Can we nerf DS already?



  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    i just don't see the point in arguing with a 7000 post survivor main saying that Object is fine in anyway when its great against all killers and counters hag and trapper even in solo its still op.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    instantly make all survivors escape the trial if the killer hits a survivor that got unhooked within the last 500 seconds

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    If it really is the most used perk in the game at red ranks, then the reason is most likely because of tunneling and camping killers, simple as that. No reason to conclude that it's the most used perk because it is overpowered.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826


    Stop tunneling, stop camping and we can move forward after that.

    Can all killers promise to stop tunneling?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    • Small Game
    • Detective's Hunch (probably the absolute best anti-totem perk).
    • Map with Yellow Wire
    • Rainbow Map
    • Any map offering other than Lerys or Hawkins

    Not to mention that if you truly commit to it, you can find all the totems on any map. It's not hard to learn how totems spawn and where they spawn and search the map for them.

    Truth is, your friends should have just left you to die if they couldn't find the totem. Doc gets 1 kill. Sucks to be that guy on the hook, but better than feeding him more kills.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    I don't understand why people think using a perk is toxic ? Like people don't understand the definition of toxic.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    OOO is fine in solo. It does counter some killers but it's really not that bad. You have ways to play around it as well, with perks that give Undetectable, or add-ons that give blindness (the sole reason I run Sheep Block on Freddy).

    However in an SWF, just one OOO is borderline game breaking because that information gets shared with everyone. In solo you see a Trapper set a trap, then only you see it. In an SWF everyone sees it. Unlike DS, which needs to be stacked to have more power in a SWF, you only need 1 OOO to get a significant advantage over killer. FOR THAT REASON I think it needs to be changed.

    DS isn't that level of game breaking, even when stacked. Killer can still play around it, as Otz has shown in the video you posted. He had 2 DS in that game and still 4k'd. There are videos of him doing that with 4 DS as well. It's not that strong of a perk. But if that was a SWF with just one OOO that would be a different story because he was Trapper and they will all know where he is putting traps.

    Furthermore OOO is NOT great against all killers. It's clear you don't play much survivor with OOO, but against stealth killers it can be more of a hinderance than a help even in SWF. Wraith and Pig are probably the best against it, while Ghostface is also good against it. Myers is good against it in tier 1. Spirit can't be seen while phasing so it can backfire there. And Billy/Oni while you can see them if they are good and chase you then chances are high you will go down.

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    Learn how to loop not hide and you will escape 90% of your games ( unless you got a meg that hides behind a tree as soon as she hears a chainsaw)

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    You must be playing in a server full of bots.

    play in south korea server and you would hate playing killer.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Ah, another nerf (insert perk here) post.

    Survivors: "rework Ebony Mori's.

    Killers: "nerf every survivor perk!"

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    After successfully hitting the DS skill check the survivors profile and progress will be wiped, making them buy the game again. If they miss the skill check, they get shot in the legs and thrown off a roof.

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    Otz is a bad killer just like people who spend 3000 hours on overwatch and still stuck at platinum ranks. I watched him ones he made bad mistakes.

    my friend is a good looper and he looped Otz for 5 gens and posted it on YouTube.

    Most people are bad at loops thats and sadly the game is balanced around them.

    To me, the killer will NEVER EVER down me in 30 seconds. I can run the killer with no plallets for maximum of 40 seconds. Add up to that broken perks like DS and unbreakable killers don’t stand a chance.

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    Ok your first few suggestions was completely crazy like what the heck. I also agree that ds needs a nerf/change because it's not used for anti-tunnel at this point. Like touching a gen removes it, or unhooking someone removes it because stuff like that is what they use it for and etc like getting the killer to chase them again because they know ds will save them if they get down. But your first few was def not ok and survivor mains would go crazy if those were a thing but it does need a nerf.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    I'm cool with everyone using small game at least they can counter Noed

  • HellraisingPredator
    HellraisingPredator Member Posts: 75


  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    He only killed the guy who saved... I got out. In all of the time ive been playing( since late December, but still red rank btw its easy as survivor lol) ive only gotten the swamp a few times, so I know more totem spawns on hawkins than there. No-one put on a map offering, we just got unlucky with the map. I also couldnt run detectives, bc I was doing a vid on plunderers. The build was plunderers, ace in the hole, d's and bl. They only saved bc I had a- carried the team or b- he had insidious so they didn't know he was there, not sure which.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Like every other DS thread...

    No. DS works exactly as it is supposed to.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543
    edited June 2020

    So I take it you rarely or never play killer or on a SWF. I actually uninstalled the game, and 50% of my frustration has to do with this one perk. I was just visiting the forums to see if they finally started fixing things. See, I played killer because all my friends have left the game. DS is fundamentally an insult to anyone that wants to play killer now and here is why:

    SWFs reign supreme. When this game came out over its first two years it had lots of new players. Players that played independently where altruism was seen as a bonus and not necessity. Flash forward to now and even rank 5-20 killers are facing teams stacked with 1-6 ranked survivors with builds and on comms. Comms means they don't have to waste valuable perk slots on things like empathy or bond so it's not uncommon to run across SWFs that are entirely built with Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, maybe one Object of Obsession, and the rest filled out with Unbreakable or Sprint Bursts/Lithe/Balanced Landing. This gives them a frustrating ability to negate stealth killers completely, run from the killer even in a straight line but all they realistically have to do is get to the first pallet in order to instigate a pallet circuit, and then after the killer has done all of the hard work to get a hook- it will undoubtedly be cut short by a speedy BT/DS recovery situation.

    By the time the killer gets their first hook usually 1-3 gens have been knocked depending on how disciplined the team is. Almost always 2-3 if it is a SWF. But here's where things begin to suck hard: Body blocking. BT and DS are used to body block for teammates. These are OFFENSIVE tools in the survivors hands. The premise of the game is that the killer is supposed to be offense and survivors defense however, so it's demoralizing when the survivors are literally stabbing the killer and running away. If you've ever wondered, Decisive Strike is based on the first Halloween movie where Laurie Strode stabs Mikey to get him away. It's frustrating when you're already doing mediocre to bad and then the survivor you're chasing just stabs you, jumps off, and resets your entire chase. Worse if they're using any variation of rapid healing because then it is a total reset. It's fundamentally bad in the same way the flashlights are bad- it makes the survivor the hunter, not the hunted. It flips the roles in a game that's supposed to be asymmetric. It gives the survivors a symmetry they shouldn't have. It does more to reduce a horror game to that of party game than any other factor. The fact they have a 60 second invincible timer means they can do essentially whatever they want and it punishes even fair killers because it lasts so long a killer can forget to keep track of the time so the survivors just pops back up right before it fades and punishes them with it, hunting the hunter.

    Bonus points for all the teabagging and "git gud" that this one perk inevitably contributes to, because survivors for some reason thinks it takes a tremendous amount of skill to hit the small bar(even though small bar overcharge seems to have no effect in this new environment). The fact is: the game has stagnated while the community has evolved way past it-particularly the ability for SWFs to abuse their assets and bully killers. It's not even a new problem but it's obvious there's a low chance of it ever being fixed. The fact there are already other perks that reduce tunneling (breakout, Off the Record, Borrowed Time, etc etc etc) makes it a wonder that the devs still think having an invincible survivor perk is healthy.

    Post edited by TransverseCaster on
  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    Okay but even is the first change like ... huh ? Like what are you okay ? That is like I-

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    I don't play killer, yes I am a survivor main, yes I play SWF only, but by SWF it's usually always just me and a friend of mine. Neither of us use DS unless we are getting very unlucky and we're going against boring killers that have been tunneling and camping all night.

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