The killers that need buffs.

Lets just start off with bubba. We all know he needs a buff and some might even say rework, but that isn’t necessary. He’s had and still has plenty of potential, just speed things up with him like chainsaw charge time, how fast he is when using his chainsaw and increase the number of swings he could do with the chainsaw, he has many more categories you can buff.
Next is Legion. Honestly all I know about him is that he’s not very good, legion mains will have to back me up on this one. I say bring old legion back I’m not sure why he was nerfed. Or even make it we’re you see everyone with killers instinct.
lastly I would say pig needs a buff. Make it where survivors can’t see the boxes to get the trap off there head. And again I’m not to familiar with pig I just know she needs a buff, again pig mains back me up✌️😉
Maybe Bubba doesnt need a rework, but definetely an add-on rework and buffs.
With the pig i feel the same, add-on rework and few buffs
Clown maybe need more buffs then the one on the ptb?
With legion idk maybe make his power counts as a basic attack like it used to be?
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Yeah bubba could use some changes with the add-ons.
For pig, eh I don't know I don't play her much
Clown does need more just for map pressure purposes but we'll see how it goes,
Legion I would like it if they got rid of when you miss a hit and you immediately because in a way its hard.
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I don't know, maybe let Legion see scratchmarks while in Frenzy? I don't understand why some killers get penalties for using their abilities. I understand the penalties for missed attacks, but I see no reason for him to not be able to see scratchmarks.
Maybe get rid or Bubba's slowdown and cooldown when he is charging his chainsaw? That would give him more anti loop potential.
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They need to look at stats. If said killer is already over 50% killrate then buffs will cause killer to be overpowered.
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I’m pretty sure they all are
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I feel bubba could use some work but not with the chainsaw. When I face a bubba it's 1 of 2 types. It's a noob who face camps the first person he hooks or it's a bubba that never M1s. He just chases people until he gets them in a dead zone then chainsaws them. I don't think he needs a faster chainsaw. He could use something that gives him more mobility or a way to apply more map pressure. Look at Freddys rework. That teleport gives him so much. I'm not saying give bubba a teleport but something like that.
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Teleporting Bubba, best idea I’ve ever heard! Devs you heard the man make bubba TP
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We should probably look at stats and remove anything outside of red. In fact red doesnt mean skill. The majority of people who face bubba lose because they dont know how to counter face camping. 50% win rate doesnt mean the killer is strong if the survivors arent skilled.
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Total Rework Buff List:
Bubba: He's boring to play as. His addons suck and most of the time do very little for him. His power has a lot of potential but dosen't really have a lot of interactivity. Hillbillity you can always do SOMETHING with his power. With bubba you basically commence a normal chase and hope you snail inch into their range after long enough to one shot them.
I think bubba would be more fun if he didn't have a terror radius but his chainsaw was louder. So he can do what he actually does in the movies. Jump out roaring with the chainsaw at you unexpectedly. As long as he still has to rev it he could be turned into a fun jumpscare killer.
Legion: He's not weak but he's not a very engaging killer to play as. If you're legion you're entire playstyle can be summed as frenzy hit one guy. Try to hit the rest if killer instinct goes off. Start to track down everyone for downs. Legion's has no real identity...excuse the pun. Even the devbs weren't clear what he was meant to be.
In the trailer reveal he tricks the survivor because he shaped like one...but his terror radius and big dorky mask will never fool any survivor unless his radius is gone and even then I rarely seen someone walk up to me thinking I'm a survivor. He's meant to be fast but his speed comes with so many restrictions.
No one really enjoys having to m1 deep wounds either really. I think legion needs some quality of life/fun reworks. But he's ok. He dosen't need it bubba does.
Fix ruleset 2. It's a horrible addon. Especially for red. No one cares if you can't see the boxes outline before the trap even activates. Big whoop.
End Game: Give her back her end game build. Survivors control when the gens are finished. I get this put solo survivors in a bad spot because other swf with them or solo might rush but there is still hatch and there is still time to remove the trap. I understand why the devs do it so the trapped survivors don't end up in a drawn out slugging fest as they get captured over and over for bait once the EDC starts but her end game power was her best part.
Now she's just another killer that you gen rush. She's lost a big part of her control of time. I don't know how the team will console her EDC and her new End Game mechanic if they decide to fix this. But they should.
Clown is not a bad killer. In terms of story and looks he's probably my fav. He is the definition of creepy, leering pervert killer. Just the way he looks I always imagine what his breath must smell like. It's mang, but in the right way. His power while good is also very standard and ultimately dosen't FEEL like it's doing alot. It's good but he needs some more interactive quality of life improvements to him. Just some general stuff to make him have more...presence...mechanically for survivor and killer.
One way I suggested in the past is that when a survivor is happy gassed they hear clowns laughing in more random directions the closer clown gets in place of terror radius and lose his red stain. So he become even better at loops than he is and has a stronger creepy clown effect or osmething. I dunno.
Rework moris from an offering to something that must be triggered conditionally for each killer like PH head does on third hook. It fixes the problem of an offering effectively allowing an early game end for survivors who were unlucky enough to be hooked first and it lets killers keep their kill animations and fear factor thematically without having to waste a mori slot for a glorified final hook animation.
Post edited by Flatskull on1 -
I don't have an issue with Clown being strictly a chase killer, but he'd have to be an absolute beast in said chases for it to work. Either way, he needs some more buffs.
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A faster chainsaw would give him more map pressure. If you buff the amount of time it tskes to fully charge the chainsaw, reduce the slowdown effect while charging the chainsaw and reduce his tantrum time hell be able to end chases very quickly. Those downs and hooks will create the map pressure.
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I think simply reducing Legion's cooldown to 2 seconds, and then reworking a few of his addons and things should be fine. With his cooldown reduced you could get rid of Cold Dirt and Joey's Mix Tape. Stab Wounds Study just needs to go, since Deep Wounds is impossible to down anybody with unless they decide to hide in a locker for 25 seconds. Frank's Mix Tape will either be useless or cancer and there is no in between. I'd say replace a few of those with addons that buff his movement speed during Frenzy or perhaps addons that reduce repair speed for those injured by Feral Frenzy for 60 seconds (sort of like Billy's Begrimed Chain).
I think that's all really. He's got some really good potential as a stall killer, he just struggles to actually capitalize on it.
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I’d rather not have bubba’s chainsaw charge movement speed buffed cause 3 stacks of pywf would have him moving close to normal speed allowing him to literally hold m2 and walk around faster than a regular killer
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Making the maps smaller was both a blessing and a curse for Pig. Yeah, I don't have to travel as far, but neither do the survivors.
As for buffs for her, increase the crouch walk speed. I'd also like to see the roar moved bad to the start of the dash, rather than the charge. Maybe dash should charge a little faster too, but the big one is her crouch walking. It needs to be faster.
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You so obviously don't know what you're talking about. Imagine thinking that a one hit killer like bubba needs a buff.
Lego or whatever doesn't need a buff either, they run supper fast and they can put everyone on mending. So easy, like?
The only killer worthy of a buff is the pig, poor girl, feel so bad whenever I go against her.
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One hit sweetie, like literally so easy to play as him. But I guess some people just struggle no matter how easy anything is made for them. I'll give you that.
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Bubba definitely needs a rework, his current power feels like an insult to what he was in the movies
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Kill rate is a super shallow way to look at balance. A two hook game can be the same as a 10 hook game according to kill rate
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I honestly believe people would run that combo because it’s just that good, if his chainsaw charging didn’t reduce his movementspeed as much it would be even better as it would be faster without losing spacing between the survivor and you when you were at 3 stacks
on a side note op legion before being changed was the worst ever.
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I'm literally rank one. Sweetie.
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Whatever, he is still easy to play as. Actually, if he is given a buff then maybe more people will start using him again. So ya, he'll go from easy to super easy.
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i think he would be infinitely better if they gave him the Clown treatment: remove the slowdowns his power gives him. What if Bubba wouldnt slow down while charging his chainsaw (or only by a tiny bit), aswell as not receiving a slowdown when cancelling his chainsaw?
the main problem i have with his power is, that you basically cant use it during chases, unless the survivor is deadzoned and you manage to walk up right behind them (where you basically already touch them). without add ons, there really isnt any other use of the power during a chase, because of exactly those slow downs!
never, NEVER bring back old legion! thats a horrible idea!
old Legion was the most annoying thing in the game, they had literally no counterplay and took absolutely no skill to be played (they also had the highest DC rates in the entire game - and i actually cant blame the people who DCed against them if i am being honest here. the games against them were just miserable, new Legion is a thousand times better for the games health than old Legion was)
if you wanna buff Legion, reduce the stun time they receive after dropping out of their power and maybe increase the powers length. But in all honesty, Legion isnt as bad as many say. they arent a great killer, but they have a very oppresive power that can stall the game very well, which people also wont be able to evade efficiently. they dont necessarily need big buffs to be good.
i think the way her traps work needs a full rework - well, not the traps themselves, but mostly the Jigsawboxes. her slowdown ability isnt at all consistent, its pure luck whether they are gonna have the trap for long times or not, which i find to be very annoying for both sides.
imo it'd be better if they worked like this: there are 5 boxes on the map. the survivor is guaranteed to obtain the key at the 4th box they search - the others increase the time the survivor has to get rid of the trap. also, the general time a trap takes to kill someone is reduced to where its balanced, considering they get time back for macabre searches. also, Jigsawboxes auras are hidden from the survivor until the trap activates (new Ruleset No. 2: traps are immediately active, no gen pop required)
hiding the Jigsawboxes aura however would not work. that way survivors wouldnt be able to get their traps off in time, unless they get extremely lucky by randomly passing by a box that happens to be the right one. the current ruleset no. 2 should be basekit id say, but once the trap is active they NEED to know the location of the boxes.
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Cannibal and Wraith need full Freddy-caliber reworks/remakes.
Trapper needs serious buffs, which should include not ever needing to pick up his power off the floor.
Pig and Legion need reworks in the vein of Doctor, because they are frustrating to play against thanks to bad mechanics (Pig's traps that encourage tunneling, and Legion's constant bleeds that are just teeth-gnashing to deal with).
Plague needs some sort of counterplay rework that doesn't completely discourage survivors from ever healing, while also making Plague not entirely reliant on players healing to use her power.
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Ok and? He still does an amazing job at killing survivors. Especially now since there are so many people that start to mess around when they see that the killer is bubba all because they think he's weak.
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None. TYIA 😂👍️
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There will always be good survivors that won't make many mistakes, this doesn't mean that we need to buff a killer for it. If you truly find him challenging to play then it seems more like a personal skill issue.
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So you're not the only one that sucks as him, that's obvi.
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Oh sure, I sooo want an easy game especially since people mostly play spirit, doc, freddy, etc, and I've clearly asked for them to be nerfed. Not.
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Hello there, I am a Legion main. I managed to get quite a few 4K's in a row using him at Rank 1.
I think he really needs some QoL changes. Power no longer draining on basic attack would be nice. Reducing the stun time to 3 seconds and removing the screen darkening would be appreciated. But most of all, give him some way to win if the Survivors decide not to heal.
That is the win condition with Legion. If the Survivors heal, you win 99% of the time. If they don't well, you better hope they aren't good at looping.
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Not in the thread but within the forum. But sure go with your poor easy game excuse. I still think he's easy and good at killing survivors.
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I do actually and yes he is also good at camping as well as playing without camping.
Your facts were opinion, sorry not sorry but calling them facts doesn't make it so.
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No, I do. I can opinionate as I please, just as much as you do with your opinion turned facts.
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Then no killer needs buffs.
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Legion is kinda bad at the cutdown and more of the first hit. and his power is boring. and its highly unlikely that they will change him to what his trailer showed and gave life and an original theme after a while. idfk man
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Make pig traps work in endgame, be a little more reliable, maybe let them have their original effect of executing people going through exit gates. The point is let them be useful and reliable.
Legion, just fix deep wounds, do SOMETHING with this affect.
Bubba is just in a weird spot, no clue what he needs
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I think we should just work our way up from the bottom fixing the worst killers first.
Legion is first on my list and then probably Clown.
Take a second off Legions fatigue after using his power and give some additional negative to getting his with FF while injured ( I don't mean lethality). This could even be like double Mend time. The point is to essentially make survivors want to heal and not just be able to outright ignore his power. Right now everyone essentially just doesn't heal and now his powers near useless the rest the game. A similar problem to Plague.
The removal of Clowns slowdown was a nice touch but he's still second to worst imo. I think he needs an additional ability or feature. I don't really have an idea here as I'm not much of a Clown player.
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plague needs buffs as well basekit let her puke damage gens
Addons that change vomit shape and direction
Addons that leave pools that slowdown like freddy snares
Addons that let her movement speed boost when someone cleanses
Honestly she's got good Survior heal pressure but nothing else. Have the vomit slow action speed on infected items
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I have a soft spot for Plague as one of my favorite killers. I just didn't recommend her because I think there's killers in worse shape before her.
"as well basekit let her puke damage gens"
I've always thought she needed that quality of life. Quite annoying having to puke and kick every single time.
Also give her a 4meter TR reduction per survivor infected and in the broken state. This encourages survivors to cleanse without any non fun mechanics debuffing them.
I think she needs an addon rework as you alluded to as well.
Most her addons revolve around improving her corrupted purge which already doesn't need buffs. She needs her addons that improve her Vile Purge like debuffs attached to being infected and things like you mentioned.
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and Bubba
These are the killers that probably need the most buffs
For clown give him multiple bottle types
For Bubba increase his speed when revving the chainsaw to like 101%
For Legion rework deep wound and decrease his cooldown
For Pig change how jigsaw box auras work
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Most killer add ons are trash. I don't want number buffs I want effects that change the powers up or do different things so I can use them differently.
Same reason I hate 80% of offerings.
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That seems reasonable.
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That summed up my issues and fixes for Legion as well.
I forgot about mentioning the power drain on basic attack. Like why? Makes no sense at all and should've been removed ages ago.
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It seems like another remnant meant to keep his old power in check. That power has been gone for an entire year now, so I think that needs to be removed as well.
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I don't think he needs a whole new rework like the Doctor. All I want for Trapper is to have his Stitched Bag as base kit and to make Bloody Coil to act as it currently does (which is injure a healthy Survivor) and to down an injured Survivor that disarms it.
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I think Trapper needs to just have a loadout of 8 traps or so, and he can always just put them down wherever. When they get tripped or disarmed, he gets them back, but never has to pick them up.
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I don't play Bubba, so I can't comment on him.
Legion: They have two mechanics in their power that punish them for being good. The power drain on a successful M1 and the complete power drain on picking up a downed Survivor while Frenzy is active. Losing power gauge for landing a hit should be either reduced or removed. Picking someone up in Frenzy should act the same as Oni picking someone up in his power. It ends it... but you keep the part of the gauge that you didn't use. The rest of Legion's power is... pretty much fine from my point of view.
Legion also has some Add ons that need some work. Franks Mix Tape and Stab Wound Study are both useless and would be too uninteractive if they weren't. Also their Debuff Pins should be modified to apply on any Frenzy hit instead of requiring a hit on someone with Killer Instinct.
Pig: Traps... they're just not consistent enough. There's a vast gulf of difference between a survivor pulling it off first try and them pulling it off on the fourth try and the Pig player has zero control over how that ends up playing out. Also that very much goes against the theme of the killer. Jigsaw's traps are laid out very deliberately and carefully. Not "Oh hey, the key is in one of these 4 boxes but even I don't know which one it is."
Pig also needs some add on work. Ruleset No 2 is just bad. It needs to do something else. Any of her add ons that mess with the Jigsaw Boxes skill checks are... overly punishing for new players and actually helpful to veteran players which is absolutely not what anyone wants. Also her Green and Purple rarities have a distinct lack of add ons for her stealth/ambush.
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Thats fine too, but it should be 10 with how large some maps are. The Silent Hill map seems to be pretty big from the streams I have been watching.
I still want Bloody Coil to be buffed to down Injured Survivors. It's not a must, but I would be nice if Survivors had to think twice before they do anything.
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Nurse's add-ons are garbage and blink recharge mechanism could be looked at
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Leatherface, Clown, Legion, Myers and maybe Wraith all need buffs
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Bubba disagrees with this immensely. He feels he is low A tier.