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It's funny how this game has worse character models than 17 years old game



  • Member Posts: 2,328

    He is not allowed to complain unless he can do better? What a world we live in.

  • Member Posts: 330

    Have you looked at how close the map is? A ton of effort went into Easter eggs that have surprisingly good similarities to the source material they are from. There's a reason for everything and assuming it's laziness is just silly.

  • Member Posts: 48

    People should calm down its just a skin with 3 perks attached to it, so stop having seizures about minor differences between their looks.

  • Member Posts: 262

    It's not wrong to say that models and animations need some updating in this game. It's not visually pleasing when I"m playing Myers and tombstone piece mori a survivor, with the amount of clipping on the model. I hope the graphical updates involve some player models.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    From the devs 4'th anniversary stream they confirmed they have an entire team dedicated to updating old assets, animations, and lighting on maps.

  • Member Posts: 68

    "Pinnacle" hah fat b8

  • Member Posts: 240

    Yeah I could care less about graphics and more about gameplay. But they've failed to get hitboxes that make sense and optimize for console after all these years.

  • Member Posts: 118

    This thread screams "I've got nothing else to complain about" if I'm being honest. I like Cheryl's in game appearance, if you don't like it, well, then I guess oh well? It's impossible to please everyone.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Dude just shut up already and quit complaining you Wana do something about it ? Then do something about it this a forum not a rant about how graphics are terrible !

  • Member Posts: 184

    To be fair, he has a point. Although this isn't a fair comparison by him. Plenty of multiplayer games that have characters with way more movement, way more enemies on screen, have much better graphics. See RE5. That game's graphics poop on this game. And it's what, almost a decade old. There's a game called The Club on xbox 360, it has equal if not better graphics as well. And it's a cheap Sega game lol

  • Member Posts: 25

    Because Cheryl was cute. And they made her so damn ugly. I am furious about how they threated my childhood love.

    Oh yeah, i forgot that in 2020, using most advances video games engine it's so hard to make a tiny map with 5 players on it and keep it constanly being rendered. It's not like games like Battlefield exist, have destructable environment, and look way better.

  • Member Posts: 25
    edited May 2020

    I mean, just look at any competitor of dbd. Even Deceit, a very old game, looks better. Last Year looks WAY better and has amazing finisher animations, and it's made by WAY smaller team than one making dbd. And don't even start me on Resistance and it's quality of picture... Meanwhile bhvr gathering money with a shovel, but can't afford hiring actually expirienced dev's.

    Also, i am not complaining because i want to quit. I want them to get off their asses, put away whores and cocain at least for one day and make something for the game that keeps them rich.

  • Member Posts: 184

    It's funny cause if they stopped making cosmetics and just upped the quality on these graphics just maybe 5 notches, they'd instantly make all of the current cosmetics look 10x more enticing.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2020

    I can't tell where sentences begin and end if you don't write correctly. To be clear, I could, but I'm not going to expend the effort. Stop typing with random capital letters everywhere. If it's not an acronym, the beginning of a sentence, a proper noun (like the names of individuals), or the word "I", then it shouldn't be capitalized.

  • Member Posts: 69

    Feedback: Her model is accurately far better from Quentin and Laurie.

    The only changes I'd suggest are make her eyes alittle small and less open and make her jacket's pockets stuffed.

    The folks that are saying she is Quentin equivalent version are just overreacting. I am impressed they hit close to her original look, if they do the suggestions I've stated she will be good.

  • Member Posts: 333

    Oh,maybe it was my autocorrect,my bad,didnt realise,well,what i said was that,op was a little wrong,the dbd model dont look bad,but,it doesnt look as really similar to the one from SH 3,doesnt have freckles,face structure is different,eyes,jawline,chin,etc.

    Also,those two games have two different art styles,Silent Hill 3 was more photorealistic,while dbd is realistic and a little bit cartoony.

    And for the final,there's 3 Cheryl Mason in Silent Hill,her face could have been a mix from those

    *Silent Hill Shattered Memories

    *Silent Hill Revelations 3D

    *Silent Hill 3

  • Member Posts: 383

    Why are freckles your big concern? Stop playing the game if it's that devastating to your life that she doesn't have freckles.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Ah, yes, a lack of freckles. Truly a sign of laziness, incompetence, and the end of a career for whoever made the model.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Despite how the graphics are currently it is a pretty fun game. There are hundreds of video games that don't have great graphics but have great gameplay. Which is all I really care about really. But then again. It has been 5 years since the graphics been like this.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Yo Peanits actually be throwing down facts on the very first page, 72 upvotes gawd-dayum. People are still talking??

  • Member Posts: 742
    edited May 2020

    Obvious hater detected that spreads his usual misinformation. You are showing and comparing a prerendered cutscene or image (SH3) with ingame graphics/models of DBD, bravo! Pretty sure you are one of those people that spread this kind of trash on the whole Steam forums too, just to feel better with your poor ego. Why do people like you even exist, SMH.

  • Member Posts: 1

    My man's really be out here saying he wants to have sex with a in game character from 17 years ago... Bruh moment

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    I don't get the point of this discussion. The game obviously doesn't have next gen graphics, but it has a very solid artistic identity, something that most games lack. Who cares about freckles, Cheryl's model fits very well and that's what counts.

  • Member Posts: 23

    Come on dude this isn't cool the Devs put their heart and soul into this chapter, as you could tell from the insane level of detail and accuracy of Pyramid head and the map, yeah the game doesn't have the greatest graphics but BHVR isn't some triple a studio that can just sink tons into the graphics. It probably took a lot of the budget for the chapter just to pry the rights to SH out of Konami's greedy hands

  • Member Posts: 33

    that looks amazing 👌 I'm a big superfan of Silent hill especially 1 through 3, I'm really glad BHVR added SH as a chapter.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Here's the closer look of Heather if someone might be interested...

  • Member Posts: 333
    This Dead by daylight Cheryl (Heather) Is probably a mix of these two,Konami also Lost the Silent hill 3 and 2 source code long time ago.
    The Dbd Cheryl even has a mole on her face, just like the main character of the movie

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    Of all the things we've crucified the devs about, you have to talk about the graphics.... really? That's the hill you guys wanna die on?

    Frankly, they can keep the graphics as-is as long as they continue to focus on improving the actual gameplay that was ass for so long.

    My first thought when I saw the trailer was not how the characters looked, it was my utter amazement they managed to pry the rights out of Konami's grubby fingers

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly the only thing I kind of want them to do is go back in touch up some of the old default designs.

    Try to add the hair physics the back again so some of the hairstyles don't look so stiff and do some with the old characters to.

    Meg, Nea and Min have very unnecessarily stiff hair as some of their defaults.

    Meg's default is horribly stiff as well as some of her alternates.

    Min's Bob is so stiff it ends up looking like a wig from the front the hair of needs a touch up and some hair physics. This also goes for her prestige head and her purple rift hair

    Nea has this problem with her night out cosmetic.

    Outside of those three examples I don't really have any problems with the character models

  • Member Posts: 395

    DBd looks more like someone cosplaying Heather than the actual Heather. I'm still glad it's Silent Hill and not Alien, at least there's that.....

  • Member Posts: 5,069
    edited June 2020

    Tbh. As I now look at her in game model in dbd and compare it in SH3, than she looks like completely different person. In dbd she looks like a 30 year junkie that seems to have an alcohol problems. She doesn't look like a teenager anymore. This is sad. She was really cute in SH3 😔

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    I don't mind her DBD character model but she has such bad dark circles around her eyes it looks like she has a black eye.

  • Member Posts: 943
    edited June 2020

    They probably should have rounded her face a bit more and made the freckles a bit more prominent along with lightening up her complexion. It's too bad they screwed up her look, she's one of my favorite silent hill characters next to James, Angela and Lisa Garland. She just doesn't have that average teenager look like she had in SH3 not too beautiful but still pleasing to the eye, it's amazing that they made her look the way she did on a ps2.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Yeah, it looks terrible. I don't blame the designers for this, but they could make a better work with Heather, since Steve, Nancy and Ash looks so amazing detailed...Also she looks like she has proptosis...that's scary.

  • Member Posts: 163

    Most if not all modern gpus can handle high poly models. Especially when there's only 5 of them. Not sure why character models were smashed that hard by optimization pass

  • Member Posts: 87

    The face of the character in the game (in the game process) looks something like this. Agree, "SH3" coped with this better. And here excuses about incorrect lighting and incorrectly located shadows are clearly not accepted. For some reason, the 2003 game did not require all this, and Heather's face always looked much better.

  • Member Posts: 149
    edited June 2020

    I'm pretty sure they just made her look older due to the fact that she was a teen in SH3, which is fine by me, but yeah she looks a bit off.

    But who cares you're still playing as Heather lol

  • Member Posts: 279

    The "full detailed one" actually isn't the same one used in the cinematic trailer, it looks different, details seen on her vest such as the button on her collar and the seam lines are missing or significantly reduced in quality, in the trailer her hair is far better in quality and those missing details are there, I hope that once the full graphics update is done we get THAT model

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    Why am I being reminded of this....sad times...

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