What killer(s) do you guys hate (to play and face) and why?



  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Pig for both

    i just cant stand RNG based powers.

    okay technically speaking there is no RNG involved with pig, but whether you get a trap off on a box or not is still 100% luck based. its extremely inconsistent which i hate on both sides.

    as a killer they always get my traps off asap, while as a survivor its always in the last box. like, i died to a pig trap 3 games in a row, just because we had a big map and the key happened to be in the last box. cool, amazing. i learned so much from that match that helped me improve for future matches - its basically just run at the box and dont give a f*ck about the killer, cause if you dont and the key is in the last box you're gonna run out of time. just pray the killer wont go for you and let you do the box.

    they gotta make the traps consistent, where i as a survivor can tell when i get rid of it, while i as a killer can be assured they wont be getting rid of it asap, wasting my power.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    To play hag

    To face iri hatchets huntress

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    F r e d d y

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    To fight trapper

    To play nurse

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I used to be quite good on XBOX, but I'm no longer there now, wasn't on your servers though. There's probably one anyway.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    The funny thing is, everytime i come across ghostface. Often the the first way the whole group figures out it's a ghostface, is due to the expose effect.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    As survivor:I hate going against spirit

    As Killer I dislike playing nurse

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    I think plague wins both catigories. I hate playing plague because it always feels like survivors have too much control of what my power is. It's like I'm fighting my own kit to win against good survivors.

    I hate facing her though because I'm a fixated, dance with me build most times and you can't mindgame while vomiting and fixated is off 99% of the match. Nukes my entire mindgame LoS break playstyle from orbit.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Clown, for both categories.

    Against Clown he's nauseating to face because of his VFX when you're intoxicated. It makes me wanna puke at times.

    He's also really dull. In general his power means you either trick him into gassing one loop while you head to another or you pre-throw the pallet to avoid getting hit.

    He's like the M1'iest and most boring of the M1 Killers. Even Legion is better because they regularly go "WAAA UGH OOOO!" when they DS themselves, and that's pretty entertaining.

    As Clown it's the same as above. Dull.

    You throw projectiles in the general area of a given loop and then you break a pallet or hit a Survivor.

    You can't pull off any uniquely Clown tricks, do any cheeky or clever things that an M1 Killer couldn't, or otherwise use your experience with his power to do anything cool or fun.

    He's just really boring. If it weren't for his asthmatic laugh and goofy cosmetics I'd honestly never play him.

    And even so my Clown games are few and far between.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Most annoying killer to play for me is Myers, he used to be my favourite killer, but he is so outdated now and needs a rework/buff.

    I hate playing against leather face as most of the time, when you get hooked you might as well suicide, because he is going to camp. I don't suicide though.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Tbh, if Myers had either infinite stalking at base (followed by a rework to some of his addons like Tombstone piece) or had much faster stalking at base, he'd be less addon reliant, and still great. I'm leaning more to the much faster stalking at base though, since his EW1 is really hard to get out of atm, and with trees being so plentiful now, it's not very hard to waste his time. Plus, that'd also let him get more EW3's.

    Another 2 ideas that'd do a lot would just be to let him have EW3 for 90 seconds (bit busted imo) or rework his EW2 to give him some sort of mobility to make it worthwhile, since he spends most the game in EW2.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    To play: Hag. For the life of me I just can't play her. I don't have the brain cells possible to place traps correctly or use them correctly, and being 110% hurts me even more.

    To play against: M1 killers. I just find them so boring to play against. I'll always take a Deathslinger, Huntress, or Spirit over a Wraith, Trapper, or Ghostface.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651


    Huntress is annoying because of the constant none directional humming that you get to listen 90% of the time for the entire game no matter the map size. Also her super unfair 1 shot hatchet (No I don't give a damn about the fact that she can only carry one or two of those). Also her hatchet hitbox is and always has been broken.

    Leatherface becasue this killer, though fun to play as, is built in a way that no one wants to go for end game rescues because the killer can just easily face camp and kill anyone for free who tries to rescue even if your entire team comes for the rescue at the same time it's impossible if the killer has decided to play dirty, which many bubbas like to do.

    Nurse because this killer does not respect any windows, pallets, walls, or anything. Going against her is all about whether the player playing as nurse is a beginner or pro, in which case if he is a pro player, you almost might as well not try.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    I hate playing Demo and Huntress.

    Hate playing against Hag, Freddy, and Spirit.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I disagree with that, getting the bottle tosses down is practically an art form. There's tons of loops where you need to throw the bottle at the right area at the right time to actually score a hit instead of just forcing the pallet drop. Landing shots into objects above survivors is always better than landing it at their feet, and requires good aim mid-chase. Some loops you need to lob it completely up over the loop onto the other side instead of just throwing it at their feet, especially if they are about to go around an LOS blocker. There's also loops where the gas clips through the walls, allowing for very cheeky bottle hits. And all of this is in addition to needing pretty strong M1 gameplay and map knowledge to begin with.

    Now, from the survivors side, going up against it is very lame I agree. But I love playing clown.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    There’s only one killer I truly hate to play against, and that’s an experienced Nurse. I’m well aware that learning her takes time and practice and I’m sure that’s rewarding but once it’s done, isn’t it just boring to know that you’ll win every match? I know it’s extremely unfun (for me) to play against. Her existence breaks the game, and I’m not sure how a killer that literally teleports through everything could ever be balanced.

    Other killers I may enjoy less but at least there are things you can do. A really good Nurse makes you utterly powerless.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    I hate playing spirit because it's too easy

    I hate versing spirits and deathslingers, they ruin chases.

  • I hate playing Legion, Ghostface and Spirit.

    Because all of them deletes their ability if I make but 1 wrong attack, Il ike using Killer Powers and I like killers whose Power can kill people.

    This means legion is the worst imo, Cant wait for that rework.

    My favorite atm is Clown, Super fun and barels of laughs.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    I don't like Clown, Deathslinger and Freddy because I don't even get a chance to outplay them. I have no time to react against deathslinger and just throw down every pallet like a rank 20 versus Freddy and Clown. I also don't like Freddy because he's just so powerful for how brainlessly easy he is to play. You get free map teleport, massive dream snares that are almost impossible to misuse, and a free sleep timer that requires no input from the Freddy player. If Freddy took more skill like Huntress or Nurse then I would be fine getting outplayed by him. But as of right now getting "outplayed" by Freddy feels more like I got outplayed by his power and not the person controlling it.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    Right now the most annoying killers for me to face is Hag. Mostly because I've started to see more hags recently and it seems like my teammates when playing solo don't understand how to play against her.

    Huntress and Deathslinger are also up there. Huntress due to hatchets having huge hitboxes. Deathslinger because I find there's not much warning to quick scopes and his small terror radius.

    I don't really have a killer I hate playing, but I have several I just don't really play much.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Yeah, my teammates can't even figure her out either lol. I still be a dick and disarm her traps to hinder her though, since that IS her only counterplay without a flashlight. If people knew how simple it is, she wouldn't feel so strong.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    If I was going to dump all the killers into "fun" categories based on my experiences:

    Golden Ratio (Usually fun to play and play against)



    -Myers (Shape)


    Average Joe (Fine to play against, but not usually as exciting/interesting as the Golden Ratio killers)




    -Leatherface (Cannibal)



    Has Potential (Have interesting mechanics/counters, but often feel more frustrating than fun)


    -Freddy (Nightmare)


    -Ghost Face

    One-Sided (Fun for killer, not usually fun for survivors)



    Fun for None (Kind of annoying/boring to play as or against)




    This is all my opinion of course. Also not based on the power of the killers, just how fun I've found them to be in practice from either side.

    I didn't get to try Pyramid Head on the PTB, but based on what I've seen of him, I'd probably put his current state in the Average Joe or Has Potential categories (from a survivor perspective).

    A couple killers were almost in other categories, but wound up where I put them due to certain 'quirks' of their abilities. Freddy would be in One-Sided, but I find his passive awake-v- asleep mechanics to be interesting in spite of his irritating power (which, by the way, was basically stolen from Clown, Hag, and Doc). Ghost Face would be in Average Joe with a shot at Golden Ratio if only his Reveal mechanic felt like it worked with any consistency.

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220

    The Doctor will always be my enemy! I don't like to face him at all! I like to play as him tho, easy 3-4k.

    I have all the killers, but I don't play them all and there are some I still have not played, so based on the killers I have played... I don't like to play the Hag because the last time I played her, I sweat my butt off for the 4k and it was a very stressful game and I think I am just scarred now haha.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I find it kind of odd how he can spam his shock now with that one addon.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Ghostface. For whatever reason gamers love to facecamp with Ghostface, and it flat out ruins what should be an otherwise enjoyable match.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620

    The one I hate going against the most is by far Deathslinger. Freddy and Doctor are very annoying too.

    I've never even played as Nurse because she seems very difficult to play so yeah.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615
    edited June 2020

    Don't hate any.

    But i generally dislike playing Trapper & Hag, setup Killers ain't my jam.

    Also Nurse, because of the noises she makes.

    Play against?

    Uhhh...I guess Killers who do stuff simply to annoy you, like a full slug.

    Not really a specific Killer though, i like facing different kinds of Powers, whether they hinder my preferred way to play or not.

    If their Killer does make my way of playing harder, i just accept the challenge instead of disconnecting.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,222

    I cannot play Hillbilly to save my life. I still struggle to see how he is a better Oni when I consistently 3-4k with the latter. I mean, I dislike playing as Nurse and Clown as well, but at least I can play them. Hillbilly is just not enjoyable and I actively want to get the match over with.

    As for going against, I find Plague and Spirit to be my least favorite Killers. Plague because it's a game of damned if you do, damned if you don't, especially when you're like me and can't loop, and the sound effects don't help. I don't have the issues many people have with Spirit. Instead, it all has to do with my anxiety when going against her ramping to the extremes. Anxiety isn't fun.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I'd say I personally hate playing trapper or hag. I never liked them nor having to place demo's portals fr e.g. Dunno why,but i just hate killers who require me to setup using their power.

    If I had to say,I'd say I hate going against slinger and huntress. Slinger cause of the 0.15s quickscope he has,and huntress cause of the abysmal hitboxes of the hatchets. I actually mean hitboxes as of rn,and not latency. The shape of the hitbox of the hatchet is just too big and not representative of the model at all.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    I don't particularly love the range killers. I'll admit that I'm not great at FPS games. Some of my missed shots are more than just embarrassing. I just pray that I'm not playing against any popular live streamers when I play ranged killers.

    As far as killers I hate playing against, I hate playing against Doctor with a passion. That is by far the most miserable experience as a survivor. I don't really like playing as a survivor at all though.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I think I may have worded my original post incorrectly.

    I'm not suggesting Clown is a Killer that takes no skill to play as or that your experience as him doesn't help; I'm saying that the experience doesn't allow for you to do anything interesting or fun.

    I'm sure there's skill in knowing the timing and the positioning you need to get a hit, but it's still just "I throw bottle at unmoving object, you get hit or drop pallet". There's no interactivity there besides a Survivor just making the wrong choice - IF they even get one.

    Lemme explain.

    As Huntress there's all kinds of things you and a Survivor can do to mess which other, and multiple outcomes to any given interaction between the two of you.

    And the skill and timing of both you AND your opponent makes a real difference - a Meghead that made Rank 1 by just W'ing and slamming pallets will go down in seconds. It takes more than just holding W and pressing Spacebar to fight a Huntress - which is exactly what makes it so much fun to play as her.

    For Clown (IMO at least) there's none of that. It's one bottle toss, dropped pallet, and/or M1 to the next until he wins or loses.

    Nothing special happens if you hit a Survivor upside the head with a bottle, there's nothing skill based they can do to avoid getting hit - that W and Spacebar gamer will honestly probably do the best against you - and you aren't afforded any unique interactions or capabilities for getting good at Clown, besides an M1 hit that you may not have gotten otherwise.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    i hate playing Bubba and Ghostface because they basically have no power

    hate playing against doctor, plague, and probably Pyramid head because of the on screen effects. for killers whose powers i just dislike to face itd be deathslinger, spirit, freddy and legion for obvious reasons

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    The double cooldown addons are the only good addons for GF. I don't disagree about everyone using the actual best Ghostface build in the game tho. Kinda how a lot of Survivors use adrenaline, DS, and Dead Hard.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Spine chill doesn't warn you about GF and Wraith I don't think

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346
  • LivUndead
    LivUndead Member Posts: 69

    Hate playing hag, she isnt my play style.

    Dont like playing against legion they have little to no chase interaction.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited June 2020

    I hate playing against Michael because I know he 99%'d and is going to one tap me. It's also unnerving to be doing a gen and catch him in the distance doing nothing but staring.

    I hate playing as Huntress because I'm just bad at throwing hatches. I can't practice as her because the couple times I tried at red ranks i got bullied.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    It also works against Spirit making quick work of them if you don't have Iron Will. Since, y'know, knowing when she is faking her phase is kinda important.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Huh for some reason I thought it didn't. I main Ghostface and it's never been a problem and spine chill is popular. Maybe people aren't paying attention lol

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Tru3face is a trash build and anyone who think it’s his best build needs to put down Ghostfaceand be a Wraith main instead.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    it's definitely not a trash build lmao. Sloppy and nurses is great on any m1 killer. Why do you think it's bad?

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Well let’s see, first of all, between Perks like We’ll Make It and Inner Strength being popular, and the fact that the god status was removed from instaheals and dispersed to medkits as a whole, there are plenty, PLENTY of commonplace ways to heal so incredibly fast that neither Sloppy nor Nurse’s see much use. So those two Perks are now completely void. Second of all, why make them waste time healing which requires you to chase them more, when you can just, you know, stalk them? It renders their healing useless and you get much more bang for your buck out of one use of Night Shroud.

    Those are the two primary reasons: Healing has been given steady buffs ever since its original nerf, and half of Ghostface’s entire power is rendering healing utterly pointless. You can end chases much more quickly if you stalk effectively, and now you’re totally free to use half of your Perk slots on something that bolsters Ghostface’s weaknesses rather than pretends to play to his strengths, i.e. a stall or map control Perk to compensate for his lack of mobility.

    And before you say anything about getting revealed before you can stalk someone: If they can reveal you while you’re stalking, they can reveal you while you’re not stalking. Tru3face can still be revealed just as easily as normal Ghostface. If you get revealed trying to go for a free hit instead of stalking, congrats, you have no power AND the target is completely unharmed. Now you have to wait for your power to come back before you can put your “good” build into action. At least with stalking, the target can be one-shot.

    TL;DR: Tru3face is an inefficient, wasteful way to use both Night Shroud AND half your Perk slots.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Doctor is so annoying! He sounds like a freight train squealing its brakes in the distance. The shocking, screaming, and general noise when dealing with madness is..... it's just so loud. Anytime a Doctor game ends, i'm shocked by how quiet everything suddenly is.

    On top of that, being stunned at pallets and vaults feels cheap.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    I hate to play any non M1 killer because survivors like to talk ######### when you play someone who requires skill and practice. Seriously, this community is a joke due to how this game continuously pits us against each other in a "fair" competitive game. It should be a horror game with scary killers and survivors who have no chance unless you know how to play (I'd prefer a game based on hiding more than running, but what can you do?)

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I would agree if it wasn't so incredibly easy to get the addons that make night shroud only take 16 seconds to come back. If you have to wait 30 full seconds just for one free hit that's pretty terrible. I've personally never had issues with getting revealed. The mechanic is so busted atm where it just doesn't happen much for me. I could see thinking nurses and sloppy won't get use, but the tactic of using your power to be a general bother to everyone and not really committing to chases isn't a bad one at all. I personally think it's best to do both. Stalk to 99 when you can and go for those free smacks when you can, but I wouldn't call Tru3's build trash in any sense. Especially because you don't really need a perfect build to do good with GF. Also, there are a good amount of spots where you just won't get a good stalk off and need to just pop up for a hit or a grab. You aren't just going to be able to stalk and one shot every person on every gen. Obviously every has a right to their opinion and I think yours holds some water with the healing buffs. You are still slowing the game some when forcing everyone to heal and if they don't heal they're one shot anyway. Really punishes the insane people that still run self care lol