Is the Spirit actually this easy to play?

"lulz just by a headset, easy 4k!"
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Nope. That's just something salty people tell themselves when they lose to something due to their own mistakes. It's being said about Spirit, it was/is also said about Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Huntress, Shape, Hag, Cannibal, etc.
Just think about it: do you think it's easy to play a killer who can't see survivors?
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Well if you have a good headset, good ears, and Stridor, survivors can't do much to avoid you.
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As Orion said, it's just salty players that say that and have never actually played her themselves. They think any killer that is "strong" is "easy".
3/4 the killer roster just requires knowledge of looping and gen pressure, nothing special.
Spirit, like only a few other killers, actually has other skill requirements to learn. You have to track survivors while you cannot see them and are only able to go by sound or scratch marks.
Imo she's easily in the top 3 highest skill requiring killers in the game. I think most people that have actually played her extensively up to high ranks would agree with this. The few that wouldn't, would at least say top 5, and top 5 out of all the killers we have available does not put her anywhere near "easy".
I'd put Nurse, Huntress and Spirit as the hardest killers in DBD to learn to play at a top level, not in that particular order however.
Post edited by Blueberry on10 -
Yes, I mean compared to the other higher ranked killers she is pretty easy to pick up and do well with. I would know qs I got to red ranks ( for the first time ) with her almost about a year ago.
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Honestly I picked her up very quickly and instantly had better kill rates, especially vs swf groups. Do better on her with three perks than I usually do on my main pig with half the stress and effort. Dunno about anyone else but hot damn is she an ez mode powerhouse.
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I dunno, I have a hard time with Spirit. Not sure if it's my sound setup that's not up to par, but I just can't hear directional sounds well in DbD.
Other games it's fine. Testing is fine. Directional sound video demos are fine. But in DbD I hear someone groaning to the right and I look around and they're running off straight in front of me or some random direction or something.
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She works very well for survivors who can't/don't want to do anything but loop and/or rely on second chance perks. Pallets don't really bother her and she adds a tough element in the "mind game" of looping. She's usually going to hit you before you can Dead Hard, and the nature of her kit makes it very hard to tunnel enough for DS.
Survivors who know what Spirit does just keep their distance and play as if they don't want to engage a chase with her - in other words, they play like horror movie survivors and not Dead by Daylight survivors. When that's the case she can have a tough time as she doesn't want to use her power to close big gaps, she wants to conserve for short bursts. Without phase she's a one dimensional m1.
That said a coordinated swf will dump on her the same as they dump on anybody else if they're not being stupid.
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She's relatively easy to play, it won't take as long as other killers to master. You will soon know how survivors tend to play around spirit and catch up to their plays. Having good headsets will improve your gameplay. If you have stridor, it will be easier.
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She's not easy to play as or go against. That's what make the match more fun as a survivor.
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To all of you saying "Have a good headset" shoot yourself in the ######### foot! Headset doesn't make her easier to use, she needs to listen for survivor, but it relies heavily on YOUR ABILITY LISTEN I used headphones that I brought in 2010 and was able to track and listen for survivor's and down them.
She's easy to pick up and master, but her sole purpose is to trick and mindgame survivor's which is why she is hated because survivor's rely heavily on looping and not using their brain to try to outsmart or force her to mindgame herself
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She isn't easy but she isn't extremly difficult either. I think most red rank killers have a working knowledge of her and keep The Spirit in their back pocket when it's time to 4k.
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If you have a good understanding of survivor tendencies and ability to read those tendencies into each new survivor you come across, you can easily shift from a 115 M1 killer into using her with a learning curve of: use her ability often. Then yes she is easy mode compared to other killers.
I don’t care to play her because of the lack of challenge. I’m sure I’d lose on occasion (she’s not exactly auto win) but she is a very capable killer.
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She's easy to play vs potato's and hard to master vs skilled survivors.
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Difficulty is subjective, but I think it's well known across the DbD community that Spirit is one of the easiest killers (and from my own experience as well).
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people who say spirit is hard are delusional
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You're right about that one.
I'm a Spirit main on PS4 and...well, she's like...medium to easy. You can't just spawn and expect a 4k, you have to deal with gen rushers so always get yourself a gen slowing build, and good headphones as well.
If you don't know what you're doing and when to fake your phases and when to actually phase you can get your butt handed to you.
But salty survivor mains will always say "Spirit is easy, he he hee you can 4k with her easily." can't. You have to also put the effort in learning her and predicting where survivors are heading to. Also put on Stridor, always have Stridor.
This ^ ^ ^ ^100%.
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not really. She can be hard to learn, but the amount of skill she takes doesn't equal how powerful she is
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She takes time to use but not a lot, All you really need as a beginning spirit is a good headset, stridor, and duration addons.
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Avoid the first hit. She's literally just like Oni and you should play against her the same way. If you're not hurt you'll be at an advantage in chase.
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Stridor makes your breathing louder even when you're healthy.
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Wow, I'm glad that you just described to me what the perk does. Yes, perks are intended to give advantages to using them. Did you know that Nurses allows you to see the Aura's of healing survivors. Isn't that amazing!!!
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I'm saying that avoiding the first hit doesn't help much since a good spirit can still pinpoint your location.
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I'm a red rank spirit that runs stridor and I won't phase until you've been hit. It's too much of a gamble. Now I'm not saying I'm the best spirit, but I'm also not the worst. My statement is 100 percent accurate. If you're in a chase against a spirit and you're not hurt, you're at a pretty big advantage. Stridor is pretty lackluster in a chase with a healthy survivor and you've only got 3 other perks that are hopefully accomplishing something while you're chasing someone at 110 percent. And if you phase and you ######### up, you'll be at 110 percent, no phase, no hurting survivor. At that point I'd be looking to change targets.
So, I'll reiterate what I said. If you're healthy and you're being chased, you're at an advantage.
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She is a lot harder than she is given credit for, the major issue I see is that she is extremely hard to play against and I think that can throw people off.
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That's been my experience with her... and her playstyle is about the same as the Pig... I only say that as a Pig main lol
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It's easy to be a mid tier Spirit, but it's very difficult to be a good one. Anybody can track an injured Jeff holding W without Iron Will using good headphones and Stridor. A good Spirit is able to track the survivor through Iron Will and their fakes/jukes/weird pathing. A great Spirit is landing the first hit with her power and always keeps the survivors guessing as to where she actually is.
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I wouldnt call her easy. Shes a 110 killer who has to find survivors without seeing them. If a survivor runs in a straight line to a pallet, theyre getting the pallet. As long as theyre uninjured or dont have iron will, spirit is easy to mindgame. Most dont mix up their strategy. I will admit thought that 9/10 times the spirit is in control of a chase. Survivors just dont want to adapt to stealth gameplay and would rather loop, which you cant do against a good spirit player
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Nah imma spirit and nurse main and even I tell myself "God spirit/nurse are so easy!" when I lose to them if im mad lol but I know in my heart it aint true.
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Quite easy to play. Especially when you keep in mind what you get wheb "mastering" her. Especially with Stridor.
The best someone can do is to learn Nurse, but this takes long. For Spirit you only need a fraction of time to learn her with quite similar results.
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It's not that easy. She has a learning curve like every killer. If you can't use her ability well you're just an m1 killer
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She is really as easy as using a headset. When people say this they're literally not joking and are giving you the best advice for playing her because if you tried to play spirit without a headset it would be painful. She's not the easiest killer to play for beginners because honestly shes like nurse and doesn't play by the rules. But for anyone else like us on the forums, or anyone with at least a few hundred hours and a working headset, I don't see how anyone can say she is a difficult killer in the slightest.
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A killer that relies on sounds that become bugged every few patches is not easy to play. That's why I play killers like Deathslinger, because his power doesn't relie on such annoyances.
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Spirit is kind of easy to play. If you want it even more easy just play survivor. If you want a harder killer play Nurse on console with all her bugs and choose a big map.
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Well, yeah she is easy in a kind of way. But not because she is op, but because a lot of survivors dont know how to play against her.
Most survivor have just one routine and that is looping (i have just one routine too, to be fair, and that is stealthing. The good survivors are those who are good at both and can switch if needed). Thus, every killer that is not easily looped is "easy" and "op" because survivors mostly dont adept, whatever they tell you.
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just dont get hit 4head
running stridor on her is the equivalent of using training wheels on a bike, this coming from someone who used to main er before i realized how little of a challenge she is
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dear god no spirit is one of the hardest killers to master but when you do oh boy does she destroy teams
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She isn't Nurse level but the idea of "buy a headset and get easy 4ks up to red ranks" is something I always disagreed with.
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Feel like people overstate how hard she is to play. While nurse generally takes a LONG time to learn... Spirit you can pretty much master in a day. She was one of the last killers that I actually decided to pick up and try playing with instead of just lvling her to 40 for her teachables using BPs earned from other killers. I thought for SURE that it was gonna be a huge headache playing her based off what I had read on here. After getting back to back 4ks pretty much instantly as a red rank killer... I was just laughing to myself at how much people exaggerated.
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That was a highly entertaining match. However, I think those survivors were having an off day. I don't think I saw any of them run a loop with any amount of success. Against a 110 percent killer. I don't think that that video is proof of anything other than just an embarrassing match for those survivors.
Streamers do all sorts of gimmicky things because it's entertaining. And that's all that video is is exactly that entertaining. Those survivors played themselves.
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Alright, I'm loving these videos. Post another one :)
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This. Spirit gets 4k for having a headset... Freddy only gets them because he’s boring so they let him... billy is ez one shot... the list goes on. But challenge any of them to suit up and play killer and they’ll let you know they find that boring too
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I think it just depends on what the map, perk build, and even playstyle. So it really just depends I do well as her because I practice I didn't do good at all with her at first so it just depends.
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I genuinely wonder where those kinds of survivors are when I play her. I haven't played her a bunch, just enough to have a fundamental understanding of how to play her. When I do, I use her power to "mindgame" as such: pallet dropped, stand on one side, phase around short side, listen and smack/ mix up with stand wait for survivor to vault or leave loop and go in for the hit. I can only count the number of times on one hand where the survivor has vaulted vs gone to the next loop, and catching up with a 110 killer isn't as easy as it sounds, nor is locating via only sound/scratch marks. It's genuinely easiest to track through grass/ corn.
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
Omg same, I thought she was hard, but it only turned out that I didn't have surround sound (old headsets) and once I turned the Windows one on, it was easy. I still play her though, she's satisfying.
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I really do love watching these. And these videos are really good references for exactly when to try to "mind game" when standing still. That said, these survivors were really bad.
1st chase, when the spirit goes through the window the survivor just stops dead in his tracks and lets her hit him. He then puts himself into struggle phase in the first hook.
2nd survivor hides in a locker several seconds after the hook revealing that they went into a locker. That's 3 hook stages gone and that's before he used any "mind games".
After getting unhooked, the 2nd survivor runs right at him and gets hit (maybe because she was trying to suicide). Not sure.
1st survivor goes down and dies.
and 2nd survivor kills herself on second hook.
After that there's some decent game play, but at that point the game was already lost.
It's really cool that he does these videos, but I feel like there might be some cherry picking going on where he probably doesn't upload the games where it doesn't work.
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Oops double post
Post edited by johnmwarner on0 -
This is why I won’t watch YouTube if I haven’t seen them stream, too much cherry picking 4K games as killer or survivor games when they 360 a rank 15 killer three times in a row and pull off tech
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Vs potatos ? YES.
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If using a good headset and Stridor makes Spirit easy...
...then using a crosshair and a mouse makes Huntress easy.