do gens, and hope that the first person the killer finds is a good evader.

    That's pretty much Winning 101.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    That's because I was the first to do so on this thread. What's your point?

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I can't take any of these "survivor is hard" "game is killer sided" "its unfair" posts seriously while killer ques are still instant and survivor ques are long. Still too many people playing survivor so obviously it's still too fun and easy to play.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    The thing about playing survivor is that it's just much more relaxed. Which is kind of strange given the "horror" nature of the game.

    When my wife and I play survivor it's mostly just long periods of calm punctuated by short bursts of action that don't feel scary or pressuring. And if I get caught, it's just an excuse to relax for a minute and laugh as people scramble around to see if they can get to me. Sure, you're pretty helpless against the killer, but that almost makes it more relaxed since you know you can't actually put up a fight once you've run all you can.

    Compare that to killer where it's just constant time pressure, constantly on the clock, and if you screw up just one chase it might be the end.

    It's a strange reversal of expectations.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Personally, DbD has brought in a Killer which could diversify the Top Tier Killers. Spirit and Nurse were getting lonely at the top, and both were counterable. Pyramid Head has a lot of power, but it is avoidable. The floor shows the line of his range attack before he shoots; the trenches you can crouch-walk over, as with dealing with The Hag. His hook ability moves the survivor a fair way away from him, which prevents camping. He's pretty counterable, but also a lot of fun to play against, and he will be a heck of a challenge.

    Most importantly, he should bring back the horror or terror element that this game wants to bring back.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    "Second: stop balancing the game entirely around stacked SWF groups" - wait what.. did you just suggest they balanced this game around SWF? I've seen it all. Half the posts complaining about how they aren't balancing around SWF, and now posts suggesting they are. You all have DBDDS. Dead by Daylight Derangement Syndrome.