Survive With Friends Ranking

Survive with friends currently matches rank 1 players against rank 20 killers and it doesn't make any sense. These matches push new players out of both the killer role and the game as a whole. It would make far more sense for the survive with friends to match based on their highest ranked player. The killer doesn't choose to play in a survive with friends game, and yet they pay the price by playing against survivors far out of their league. Furthermore, the survive with friends team already has an advantage because they are likely talking through a voice chat.
Well,I'm not going to disagree. It does the exact same thing regardless of SWF. At first I heard it was supposed to be within 6 ranks. So if I'm a 10 I could get matched with a 4 or a 16. Now I'm hearing it was supposed to be within 8 ranks. So at 10 that's anywhere from a 2 to an 18. I haven't seen anything personally from the devs,so don't quote me on anything. That's just how I heard it was supposed to work. I just came back to the game in January or February and I was seeing red ranks as a rank 16 killer. I kind of just tried to push through. The only time I saw people all the same rank was when I played low rank survivor. Then all the survivors and killer were really close. They are going to do a new system,but I'm not sure how that'll look period,let alone for SWF.
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Actually, I was a rank 10 killer (and still am skill level wise) and it was tough getting just ONE rank 1 in my lobby due to matchmaking. It's simply unfair that killers are punished for a survivor's decision. If they decide to play with their friend, it is their decision that will cost their friend a possibly bad experience. It shouldn't be the other way around, seen as killers don't know if you're a swf or not and don't decide who is in their lobby.
Make sense?
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Ultimately the killer doesn't decide whether they are in a swf lobby or not, and the survivors get voice chat as well for coordination. So, it would seem the most fair thing would be to base it on the highest survivor's rank. At the end of the day plenty of rank 10 killers can't kill a rank 1 and they shouldn't be expected to. This is especially true when you have mechanics like flashlight and pallet saves that allow the rank 1 to carry the whole lobby and not just themselves. If you want to play with your rank 1 friend the cost shouldn't be to the killer but to you.
Also, if they do intend to implement the new ranking system soon then this should act a suggestion to implement into that system.
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I think maybe one of those comments were meant to be directed at me,but I'm not sure,lol. I agree with you though.
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Ultimately it's just unfair. Plenty of rank 10 killers can't deal with a rank 1 survivor and shouldn't be expected to. Then to add on to that the rank 1 can carry the lobby if ignored through flashlight and pallet saves or even body blocking. Finally, you have to add the fact that they are coordinating things which gives them another advantage against the killer. If a survivor wants to play with their rank 1 friend then the cost should be put on the survivors not the killer.
As for your second comment about a game not being challenging enough, the entire reason there is a ranking system is to avoid crushing new players. It's one thing to be "challenged" and an entire other thing to be placed in a clearly unfair match.
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The first problem is that the current ranking system doesn't even meet in the middle. It is based entirely on the lowest ranked survivor (I get matched routinely with rank 20 killers when playing with my friend). However, even if the matchmaking system would place rank 1's against rank 10's I would still argue it's unfair. The killer took no part in the choice to play a survive with friends game and yet a rank 10 killer is expected to play against a rank 1 survivor.
If you instead based it on the highest ranked survivor, then the only person with a disadvantage is the rank 20 survivor. The rank 20 CHOSE to play with his rank 1 friend, so he should have the burden of a hard match. At the end of the day if the survivor finds the matches too challenging he can choose not to play with his rank 1 friend. The killer CANNOT choose whether or not he's in a swf lobby.
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Yeah I would agree that someone always suffers and somewhere around rank 6 is probably the most fair. Then it could obviously be adjusted lower or higher based on swf win rates. Also, even if the devs can't implement this before the new ranking system, I would say it's worth keeping in mind for their new system.
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I feel the ranking of an SWF should start with the highest rank player in the group. If the highest is a rank 2, then the game will start searching for rank 2 killers. In the meantime, it should compare the ranks of the other players to the rank 2. This way, you wouldn't be getting any easy killers for the rank 2, but you wouldn't be getting any difficult killers for the lower ranking players.
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I'm a little confused on the wording here. "In the meantime, it should compare the ranks of other players to the rank 2." By this do you mean find equally skilled survivors?
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The other survivors in the swf should be compared to the rank 2 to find a killer suitable for everyone in the group to go against.
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Yeah that's what MiniPisa and I were discussing above. Hopefully this will be implemented, because right now it's based on the lowest rank not the highest.
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This just needs to be fixed honestly.
Post edited by White_Jesus on0 -
This just needs to be fixed honestly.
Post edited by White_Jesus on0 -
This just needs to be fixed honestly.