The REAL problem with the game right now.

The devs are too focused on balancing the game around NEW players, instead of experienced players.

The Hex: Ruin "rework" (nerf) was litterally because new players could not hit skill check, the only reason we have to spam spacebar in struggle is because new players would have a hard time hitting them.

Hell, when Freddy got released he got nerfed to the ground because new players kept crying about him, when he was in fact a very weak killer to begin with. (Now he's in a better place)

Instead of the new players adapting to the game, it's the game adapting to new players, trivializing things for those who are experienced.

If the devs don't start actually balancing things around those who are experienced, then things will not get much better.


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This is a game-as-service. It needs to be reasonably welcoming to new players in order to reach and consistently maintain a healthy player base.

    The problem with the new player experience isn't necessarily balance, as much as it is onboarding. And DBD is terminally deficient at the latter.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    You can't balance game only around experienced and top players because DBD isn't hardcore PvP game. You need to consider also the lower side of the skill spectrum. But making cater new players too much isn't healthy either. Just like Blizzard did with WoW, it can pretty much destroy a game. WoW still has pretty healthy player base but making it too easy has made a significant drop in players (also some element were added that made the game quite unbearable).

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    the only reason we have to spam spacebar in struggle is because new players would have a hard time hitting them.

    There's a diffrence between "Great" skillchecks and (possibly) autodidact like skillchecks for hook struggling.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 135

    Most things have few people at the top and much more as you go down. If you balance things for the top only, you usually end up losing your player base pretty quickly.