Can an insanely pro looper technically receive no hits and escape?

Let's say in autos heaven and killer is Bubba, other 3 survs are doing gens while the pro looper does his magic
is it possible to escape with zero hits if Bubba only goes for the looper?
If you wonder about the killer skills, let's say Monto (god-like), what do you think?
Best Answer
No it’s not. The god-tier killer leaves him and pressures the potatoes on gens. Than when he gets outpositioned later with no pallets, he get chainsawed and one hooked in the end.
But if he really goes for the looper only which makes no sense, than he’ll eventually go down.
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Anything is possible.
So yeah, it is.
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Didn't read the OP, did you?
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If a killer has skill, they should manage to get a hit at some point due to bloodlust at least. The survivor can just drop every pallet if they want in order to prevent themselves from being hit, & if their teammates gen rush fast enough then sure there could be a chance the looping survivor gets out unharmed. But the odds are quite unlikely.
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I’m on phone and sent it before finishing. Bruh.
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How could you not get at least one hit? That's like, a massive improbability, unless you are actually a fresh rank 20 facing top tier rank 1s, that didn't get there by just hiding all game and getting out with keys.
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Looper maybe not, a great JUKER
Yes then definetely yes. But then its the Killers fault to go for him and not for his teammates.
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Not every pallet is safe. It’s enough to bloodlust twice and the chase is done.
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It's not realistic to assume that your imaginary "Pro Looper" will never get even hit once.
Also, I don't consider Monto to be god-like. His builds are creative, yes, but his videos are cherry picked and he's got kind a dirty playstyle (if you're really god-like, you don't need any of that).
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Oh yes. It is possible.
I ignore these inexplicably admired 'magicians'. If they start all the non-stop looping nonsense, I simply go after the rest of the team. After taking care of them, I usually find it's just me and The Great Loopario left. What follows is usually me finding and closing the hatch, and Loopy-Loo getting caught or dying via ECG.
Happened today whilst I was doing the 3 silver emblems challenge. Was glorious.
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Well on certain maps you could potentially have good pallet RNG & get some insane loops back to back to back. It's not guaranteed that every pallet you get to is safe, but a pro-looping survivor would know the most efficient way of utilizing & running most tiles.
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It is doable as I’ve done it before. But it was on The Game map and I feel like that map has way too many ways for a survivor to duke a killer, plus it helped that the rest of my team rushed the gens whilst I got chased. I’d say the entire chase lasted for around 7 minutes and then I headed straight towards the exit gate (with the killer behind me) and escaped without being hit. I’m not sure why some killers player like this, sometimes you need to drop the chase. It was fun though as I was doing it as Jeff and it just felt abnormal using him to be the duker. 😂
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So you assume that if you went for hem you coudn’t even land a single smack all game?
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I'm not as skilled as Monto but an Ace looped the ######### out of me, I only focused on him but in the end had to go for the potatoes to reach him
I feel it is possible to get no hits if you do with surgeon-precision the loops sticked to the walls and not wasting pallets, this guy was incredible.
In the end bloodwarden saved the day and he got sacrificed, must confess even my hand had chills in the last moment
His build was DS, DH (well performed in exit gate but countered by BW), adrenaline and smth else, plus purple flashlight with addons
I regret DBD doesn't have option to record matches (I suggested), nor I ran the external recording software to show u guys
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If the survivor plays safe and knows the map inside out, and they get favourable RNG and low latency, then they could probably last a really long time without getting hit, sure. If the killer knows what they’re doing they’ll get the hit eventually but any really good killer will know to leave this kind of survivor. But if they were determined to just get this one guy, they’d get him eventually.
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No not necessarily.
I just found I was wasting time chasing them and was concerned about the gens popping. So I concentrated on that and it paid off.
I was going against an Object Of Obsession looper the other day on Red Forest, Mother's Dwelling. I knew I wasn't going to catch them, and would waste too much time attempting to. So I left them, eliminated the rest of the team, then ended the OoO looper.
I never feed the performing seals.
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If an experienced player like Monto would be playing the Killer, they would not chase someone for that long.
In theory - yes.
But this also means that the Killer really ######### up during that game. If he gets run for 5 Gens without getting a Hit, he clearly went after the wrong person and should have switched targets long ago.
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Wait what? I remember now the 4th perk was OoO, maybe was the same legend guy? Remember his name? Ace with bathrobe?
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If the theoretical killer just break the pallets when the theoretical super looper drop them and keeps going to another loop, I guess its possible on some maps with a favorable pallet generation.
However the killer can choose to not break a weak pallet and keep looping until Bloodlust kick in while the looper has nowhere to go, sacrificing map pressure for an unavoidable hit.
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No. To raise the discussion, I allow myself to use as many arguments as some people who seem very convincing, so none.
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Well, versus a Bubba, yeah is possible, but let's say the killer is Spirit/Nurse/Deathslinger/Huntress/Doctor or any insane 1v1 killer, the runner (that's how i like to call survivors that are pro at looping/juking) will go down eventually pretty fast. If you are spirit, you can end the chase in seconds since you just "teleport" behind the runner and you'll get the hit. Imagine a huntress main with thousands of hours playing only with huntress, she can just m1-m2 in 5 sec
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If the killer makes mistakes.
If the killer doesn't miss swings they will get bloodlust and catch them eventually.
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Bubbas always have NOED so I find it hard to believe he couldn't even get a hit with the extra speed.
But seriously, of course it's possible. But that survivor would have to be really good plus lucky, and that killer would have to be bad, unlucky and insanely stubborn.
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Possible, sure. Probable, no. Unless the killer is an absolute uber-potato of the highest crop, bloodlust ensures that they will be able to catch up to even the most slippery survivor at SOME point, if all they do is chase that one person.
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If the killer is an absolute potato then sure.
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Entirely depends on the killer's skill level. If they play smart and zone people back towards the areas they were just in (where there's no pallets), there's no way you could avoid a hit forever.
To put it simply, I have yet to see a good killer go an entire match without getting a single hit, even in their worst matches.
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What if all 4 survivors were on that same level with no weak link?
I feel like look for the baddie is bad advice since they could run into a full team of 3k+ hour swfs
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For the 0,1% of times this happens, yeah, this could be bad.
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"Monto (god-like)" LOL
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This is what a pro survivor did to a Freddy in the tournament the other weekend. Link the specific vod in case the embedded link gets weird
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And what's your advice for those cases?
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possible? yes.
likely? no.
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Yes its perfectly possible but not common
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that depends on many factors:
what map are they playing on, how is the pallet / window RNG, what killer do they face, how skilled is said killer / how experienced is he with that character, what is their team doing and what perks are both running?
all of these factors go into that question.
its possible, but not at all likely.
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swf beats everything and some map designs are broken AF, the killer will at some point get a hit but they game is likely to be lost tbh. i have games where chases last 15seconds max and still lose because of SWF meta. blood lodge btw still unmindgameable pallet central