increase Face Camping bps penalty

If you increased Face Camping bp penalty so drastically that they wouldn't get any bloodpoints for the sacrifice nor the down, perhaps it would force the face camping killers to play the game instead of holding that one survivor hostage. Show it as a status effect that they are considered Face Camping or even just Camping. (Face Camping for if they are staring at the survivor for 3 seconds straight, give them a 3 second Face Camping penalty/status effect.) (Camping if they are standing still for 5 seconds near a hook, give them an additional 5 second penalty.) Patrolling should be allowed as part of the game, which could be considered as constant movement especially when there is a free survivor in the area. (Maybe when detected as Patrolling [, an accepted method of game play, ] give the killer a status effect of patrolling which prevents my suggested Face Camping status effect from occurring for 2 seconds.) Seriously, if the killer is moving even a little, it could allow for survivor team play to rescue the hooked player. If nothing else, it could even encourage a heroic effort or cause a disastrous survivor loss. I play killers as my main, and after playing as survivor against some toxic face camping killers, I feel this idea may work. One counter to this could be to allow that if the killer is using the Insidious Perk, or a perk to cause their character to have no terror radius or reduce their terror radius to effectively zero (0), that there is no Camping nor Face Camping Penalty. (Indicating that it is fair game play when you have no terror radius.) (Or that there is no penalty if no survivor at all is within the killer's terror radius, but this might get messy with some perks which shift the terror radius to a survivor.)

Of course, if there is a survivor near the area then there should be no sort of penalty.

Also give a penalty to survivors who intentionally unhook a survivor in front of the killer (on the intention to farm points off the hooked survivor with the killer). This might be done by detecting if the player unhooking does not have a perk to help the unhooked survivor or not. A fair way to penalize farming blood points would be to not give the survivor any blood points for the unhook nor actions for the next 7 seconds. Idk if its fair to notify the offending survivor they were detected as farming at someone else's expense, but it could come up as a status effect which gets multiplied the more times they farm at someone else's expense. If a farmer is notified, they may just try to wait out the penalty, in which case they should get a severe time multiplier per farming action detected. (7 seconds times 7 seconds is 49 seconds. 7*7*7=343 seconds. 7*7*7*7=2401 seconds.) During this timed penalty, they shouldn't be able to earn any blood points, even into the next game. It should probably be capped at 2400 seconds, which is 40 minutes. (The reason for this severity is to stop farming at other's expense, and give that player a lasting penalty, but also to remove the penalty soon enough that they don't just sand bag every game they get into. But to remind them to not sand bag others.)

It seems to me that most Face Camping killers are between ranks 8-12, but I've come across just a few in their red ranks. I think red ranked survivors start to punish Face Campers, which Face Campers take as toxic game play and they face camp harder, which causes a toxic feed back loop on the mindset which the killer cant break out of. Which is why I make these suggestions, to help a killer realize when they are face camping its no fun, especially for newer players.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    But... How can they increase something that doesn't exist?

    And still rewards for doing something imo would be way easier.

  • Kamikazi
    Kamikazi Member Posts: 144

    My intention was to create something that would then exist.

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230

    why i don't agree with face camping(except OoO players i could give 2 shits what anything thinks if you run that ######### im camping your ass first hook) untill the fix the pace of the game to where hard tunneling/camping doesn't feel necessary against some teams your average player is still going to do it. Idk why behavior added a penalty to the pip system for facecamping anyway, literally noone gives a ######### about their rank because its means nothing in the current game, theres no reward for being high rank anyway so who gives a #########. BP penalty -500 bps per 10 seconds would sure as hell stop alot of facecampers, but the game doesn't need it right now because the pace of the game is so random as ######### games can go anywhere from less than 5 mins to over 20 mins, until a fix estimated time is in place that shouldn't mess with anything to do with camping and tunneling

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Tbh when i face camp its only because i want to piss off survivor and see the chat after its always a good laugh. The other time i will camp is because i see a survivor close of the struggling phase so i camp him until he enter the struggling phase i do the same if they are close to die so i dont know why i should be punish for making sure the survivor die or enter the struggling phase

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230

    i mean rank means nothing anyway. and if the surv is about to go into 2nd or die, then you shouldn't care if you ate a small bp lost obviously if you're losing more than you're camping way more than just a few seconds, and if you're using camping to piss someone off you ususally don't care about the entire match anyway, i do it when someone runs OoO i could give to shits less if i got 0 bps for the entire match to prove the point i hate that perk.

  • Kamikazi
    Kamikazi Member Posts: 144

    I can understand if a certain survivor intentionally got you upset. But I've seen several different killers in a row which were just face camping to get that one guaranteed kill, while in red ranks, in one day. Normally in red ranks I dont see face campers, so it was really odd to see 3 or 4 face campers in a row! I was only the target during one match.

    When I first started learning how to play as killer, the survivors told me I would get more kills by not tunneling. I thought that was absurd, cause tunneling guarantees you take one player out of the game ASAP. Then the next, until its just two. But I started to understand it wasnt 'fun' for that one survivor to be taken out of the game without even getting to play a little and achieve their goals. Instead I just ragdoll them all over the place.

    So I started playing to have fun, and not to just ruin someone else's experience. While having fun: I learned how to chase properly; how to lunge correctly; how to swing around corners; how to carry faster; and most importantly, how to mind game and anticipate my opponent's move. So now some games I get 4k, some 2k, and rarely ever a 0k. But whats unexpected of the survivors is that when I see a weak survivor running vs an extreme survivor running, I start chasing the extreme survivor and will take them out of the game first. In the end game lobby, it shows that I take out the high ranks first, and that they gained the least amount of points, cause I do target them. Not cause I hate them, but because if I play against them I get better experienced as a killer.

    My point in conversing with you two confessional campers is that I used to think like you too, only a few months ago, when I started playing as killer.

    I do now understand that rank scores are completely separate from blood point scores. I want to say that I cant understand how campers get into the red ranks, but they are good at goal tending, and getting into red ranks is to be good at atleast one thing. But ranks do change your game in a way. When I get to red ranks, I mostly end up playing with and against other red ranks. On "rank reset day" I get grouped with ranks 5-17 and the mess of every kind of player mixed in with lots of selfish or greedy players. In red ranks, either they go hard or they goof off. So much more fun! When not in red ranks, I've had survivors right in front of me decide to not even unhook me in the struggle phase while the killer was occupied elsewhere.

    So... where you see ranks as just a number, I see ranks as an end zone to where you can count on the actions of the best players to be the best for either their team or for themselves (most of the time), but not just random behavior. As a survivor, its my goal to join the red ranks so that I am surrounded by players that are actually better than me currently (even as I have reached red ranks for the last month). As killer, anyone who isn't red ranks against me are just too easy to play against and they aren't even fun to slaughter. As killer I suppose I am liking the challenge.

    One thing which you may see as more fun than face camping could be to use Devour Hope to mori all the survivors without using a mori. Devoir Hope encourages non-camping game play.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Camping a survivor is playing the game, regardless of how you might feel about it. I do think the bad feelings revolving around camping should be addressed, but certainly not in the way you propose.

  • Kamikazi
    Kamikazi Member Posts: 144

    I suppose face camping encourages killer interaction, and hopefully people start running Borrowed Time more often to attempt a rescue.

    Why is Object of Obsession so bad, in your opinion? I've only used it to gain adept Laurie, and another time on accident. What a weird round that was, trying to avoid looking at the killer so often. lol

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598
    edited June 2020

    Killers hate OoO because whomever runs it can tell what and where the killer is via voice chat. OoO also is a HUGE weakness on Freddy as well. The person that is running OoO can see Freddy at all times while the player is asleep. Meaning that if he's asleep, he can loop Freddy as long as he need to be since they know where Freddy is going at all times. Trapper hate it mostly because they can see where he's putting the traps, same with Hag and ect. HOWEVER! OoO get's heavly countered by stealth killers as they will see you but you won't see them so keep that in mind. I run OoO just to get better at chases and to warm up.