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PC - EAC Missing Required File error

Nahvie Member Posts: 9

I have zero clue what triggers this and it seems completely random, but every couple of games my Dead by Daylight will close suddenly and I get this error message:

Sometimes I can go a few games before it happens, other times it'll happen 4 games in a row. Also, each time it happens, I lose whatever item & offering I brought into the game and I de-pip. Again, not sure what triggers it. It has happened mid-chase, loading into the game, 30 seconds after spawning in, healing a teammate, etc.

I've been playing Zarina in her newest cosmetic (the one with the headphones around her neck) running the perks Adrenaline, Iron Will, Lithe, and Spine Chill. It's happened on Autohaven Wreckers and Macmillan Estate, can't recall what others it happened on. In terms of frequency, it's happened around 5 times in the past 3 days.

I have already tried validating the files multiple times as well as reinstalling the game with no luck.

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  • Winnie
    Winnie Member Posts: 1

    I'm getting the same error every few games and have tried EVERYTHING to fix it with no luck.

  • Lyfe
    Lyfe Member Posts: 197

    I’d check to see if the file is there and if it has been modified at a different time than the other paks. DO NOT TRY EDITING THE PAK. Just look at the Date Modified. This tells me whether my antivirus or something is tampering with my file.