Dead by daylight x FNAF

Alright hear me out- fnaf is pretty much clowned on for it's very toxic and juvenile fandom, and it would definitely never happen, but could you imagine being chased by an giant run-down animatronic? That would be horrifying
It wouldn't be horrifying because FNAF has no horrifying designs they all look too cartoony.
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I've said it before, I'll say it again: FNAF relies on its atmosphere to be scary. The animatronics themselves are not scary outside of the jumpscare, and the jumpscare is only scary because it had the atmosphere making you dread "something" happening.
DbD does not have that atmosphere, and the game does not support jumpscares currently, as all stealth killers have audio cues that they're nearby (snarling, breathing, fabric flapping, a roar before the dash). Can you be caught off guard? Absolutely, I've freaked out at a GF grab before, but it's not baked into the game. And an animatronic strolling around at 4.6 m/s in the distance does not to me scream "scary."
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yeah the bear that came from the game thats for 10 year olds that think jump scares are high quality horror running around with freddy and Micheal sounds real cool.
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It doesn't have to all rely on environmental horror, silent hill is also an atmospheric game, yet theyade pyramid head work, there are killers in dead by daylight with startling abilities as well, you can't imagine how many times I've squealed over a demo shredding right at me or an oni charging at me, that's scary as h*ll, lots of Indie developers have made fan games of fnaf that rely on you hiding and running away from the animatronic while having to complete objectives to win (the joy of creation: reborn). I'm bot saying they should do it, I'm not saying it's a good idea, but it's something interesting to think about
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Buddy lemme tell you right now, that game was not meant for ten year olds XD. You can make the argument that it has a very young following but scott did not intend it, for all I know he probably didn't even think the game would get all that popular
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My guy, we have an obese man in an elephant suit and soon a bunny mascot outfit for the legions-
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No, I don't think that would be horrifying.
I think it honestly would look really really silly.
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Honestly, Dead by Daylight isn't supposed to be scary in the first place. And it definitely stops being scary after like 100 hours of playtime (unless you're a Blendette at heart).
If I were to choose anyone, I'd have to vote for Springtrap, aka William Afton. He is the main antagonist of the story afterall, and Springtrap himself is pretty creepy. He can also get skins for himself (Glitchtrap from FNAF VR, Molten Springtrap from the pizzeria simulator one), giving BHVR even more ways of gaining profit.
I also heard a fanmade theme for him if he were to be in DbD, and I gotta say that I LOVE how it sounds.
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" Dead by Daylight isn't supposed to be scary in the first place"
i mean its literally says its a horror game
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Results speak louder than words.
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The bunny mascot is from silent hill and has always been regarded as a freaky character. The elephant suit is also once again more creepy than flat out horror.
Theres literally nothing scary about him
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FNAF wore itself out. The only people that want FNAF are the people who get really invested into FNAF or just recently seen it. Most people saw it when it first came out then were immedaitely bombarded with like 4 sequels and a million youtuber videos of it.
It's not about if FNAF is scary-it's not. It makes good use of minimal design to utilize jumpscares which is good design for effectively being barely animated bunch of screens of rooms-
nor is it about FNAF fitting in lore wises. It's about FNAF has reached that stage wheither the very vast majority are in the fandom, and like it, or out of the fandom and find the very presence of it groan inducing. Same with happened with My Little Pony but even MLP isn't exactly on par since while it did flood the net with its content to an almsot spamming decree in some cases, it mostly spammed the net with ORIGINAL content. While mosto of a FNAF is the same game but tweaked and the same loud lets players reacting the same way.
The only way I could see a animatronic sort of design working is to have a very original type of killer play off the construct trope. Maybe like a killer that was a sculpter and when he spawns he spawns several statues around the map that he can teleport as pretend to be with no terror radius or something gimmicky like would need more. But that could maybe work.
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you know you're right maybe if the game was about killers chasing and killing people in a area themed like horror movies like dark forest empty hospitals, abandoned traveling circus etc etc THEN it would be results but till then. PS you're a moron
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Oh, I was called a moron. I guess I lost the argument, darn.
I guess I'll just let you be entitled to your wrong opinion and move on with my day.
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do what you want its your life. Im just saying that if you think a game that the devs say is a horror game, the gameplay is a KILLER(some from horror movies) kill survivors and survivors run away from them in horror based maps isnt a horror game your just wrong and stupid. You also said it stops being scary after 100 hours that same mindset could be put into moves like this, Friday the 13th isnt a horror movie it stops being scary after the 17th viewing. Just because you played the game for so long does not change the theme of the game.
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How is the elephant suit creepy? It looks hilarious likr are you ok?
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Well considering its what we wears when he goes to childrens parties and kills kids yeah it looks creepy. Like if a man in an elephant suit like that one who looked just like the clown came up to you and your kids would you just be like "Oh haha thats funny!"? No you wouldn't. FNAFs art style isn't even horror its literally cartoonish and not real
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In general I think we need more body horror in the game. Seeing a twisted figure barge at you is much more terrifying that "spooky man with mask noooo".
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That Furry Killer Main group has some really good pig mains.... for some reason..
Post edited by Mandy on1 -
I feel like Five Night’s at Freddy’s gets an unjustified terrible reputation. People claim that the game is made for 10-year olds, meanwhile these same 10-year olds also play DbD.
I’ve always been under the impression that a Five Nights at Freddy’s chapter could be legendary. Admittedly, I am somewhat biased here because I have always loved the series. It’s didn’t earn the title, “The King of Indie Horror” for nothing. I feel like people who trash the idea of a FNaF chapter typically try to back up the weakest arguments, which is just opinions and bias hidden in disguise.
Thankfully, I’ve made a forum post a long time ago that attacks the common criticisms of a FNaF chapter. It’s not 100% complete yet, but it’s still worth sharing:
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I feel like in order for a FNAF killer to work do this:
Make is so their power has some way or mechanic that makes the map dark or reduce survivors POV making it dark to scare them an keep them on their toes.
Second if they are added make it so they can change like legion cosmetic. I wouldn't mind who anyone it but it be fun
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God that could be me! 😂
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That would be a valid point if you didn't cherry pick the most friendly looking picture you could find in a short amount of time to prove your point. Not to mention that anybody who knows anything about FNaF knows that Springtrap is going to be the most likely choice for a killer, not Freddy. And this is the very first picture you find if you google image Springtrap:
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So I decided, despite only knowing snippets, to try to delve into the FNAF lore on the official wiki so I could understand the love for the games a bit more...and I failed to learn much, I'll be honest. The lore is so sporadic and all over the place I can't really follow the logic or chain of events. To learn about one character you need to follow breadcrumbs to three different pages and even then a lot of it is listed as pure speculation.
This has led me to believe a lot of the love for the series is what fans think it could be, not what it actually is. Which isn't inherently bad, but I still believe that the atmosphere is what lets the things be scary in the moment. The atmosphere and the lack of clarity allows it to be spooky. DbD doesn't have that, and I don't think it'd work well.
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Looks like an old plastic doll. Not scary. FNAF isn't scary, it relies on jump scares and off-putting imagery.
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You literally just said that FNAF relies on off putting imagery while stating that the imagery isn't scary. Also, what the hell kind of plastic dolls have you been looking at? Everything about that implies fabric and metal. If anything looks like a plastic doll, Oni looks like an action figure.
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Off-putting doesn't mean "scary". A misaligned floor tile is off-putting. A mannequin can be off-putting.
Honestly, the image is so cartoonish that I didn't know ######### I was looking at. It looked like the holes were just melted spots, and because it looks like a doll I went with plastic.
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Cartoonish? You mean the way that absolutely everything in DbD looks like? It's going to be rather difficult to downplay FNAF's horror imagery as not good enough for DbD when they're in the same situation.
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I mean cartoonish in the sense that it looks like an evil teddy bear with fingers and toes.
DbD's graphics might be cartoonish, but the Trapper doesn't look like something you'd expect from a horror film based on Toy Story.
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Well, that's like saying that the Spirit looks Japanese-ish. That's the whole point! The animatronics are supposed to be something that used to be adored by children and got twisted into something evil. Why not just be even more blunt and say that it looks like an animatronic. It would be ridiculous to say that the Trapper doesn't seem like he belongs in DbD because it looks like something that got mutilated in a mine.
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And that's why they're not scary, they're off-putting. Living dolls aren't scary.
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I don't think any killer in DbD is scary either. Does that mean they should be removed from the game until the devs find someone scary to play the role?
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I'm expressing my opinion on FNAF and why I, personally, would not like it to be added to DbD, the same way OP and Dehitay are expressing their opinion on FNAF and why they, personally, would like it to be added to DbD. What's the problem?
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If that's true, Child's Play would be one of the least frightening horror films in history. Hell, it wouldn't even be a horror film.
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For me, it's not frightening.
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I hate that people don't FNAF the credit it deserves. It was actually really important in putting horror back on the map and introduced a whole new generation to horror with a very simple concept.
DBD isn't a horror game it's a horror themed game. A FNAF chapter would fit right in, and to be honest fits in better than a Silent Hill chapter (which i'm very excited for btw)
Whether people like it or not FNAF will become iconic in the world of horror.
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This exactly. People give it far less credit than it deserves.
I totally get why some people don’t want a FNaF chapter, and that’s totally okay if you feel that way. What isn’t okay is when people make “arguments” that are objectively flawed or incorrect, and use that to hide their opinion.
If you don’t want it, that’s okay. I can respect that. Just don’t state some BS to try and shortchange FNaF out of what it has accomplished, or what it can/can’t do.
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But then take a look at images like this:
(Hopefully that loaded; I’m on mobile)
This is an example of something that IS scary, and definitely could fit within DbD.
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I would like a FNaF Chapter.
But not a FNaF Chapter based on the games. A Chapter based on the novel series would fit more.
The games only have Springtrap... and that's it, no fitting map, no survivors. The novel series, unlike the games, has Springtrap, multiple options for maps and survivors. In addition, the novel series is completely independent (Own Story, different universe).
The lore is much clearer in the novels and they'd have more freedom on Springtrap as he doesn't have a set design in the novels, to make him fit even more into DbD. As for survivors we have multiple choices, being people that are friends of the main character (Charlie). Charlie herself couldn't be one, so the best option would be her crush/childhood friend John, with all the others appearing as legendary skins. They all encountered Springtrap before. As for maps, we have multiple options too. A map similar to haddonfield and badham, Charlies childhood home which was left to rot after her father died. Or a mall map that is hiding the left pizzaria in it.
Springtrap fits in aesthetically, with making it based on the novels maybe even more. Him being dead is also no problem since we have The Spirit for example.
Overall I believe it would be a great and unique addition to the game. The Killer also doesn't have to work with jumpscares at all, but could be another stealth killer or something completely else.
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ERR YOU GO, make him a little deteriorated, make an ambient fazbear map and there you go
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I've been wanting pyramid head for over a year and genuinely never thought it would ever happen ;-; I cried when the trailer came out- i got back into silent hill bc of it too
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And I think you're giving it too much credit. From what I recall, it put people off horror games by having just the worst fanbase and essentially being a puzzle game with jumpscares.
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Hell yea man! Springtrap would be perfect for this game. I don't really understand why people say it would be silly or stupid or not scary, mean dead by daylight isn't scary anyway, and if you wanna make the argument that it would be silly you can forget it, we literally have an obese clown with an elephant suit that sucks on pinkies-
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Here we go again....
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I take it that's fan art.
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It seems like it actually is. This however does come from official game artwork, and I think it's the most recent game? Can't tell, didn't really follow the games ever since Sister Location.
Springtrap does look significantly better and less cartoony there. Not sure why his eyes are glowing red though, it's probably something that just happens in one of the later games for some reason.
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Yes it is fan art. I was looking for a more stylized version since that would most likely be how it would be portrayed/remastered in DbD, should it be added. However, it seems like Theetis found a much better and more accurate picture, that does come from official artwork. I would recommend looking at that one instead.
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I don't think its a stretch to say the series has sold millions of games, has gotten almost a billion YT views, and was the center of gaming as a whole from late 2014 to mid 2015. Additionally, its still very popular today. FNaF: VR topped the sales charts for VR games in May 2019, despite only being out for 3 DAYS at that point.
If it wasn't for FNaF getting me into horror, I wouldn't have ever have played DbD. My point is, the series has definitely had a lasting impact, and to say that it didn't do more good than harm is, in my opinion, foolish.
EDIT: Clarification stuff