Legion rework


So I had an idea for Legion, it's a rework :

- When you start your frenzy you have 0 token, you run at 4.8m/s and you can see scratch marks and blood.

- Frenzy last 10 seconds.

- Each time you hit a survivor with frenzy you put him into deep wound status effect, you get one token and frenzy's timer restart.

- After hiting one survivor with frenzy every survivors who aren't in the deep wound status effect inside your terror radius are revealed by killer's instinct.

- Each token grants you 8% extra movement speed, makes your terror radius 4 meter bigger, reduce slightly the coldown and makes frenzy last 5 extra seconds.

- Frenzy ends if you miss a hit or if you get stun.

- When frenzy end you have to wait the 4 second coldown and you lose all tokens.

- Survivors have 10 seconds to mend while they are in the deep wound status effect.

- Mending takes 12 seconds.

- Hit a survivors who's already in the deep wound status effect with frenzy gives them 5 seconds less to mend and ends frenzy.

    (by the way I'm french so please excuse me for errors :D)