I get very anxious before playing a killer match but not when playing survivor.

Is there a way to lower the anxiety? Honestly I have good perks on my killers and everything, but my heart starts beating hard and I don't know how to stop it for some reason its just really stressful, i feel like people are going to think I'm bad, specially since I've spent many hours on survivor instead of killer.
Best Answers
Just remember: even if you play extremely well, survivors will still think you're bad. Even if you 3-hook everyone and get a 4k, you're a bad killer.
Try not to care about what they think. I feel less anxious about playing killer now that I turned off messages and friend requests on PS4. I think you can disable the chat box if you're on PC. That might help.
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Don't worry too much about what people are going to think. This is general life advice for you that goes well beyond this game, by the way.
Accept that you might fail a little bit, but you'll still learn and improve, little by little. I was absolute trash at Spirit when I first played her, but I made the decision to commit, and I got pretty decent with her. Practice is always valuable, and failure is not even necessarily something to be ashamed of, as long as you are learning from it. Don't let any trolls in game chat tell you otherwise, because they don't know you and they don't have any power over you.
(Also, welcome to the forums! Let us know if you have any questions or need help with anything. A lot of people can offer you valuable advice for playing killer.)
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In terms of time management the cost of mistakes for killer appear much greater than the costs of mistakes for survivor. If you make a few and everyone gets out oh well queue again, survivors will likely call you baby killer etc... who cares. If you 3 or 4 kill then great cherish the moment, survivors will likely call you trash killer tunneler baby killer again who cares.
I've bought rare addons and a mori into the game before and got only one kill out of it because, I got out played and good on them for a good game. However the one guy I did kill felt the need point out how I wasted my mori, but hey I killed him with it so not wasted to me.
I think the anxiety comes from the general poor player interaction when you forget all of that and just focus on your fun this game is great. Sucks to lose expensive addons offerings to SWF swat team or even bad match-ups but there are always more to get and bp's are infinite. so the loss is minimal and the opinions of others about it are irrelevant.
Mate, I feel you completely, going into every game hoping survivors don't tell me a certain thing, but the one thing I can say is try not to care about what they think.
You play a game to have fun, don't let others ruin it for you regardless of how you play.
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ThAtS BeCaUsE KiLlEr Is StReSsFuLl. And SUrvIvOrS Are OP
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Ease up, OP is new to it and has some anxiety about it. It's probably not even that easy to open up here. Be nice.
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As others have said, it's about focusing on the right things and tempering your expectations. It doesn't matter if other people think you're bad at the game, because most of them don't know what they're talking about. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself, because having an accurate perception of your own skill level is the first step to improving.
Most of the killer games I play, especially if I'm not playing my main, I go in not expecting to win but just hoping to get some practice. And then if the survivors taunt me about missing all my hatchets or something, I can just laugh about it because target practice was all I wanted so I still succeeded in doing what I set out to do.
Basically, have a goal for yourself and try to meet that, whether your goal be a 4K, a pip, finishing a daily, or just learning a thing or two about whichever killer you're playing. If you get outplayed and don't meet it, that sucks but it's okay. Be kind to yourself. The important thing is that the only standards you're trying to meet are your own, because you can never please everyone else and you'll make yourself very unhappy trying.
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You'll get flamed whether you play good or play badly, best advice is to either turn off all incoming messages, close game chat and just move on straight after a game. Or you could take it in your stride and wind people up.
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Works every time.
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Play for yourself, not for them. You're not giving a presentation in front of an audience, you're loading into a game, chasing people like a Scooby Doo episode, and giving them a slap once in awhile.