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Is the Spirit actually this easy to play?



  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Yes. As someone who plays both roles at rank 1, she is incredibly easy to do well with. It's boring, so I don't play her much, but when I do for a daily or challenge, it's just...easy. Even 4 man SWF deathsquads aren't that bad when you play as her.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    spirit is definitely not easy to play.

    it needs awareness of your surroundings and good predictions to play her properly - bad spirits tend to get mindgamed easily by survivors during their phase walks, losing them.

    however, in comparison to some other killers out there, she is definitely rather easy to pick up and do well with - you will still need to learn her before you can do well with her, however it takes less time to get good on a spirit than to properly learn and master lets say a Oni or Wraith - at least if you are aiming for similar results.

  • Member Posts: 564

    A lot of people are saying that people say this about A LOT OF KILLERS.

    The only two killers who are easy to get *at least* 2 kills with, are Freddy, and, yes, Spirit.

    I personally don't play Freddy, but he is definitely a base-kit, good starter character. He is easy to learn, and with the right perks, can be a nightmare to play against. He's pretty fast, and has a good base-kit in general, so he's a pretty damn good and quite easy character to master.

    As for Spirit, it is not really a joke when people say "buy a $20 pair of headphones and you'll get at least 2 kills." She really is not that hard to play at all. It takes a few hours at most to master her. I got a 4k my first time playing her. I would just stand still at a pallet and it confuses people pretty good, for one. I don't play her simply because there is a very low skill level in playing her, and I know how it feels to suffer playing against her.

    HOWEVER, with any killer there is obviously a set of skills that you need in general to play. You're not going to be a god playing killer for the first time with any killer. However, if you've been playing killer for at least a few days, and decide to pick up one of these characters, they are pretty easy to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Mechanically no. It's more about mind-games, game sense and map knowledge.

    Also being a 110 killer has thrown me off after playing 115's the game before, so that's something to consider.

  • Member Posts: 564

    That being said, some killers can be easy to play depending on the addons or maps.

    For example, if you're new to hag and bring Rusty Shackles, Mint Rag, and... Hawkins, you will destroy, period.

    But Hag in general? Disgusting to learn. One of the HARDEST killers in DBD to master, but once you do, you will destroy people.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Honestly... I find that spirit is easier to play than other killers if you're an experienced killer player. I know it's kinda a meme but if you have a good headset when playing spirit, it's not THAT difficult to play as her. It really isn't, especially against the potato survivors that are making it to red rank nowadays.

    There is no chase music when phasing so you can hear survivor footsteps and moans more clearly than other killers would. You can also get a good sense of where a survivor is going to be before even phasing... by just standing still for a few seconds. Have they committed to running away or are they walking and back tracking to try and 'mind game' you? Well... stand still for a few seconds and you'll find out.

    She can suffer from gen rushing and coordinated SWF, but all killers have these problems. My point here is that her power is not as hard as many people try and make it out to be.

    Not to mention, passive phasing doesn't require any skill and can catch survivors off guard. I will admit though, she is a little bit harder to play after her collision and window vault nerfs.

    Add faster movement whilst phasing and longer duration addons and gg. The best thing to do against a good spirit player is to run as far as you physically can in hopes that she can't phase for a long enough duration to reach you. Otherwise, a good spirit player will catch you 90% of the time.

    If you haven't noticed... I kinda dislike playing against spirits!

  • Member Posts: 17

    She easy ASF to use bruh. All you need is good ears. Like idk why these killer mains say survivors are salty but it's not hard to use the spririt at all. She's so easy. All you have to do is soundwhore and follow scratch marks. If she has stridor it's gg. Ive played spirit and dude I'm telling you bro she is to simple. Also even nurse is easy to use maybe for me but they overrated how hard nurse is to use. Play both sides and you'll see. I know about loops jungle gyms and pathing. All that stuff. You need iron will to counter spririt unless she has stridor than your gonna be unlucky.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Also forgot to mention I don't use my headset really at all. Still can hear fine with any killer.

  • Member Posts: 179

    Spirit is not ez to play. Only huntress hag nurse are more difficult to play. spirit is at average skill very good and extremely good vs potatoes survivivors, and because 80% are potatos u always find a ez pick on 4 man team.

  • Member Posts: 641

    Spirit is currently one of my favorite killers to play and one that is definitely the most abuseable currently due to a perk called Stridor. People will cry that audio bugs makes Stridor unreliable to use but I'm yet to really have issues with a few hundred games running it. I don't even have trouble finding healthy survivors trying to play Hide and Seek with me (if they're not in a locker) while I run Stridor, Whispers and Mother Daughter Ring (I 100% will take a 70% movement speed increase addon because I don't even need scratch marks to hit any veteran survivor). The fact that I can do short phase walks at 236% movement speed (not just the 176% of base Spirit) and accurately hit people consecutively is borderline abusive - I don't even bother kicking most pallets on the map unless my power is down and I HAVE to chase as a 110% for a bit. My win rate on her is even higher than my 60~70% win rate (Since I track my 4Ks and 3K+Hatch on excel) on other killers even against the "sweatiest" of SWFs that split up and try to pressure gens solo while I down each person in less the a 50s no matter how many pallets they drop - honestly I get get messed up more by Septics and survivors taking hits for one another more than anything else if they're actually coordinated.

    The predictive element in her kit has be played up - release Spirit was considered weak because people didn't have enough games to realize how PINPOINT accurate you could still hear people during phase... She was annoying with the old Prayer beads but only being able to juke somewhat newer Spirits was a larger issue.

    Anyways - the people crying about not being able to hear phase sounds and getting grabbed off pallets by the "standing still" mind game aren't really aware why that's so easy to pull off... the danger of a phase hit is high because of how accurate tracking is through sound alone - forcing them into thinking it's a lose/lose.

    This is of course talking about killers who have 1000+ hours and can actually make use of this. Plenty of Lower "skilled" Spirits bomb out and juked themselves and don't run Stridor for reasons (on principle or not knowing how good it is), because I lead them around for 5 gens too... these aren't the Spirit players you should be balancing around. I'm not even a "good" killer by most people's metrics here and I am most confident on Spirit+Stridor+MD ring against ANY survivor comp even streamers with 8k+ hours.

  • Member Posts: 180

    Honestly, people who say spirit is easy clearly don't play killer much. Her ability relies on game mechanics (killer sounds and scratch marks) that are unreliable at the best of times. Good survivors are extremely hard to track because of this. The only time spirit is easy, is when your going against potato's who incredibly predictable during chases.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    No, she does take quite a bit of skill to play. However, if you have a really good headset with surround sound, it becomes much easier to play her. Pro tip for anyone who doesn't have the best headphones on PC with windows 10. Go to your win key and at the bottom right of your taskbar right click the sound button. Hover your cursor over "spatial sound" and click "windows sonic for headphones". You should now have much better surround sound (might take a little while to get used to).

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