It's funny how this game has worse character models than 17 years old game

Just look at this. On the right side - is pinnacle of modern engines evolution, used by company that earned millions from selling this game. A clipping hand only adds special flavour that is screaming "we do not care, you will eat this and ask for more". And on the left... it's just 17 years old graphics.
Developers of this game are so afraid of people seing how actually low efford is put into their work so they asked moderators of reddit to delete the posts about this, lol. Proof:
I mean, they could at leask ask Konami to share their old model with them. I am sure they do give a 17 year old asset for free to people who can't achieve same quality on modern engine ^)
It's not funny but sad.
26 -
Is this an actual gameplay-model? Or a cinematic/cutscene?
41 -
Well to be fair it’s a single player game and those typically have better graphics. DBD is multiplayer only so graphics aren’t top priority for the devs. It could also be from a cinematic and well those are supposed to look nice.
But either way yes the game looks outdated and even the devs admitted it (in a way) which is why we’re getting the graphics update soon.
24 -
Clearly, the forums are full of honest people, haha
35 -
SH3 had no cinematic, they used in-game graphics in cutscenes.
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The one on the left is a pre-rendered image, where the LOD is only limited by how much time you had to render it. It's not the same as the actual gameplay. Here's what she looks in the actual game:
The character model used in Dead by Daylight is the same one used in the cinematic trailer, but the level of detail is reduced so it's able to render in real time. Here's what she looks like in full detail, if you want to do a proper side by side comparison.
For the record, the Dead by Daylight subreddit is completely independent. We do not influence them or the way they moderate in any way. If you have an issue with it, I would suggest bringing it up with someone from their team.
110 -
Dont Compare A promo,rendered or Concept art Picture to a a in-game one,its obvious that its gonna look different,by the way,i still think that theres something wrong with her model,too skinny,doesnt have freckles?,her face looks like if there was Licensing Issues With Konami,Kinda like Quentin's Face, But Better,but Still.
20 -
I thought so that this is not an ingame-model. Thanks for clarifying!
17 -
I believe it was stated Konami lost the source code of SH3 plus its asets. I do think they could've made her eyes alittle small and make her jacket's pokets stick out more.
3 -
Yeah but you will hardly see difference in SH3 cutscenes and gameplay. I always believed that models were the same.
Here you can see drastic difference even if you compare just models. As other guy noticed, she does not even has freckles, that's how lazy dbd modeller were with source material.
2 -
I know when I play this on ps4, it feels and looks like a very slight crisper ps2 game...
1 -
I know you were hoping that this would save your hide, but even after seeing what Heather looks like outside from pre-rendered cinematics, DBD’s in-game model STILL looks worse than the in-game model from almost two decades ago.
Bruh moment.
11 -
If you think you can do better, feel free to apply at BHVR. I’m sure they’d appreciate your talent.
23 -
As i said, if they don't have modeller who does better, they could as Konami to look around garbage bin and send them their old model.
May as well ask loyal fans to donate money so they could hire proper animator. Because they certainly seem to be poor enough to not do it in all this years.
6 -
Peanits was literally just telling the truth and correcting OP's disingenuous claim. And if you think the in-game model actually looks worse in DbD than it did in SH3, then I don't know what to tell you. I wouldn't be able to play SH3 on a screen larger than a portable TV due to how ######### those graphics look compared to nowadays.
18 -
That moment when a gamemodel from 2 decades ago seems better due to shittier graphics display, but if put on an HD screen you'd suddenly see massive triangles. I mean, old tomb raider games looked great on grainy old tv's, but if you look back at them now on an HD screen, it's just massive triangles.
Yeah, DBD doesnt have the most sophisticated graphics, but you cant even compare current day graphics to those from 10 years ago. Besides, how much I love burning the devs on terrible balancing(I mean, really, spirit is balanced in your opinions? There isnt really any vanilla counterplay to her, and the counterperks that do work against her are practically useless against other killers. It's literally phase and get a free hit, even Billy and Huntress have to at least put some work to it.)
10 -
By the way, will the upcoming "graphics rework" also include character models and animations, or will it focus solely on the enviroments ?
6 -
OP Was Wrong,it would be Better if He said that the Character Looks Different,Cause,It Doesnt Look Worse,It Looks Different,We are talking about a Game From 2003 That was going for Photorrealistic look,And Here, 2020 Dead by daylight, it's Realistic and a little Cartoon,Imo,the Dbd Cheryl Looks Decent i think,i wouldnt Say Worse,Just Different,Does Anyone Remember That There isnt Only One Heather/Cheryl?,There's,Silent Hill Shattered Memories Cheryl,And The Movies Cheryl,Maybe She is a Mix of them,That Wont be Crazy Since,They included a Map from Silent hill 1,Enemy From 2, And a Character From 3
Post edited by BraveClem on3 -
I been saying this to a lot of my friends when the mobile version came out it looks better than the console/PC version 😭😂😭 it's almost like they been doing mobile this whole time and just stretched it out for the bigger media. I haven't bought any dlc now 3 chapters in now? I won't support a company that is doing minimal effort
1 -
Why do people type this way
20 -
All these complaints... Yet here you are still playing the game. If you don't like it, don't play. Simple solution.
10 -
I'll never understand why some people play games if they have such issues with it lol. Being rude af to devs nice enough to respond too. If you have such an issue with the graphics in dbd then stop playing , easy as that
13 -
Oh, I knew something felt off about her. I think you nailed it.
1 -
Dbd's characters models actually look quite decent with good lighting but sadly dbd's lighting is pretty poor. The new graphical updates look very promising though and it will probably make the characters look a lot better.
7 -
Only thing wrong with the DBD model from what I see is hair. And that's always been a problem.
Anyways, this thread is pointless now that OP has been exposed.
9 -
I'm not going to post pictures, agree or anything.
I'm just going to add, that Lisa does not look anything like Lisa, and I, as a major Silent Hill fan, am sad.
That is all. Good day.
5 -
That's literally just comparing a Promo Artwork with the actual in-game model.
Or you know... Comparing these two together:
If you honestly think the in-game graphics will look anywhere NEAR as good as the promo artwork, you need to play more games. Like seriously, play more games. The promo artwork will always look much more better because they are for PR, marketting, it's there to entice you to want to buy the game/skin.
9 -
Are you slow? They're the same model, just the one in DBD live intentionally has reduced detail so that the game can run properly.
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“You’re not allowed to call my overcooked pasta with no flavor bad because you’re not a professional chef.”
11 -
At least Konami knows how to render freckles.
2 -
So,is this Cheryl From Silent Hill Shattered Memories Or From The Movie?
0 -
your comparing a cutscene model to a in game model
2 -
Yeah, like I said, I thought so that this is not an ingame model. Could not compare it myself, I never had a console back in the day.
And I think Cheryl looks alright ingame. I also like her Prestige Outfit, from what I have seen.
2 -
1 -
Honestly, do these two look like the same person? I don't mean to be negative, I love the DLC and I think it's overall a good one, but I think they could've made a better job. She is like the female version of Quentin to me.
8 -
Nah I see it pretty well
3 -
She looks substantially better than Quentin. What are you talking about? If anyone is the female equivalent to Quentin, it's Laurie.
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I think they've also made her look thinner than she actually was.
2 -
Oh, right. Forgot about Laurie. We didn't need another one of those. I hope they fix all of them at some point, including Quentin.
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I thought a 17y old kid had made a beautiful game and you were promoting it...
And now that I'm here I'm just disappointed in everything going on.
1 -
I never even played SH3 and she doesn't look anything alike her original. What bothers me even more is that I took a peek at actual gameplay of SH3, and yeah, somehow the Heather from 17 years ago looks better graphically than the one BHVR has in their game.
3 -
I would definitely not say that graphics are one of Dead By Daylight's strong suits by any means, but her model really does not look better in SH3 than in DBD IMO.
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Huge disagree there. SH3’s model may be way more low-poly or whatever, but the lack of detail in DBD’s model is astounding. It looks like they took her old model, upscaled the resolution, and then simplified it down to the point where it looks like the textures on her skin haven’t finished loading.
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PS2 Silent Hill games even by todays standards are amazing works of art and truly technilogical marvels.
It's really unfair of you to compare the games in this fashion and not acknowledge the good things Behavior brought for this ADAPTATION of these characters. PH looks WAY better than his SH2 model. It's post like this that the Silent Hill community and their avant garde taste get such a sobby reputation.
Btw we are getting a graphical update and some aspects look amazing. Give them a break
4 -
Now please compare Pyramid head from SH2 and DBD.
Also could you show some side by sides of the school while you're at it?
2 -
The character model looks great. Besides the face ... I think that any fan of the SH3 will be slightly disappointed. It really looks like Quentin's sister. It is not necessary to repeat the original face exactly, but it could be nicer to be honest. There are obvious problems with face models of survivors in this game, and this is not the first time I have been convinced of this.
3 -
The absolute hate is way too real with this one. Like simmer down your arrogance, do the people in your life expect the same kind of quality out of you as you do of everyone else?
3 -
The character model is indeed not as great as the original but think of this as SH3 character remake. People may not share the same opinion of her new looks IF Konami decide to do a remake of SH3 just like how Capcom did a remake of their fan favorites character Leon,Claire, Jill, Carlos and few others. There were lots of hate on their new design and it's to be expected with Cheryl design aswell even if the remake was not part of Silent Hill original game but instead a DLC for a collab.
Just be glad we got to see her again after all this years :P
0 -
Still looks better than dbd lol
1 -
Seriously, I hate “arguments” like the one you quoted. You don’t need to be an expert at something to point out something obvious.