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Exhaustion add-on for med-kits?

Member Posts: 3,703

Would they be too much?

I mean having a very/ultra rare add-on which deplets the remainer of the med-kit like the syringe, that instantly refills the survivors Exhaustion penalty.

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  • Member Posts: 16,778

    The only thing which would justify such an Add-On are Exhaustion Add-Ons of Killers (like getting hit by a Hatchet because it is totally fair to spend 3Ks to disable Perks and then just using the Add On to get Dead Hard back). Those will hopefully get removed eventually.

    Other than that, I dont think that we need Stuff which messes around with the Exhaustion Mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 498

    i think it could work if it only did half or 3 quarters of the exhaustion penalty so you still have a quarter or half your exhasurion left and maybe it attakes time to put on like an anti-hemorrhagic syringe

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Yeah I did consider that as compromise. Filling half of whatever Exhaustion penalty remains would be fairer.

  • Member Posts: 498

    my question for this would be if you used vigil would you get 60 instead of 50 precent

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    I would argue the contrary. You used to be able run your exhaustion out while still in a chase for as long and as many times as you could loop the killer. And that was obviously long before infinite were fixed. That was drastically changed by only starting the exhaustion depletion when outside a chase. Swinging the pendulum more toward the mid point between those two extremes by adding an ultra rare add on you can only use once seems reasonable. You could easily slap a condition that it depletes the medkit on use, making it pointless to stack with other rare add-ons. Survivors have had pretty much every iri add on nerfed over the last 2 years. It would be nice to see something new and viable introduced. Even with this ultra rare add on, it's not as powerful as basekit survivor used to be in regards to exhaustion if you were adept at chases, especially combined with recent map changes.

  • Member Posts: 179

    The concept is broken but I think the idea is interesting. Maybe a side objective to clean status effects or reuse broken pallets for this purpose could be nice.

    The thing is that the game would be unbalanced without giving killers an extra resource to keep up with survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    I would also like to add that Michael Jackson - Speed Demon would play after using the add-on.


  • Member Posts: 14,918

    they could also make a new item like an Energy Drink, that would need some time to use (animation of drinking).

    the ultra rare one would kind of work like a syringe, so a timed reset of exhaustion, lower rarity could just work like a better but one time use vigil or something.

    a combination with other Medkit uses/addons wouldn’t be possible anymore and it can still be countered with Franklins, exhaustion killer addons.

  • Member Posts: 613

    How about adding a new Item like a water bottle or something to the game that wouldn't so much instantly give you your exhaustion perk back but instead decrease the recovery time for it, or give it new effects to remove Mangled effects etc...I think it be a cool concept to have a water bottle or something similar...

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