Generator regression


When you kick a gen it will start to regress slowly, but if a survivor tapp it will immediately stop regressing which makes it too easy for survivors and waste killer's time.

I suggest that survivors have to repair a gen for 5 seconds, during that 5 seconds survivor can't make gen progress and it's only after the 5 seconds that the gen will stop regressing and that the survivors will be able to make progress.


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Thats why first gen is no more done in 27 seconds, but in 35... glad to know that. (And yep, thats a real gen speed in many of my games)

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I also wish that a killer kicking the gen would instantly remove a small percentage of its progress before regression begins (probably around 5% lost per kick).

    As it currently is, kicking gens is almost never the right choice unless the killer has PGtW active or it's part of a tight-knit 3-gen tactic.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    I think before checking/adjusting gen speed repair or regression up or down perhaps gen tapping needs to be changed, good survivors can tap a gen mid chase and then start to run off leaving it for their friends to repair with little to no negatives from having kicked it.

    I think gen tapping needs to be addressed, making it a full start repair animation to remove regression, otherwise there is absolutely no value in gen kicking without perks specific to gen kicking. Since the ruin changes I run pop on nearly every killer, its the only way to get some pressure from a gen kick.