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Punish hook suicides



  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    killer you can killer have no way out but to dc.

    can killers jump on hook if were not having fun?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    No, but the point is that survivors shouldn't be able to either. Play the game if you've decided to play the game.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited June 2020

    Because not everyone in the world follows soccer. Hell, I don't give one care about soccer, don't follow it, and don't know a single team or player for it. I follow American Football, and get my news directly from the NFL website, so wouldn't even stumble on soccer related reporting.

    Nothing against soccer or its fans, just not for me. So, don't assume everyone would know about that player, just like I don't assume everyone in the U.S. follows the NFL.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    A significant amount more people follow football than any other sport. And Messi is the biggest name among them.

    I'd expect even people who aren't fans to know about him. He's a bigger name than Trump.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited June 2020

    Some people just don't follow sports and aren't gonna know him. I know I have heard the name before, but I could not tell you what he looks like, who he plays for, or a single other thing about him. I could perhaps make all of these same arguments about Roger Federer or Naomi Osaka, but if you don't follow tennis, maybe you don't have any clue who they are.

    I cannot name one single American football player. Tom Brady? Does he still play? I don't know any of them. And basketball. There's the guy with the beard? He was in a commercial once.

    EDIT: Also, bear in mind that a lot of people on this forum are from the USA, which is not a hotbed of soccer fans, unlike the rest of the world.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    I've never until now heard the name Messi. Lol Why assume silly things about how known people are ...

  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    Well you can't force them to chase, hook or play. They can just AFK, or DC.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Well, it appears that it was an unrealistic expectation, then. Neither me nor Huff knew him. And I asked some of my friends just out of curiosity, and: nope. Never heard of him.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    The downside of Pyramid head is bc of the skillchecks a survivor can still potentially save you.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Can't killers open the exit gates and start the EGC if they want to leave the game?

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    My vote is for bots that take over for DCs and hook suicides.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    Even if you were to prevent a survivor from "letting go" during struggle phase, that's not gonna stop them from finding the killer, running straight into them and basically pointing at a hook so they can die and be over with the game.

    Punishing people for wanting to move on is stupid. Nobody should be forced to conform to your playstyle.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2020

    It is a two way street.

    "My team is acting like potatoes and the match is over with because they aren't going to work together, help one another or participate in the match." I Quit."

    Since DC penalties was put in. People got what they wanted. A system which is broken. I played this game in 2017, 2018 and 2019 more than i ever should have. When Hatch closing become a thing. The noticeable trend of survivors giving up much faster, was VERY noticeable. I observed this trend as a Killer and as a Survivor. This just isn't true for Dead By Daylight, but all online games. When the player feels that they have no tools to use if their team is a bad one or the match is going to be a loss. They aren't bad players. They are experienced enough to know when things are NOT going to turn out for a win.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    The way I see it, it is technically in the confines of the game to do so. I never hook suicide unless it's the end of the game and there's literally zero chance, or to give the last survivor the hatch. At the same time, there is no mechanic like this in place for killers and I think it's only fair they get one too.

    And the argument about 'if players don't play like #########, people will suicide less often' I agree with, I don't think it fits here. Because when you suicide against a killer who's camping, you're punishing your team more than anything else and rewarding the killer playing that way. I don't like hook suicides but they are within the confines of the game. Give killers the same treatment though or it isn't fair, plain and simple.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    No. Penalizing hook suicide should never be a thing. I rarely see it as killer. I also am not very toxic as a killer. I intentionally avoid tunneling and nobody can say I camp since I immediately hunt for the next target. I have had one hook suicide in the last three weeks, playing roughly 20-30 matches a week. If you are having a lot of hook suicides, you likely are a very toxic player.

    Here is where I usually see hook suicides on streams or if I am in a self-destructive mood and actually play survivor (I hate that role!)

    1. Killer brings a mori and is tunneling directly off the hook. Usually the 2nd and 3rd player will suicide after the first one gets tunneled and killed.
    2. Killer is hardcore tunneling from hook one onward.
    3. Killer is camping and survivors are not doing gens.
    4. Survivors are hiding around the map not doing anything useful. Five minutes in and only 1 gen is done that you did..
    5. Frustrating killer/build combo added to tunneling and possibly a mori - hook suicide.

    I see hook suicides if I choose to play survivor, but rarely see them when playing killer.

    I have zero problem with players who want out of a match that is overly frustrating. I do agree that some players are just too sensitive and will suicide on hook if you find them right away and hook them. Not much you can do about those sensitive angels. They are what they are.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Here's the TL;DR

    I_Teabag_Gate: Survivors are a team.

    Huff: Well, yes but actually no.


  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288
    edited June 2020

    I agree with you that there needs to be something to address Hook suicides as they are one of the most destructive things to disrupt a 4v1 game and tip the balance heavily in the favor of the killer while making the experience even more daunting for the remaining survivors.

    Sure, a survivor could certainly "escape" without doing anything to help the other survivors in the overall objectives of the game via the hatch but escaping is only 1 of the three aspects of the game that people use to determine "success". The other two "success" metrics being Bloodpoints and Pipping. I don't think a survivor who does few objectives but gets a hatch escape will do well in these other two categories. If a survivor is doing well in the latter two categories, then they are helping the other players overall.


    1. Bots that replace the survivors who DC or suicide
    2. Incentivize the survivor to stay til the end by giving them 50-100% more BP at the end if they don't suicide or maybe add a category for pipping that gives a boost for not suiciding. Whatever the solution, BHVR should be enough to encourage survivors to not DC or suicide.
  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    The guy who is leaving three teammates hobbled is the one unilaterally forcing everyone else to conform to their choices. I have way more of a problem with that than I do with one guy being unhappy that the game isn't going the way they want while four other players continue to play it.

    Even in your dim view, the unilateral decision-making is the option that hurts the most people. I suppose I can boil this down to a "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" argument, however absurd that is for a video game.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    when they not doing gen just out right bully flashlighting me loopping like crazy this like when there like 2 or 1 gen are left i want the match to end.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Keep going after them. At some point they will run out of safe pallets.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Other than flooding the team with useless reports they have to look at and throw out, wasting their time? No effect at all.

  • SpiderTash
    SpiderTash Member Posts: 26

    I love how killers will stand firm that camping and tunneling are legitimate strategies, but then whine and ######### on hook suicide. To use something from your playbook, that is a legitimate strategy, get good.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited June 2020

    I love how people treat the DBD roles as if they are political parties, and then strawman these types of motives onto others.

    I do not "main" either role. I have not suggested here, or anywhere, that I support camping or tunneling as effective strategies, so what you're saying here makes no sense. And, if anything, I can't imagine a scenario where a hook suicide is anything but helpful for the killer. I made this suggestion mainly as an idea to ensure that survivors don't have to deal with the kinds of wrecked games that result from their teammates suiciding on hook.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,132

    Most killers don't ######### about hook suicides. If anything, it helps killers. "Woohoo! The match became a 3v1 with less effort, yay!" I'm not saying that killers actually say that or anything, but that's what a hook suicide does: it makes the killer's job easier.

    Usually it's survivors who whine and ######### about hook suicides, because it makes the game into a 3v1 and pretty much damns the survivors who are left behind. When I see a survivor suicide on their first hook, I know me and the other two survivors left are pretty much screwed. Then my choice is to waste my time with the match or hook suicide myself, neither of which is really a great option.

  • SpiderTash
    SpiderTash Member Posts: 26

    My apologies, reading through the comments about players doing it at the end I forgot this was more about doing it at the start. Yes, that is annoying as ######### as a survivor and if playing as a killer I will then usually let the last person go as I don't care about the pip.

  • HuDawg
    HuDawg Member Posts: 312

    If a player suicides on first or second hook why do you care? Move on and get over it. No one should suffer because some entitled killer mains is crying in the forum.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    It’s a legit strat to get out of a boring game where a killer is facecamping and you don’t feel like playing sacrificial lamb for the day.

  • HuDawg
    HuDawg Member Posts: 312

    Exactly or i suicide because something more important just came up

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    just realized this thread was necro'd lol

    Post edited by SocialDistomancy on