Latest killer tome challenges requires too many games

Compare the killer and survivor challenges. Killer is expected to play way too many games to complete the challenges. Things like hook 15 obsessions, 4 hooks during end game collapse, 2 gen grabs in 1 game(you guys know how buggy they've been for a while now) and many more. Can we be a little more realistic with these please?


  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I agree with you regarding the gen interrupt challenge. I am not looking forward to losing the challenge repeatedly to a bugged action. They fixed dead hard, why cant they fix interrupts?

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    The master challenges in general on Tome III Level III are just brutal. There's a few easy ones like break all the totems or kick 5 different gens (just don't accidentally bring Ruin for that one), but most of the others feel very difficult this time around. Probably gonna need a fair amount of luck to knock all these out.

    Though with the 2-grabs challenge, you could probably snag it carefully with Spirit or Ghostface. Just pray that the survivors aren't running Spine Chill (or eyeballs).

  • Saranghei
    Saranghei Member Posts: 19

    The survivor ones are too much too but killers are definitely worse. Some of them take 4 or 5 games at a minimum to do because you have to do it on DIFFERENT survivors. At least the one like 'break X pallets' can in theory be done very fast if you're focused specifically on breaking pallets. That isn't the case for the others. To make things worse you can only do one challenge at a time too and that isn't consumer friendly. Rockstar games, DICE and other companies let people do multiple challenges or any challenges they want.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    They are made that way so that ideally if you complete ALL the challenges you are very close to completing the rift also and people will be less inclined to farm XP just to complete it.

    Last rifts when I completed all the challenges I had like 10/15 levels to finish it and that's A LOT of games to play.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,284

    Dead Hard definitely isn't fixed lol. But yes, grabs are still super bugged.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274
    edited May 2020

    Honestly, the "taking a lot of games" thing hasn't really been that big of an issue for me. I only find it burns me when I encounter matchmaking issues (generally long queues or survivors/killers too far below my skill level to accomplish some of the challenges).

    You need to play roughly 1.3 matches to earn 1 Rift Shard (for me at least; my XP-per-match average is ~600), and the Tomes themselves are not enough to max out the Rift (I think I was at around level 55-57ish for the first Tome, and more towards 60-61 on the second). More games needed does make the challenges a lot more tedious, but it actually does help with working through these rifts (plus, these super-grindy challenges don't have lore attached to them for the players who only really care about the world-building side of things).

    Though I do agree that the "different" survivors thing (for both roles) does feel a little arbitrary. I think I'd be more okay with the numbers if I had the potential to earn more than 3-4 points of progression per match with skillful play.

    If it helps, the "hook the Obsession" challenge can also be cheesed with Furtive Chase and/or Nemesis, plus most survivors will bring DS to help you out too. Since all three perks will keep swapping around the Obsession (also means tunneling off hook isn't a necessity), you could theoretically hook the Obsession up to 12 times in one match. Realistically it will probably be less, but I still think 5-6 "Obsession Hooks" in a match isn't unlikely with some of these perks (which will only take three games).

  • gofu
    gofu Member Posts: 133

    For the "Grab 2 survivors off gens while using the perks discordance in a single match one", honestly play friendly farm. Impossible to do this in the red ranks even with stealth killers.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    So, I did some of these challenges, and not to brag or anything, but I think you'll be surprised with how easy they actually can be.

    I was able to get the 'hook 4 survs during EGC' in one trial with leatherface using blood warden. I made sure to down someone right next to the exit gate, ran over, opened the exit gate then hooked them. People were overly altruistic, of course, and ran to the exit gate after unhooking, but nope! They all just kinda sat there as I revved my chainsaw in the doorway, before I downed them all, lol.

    Hook the obsession 15 times took 3 trials. I got 4 the first trial, 10 the second trial, and the last one in another trial. I used the hag with mint rag + rusty shackles and for perks I used Nemesis/Furtive/Make Your Choice/BBQ. I let someone drop a pallet on my face, then down them. After hooking them I'd look for survs with BBQ, then I'd set a trap behind a wall or object on the side of the hook that was opposite of all the other survivors I saw with BBQ. When they were unhooked, I'd teleport over behind the wall/object, and go after the new obsession. They'd be easy to down because they were oblivious, and they always looked the direction they came from to watch for me. Sometimes they would be looking behind themselves as they crouched around the object I was behind, ending up right in front of me. I probably could have done this in two trials, had I not used the Oni the first time.

    I still haven't tried the gen grabbing one, yet.

    Ah, good to know. I stopped using it while playing survivor a long time ago because of the bug, and I guess I got used to sprint burst. But, I guess I won't be switching back to dead hard anytime soon.