The executioner may have just given us the answer to moris..

So hear me out on this..I once designed an entire end game scenario around moris and was quite a design undertaking has part of that design for moris I suggested..moris granted under specific me thinking , what if we did this with everyone ? Then the mori offering can be changed as I think like ph, survivors need to be under specific conditions for this
Say spirit, in order to access her death hook mori , or as I'm calling it..the DOOMED state, she would need to land say 6 out of phase hits to gain access to this, or perhaps trapper, to prevent 4 trap escapes..that way the killer gets rewarded for using their powers effectively , rather than it just being given, that way it's like a small reward for good killer play and not something you can get by tunneling hooks or could very well solve the mori issue and spice up the game all at once
That’s actually a great idea! I loved it!!
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I thought it was neat too
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Can you imagine any other offering working like this? No, thank you.
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No no no..I'm talking base kit..The mori offerings can be changed more safely with this
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So if the other 3 Survivors feed the Shape the whole match, I can get mori'd even if I didn't?
Maybe the Shape's condition is that the survivor has to be red (stalked dry, or close to it). Then it wouldn't punish Survivors who were effective in avoiding feeding the Shape his Evil Within.
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Ironiclly that would be even more potent. It takes 10 seconds to stalk someone dry.
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They would have to be on death-hook, and disabling stalking by reaching EW3 gets in the way. That said, it would aso mean that a Scratced Mirror addon would prevent mini-mori'ing
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That would take too long and negate any advantage it could have offered..fir the shape hed likely need to reach ew 3 x amount of times
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Or something like that
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Here's the thing about PH's "mori": It's basically just a substitute for sacrificing someone who's already on death hook.
The ideas you mention do not seem to follow the same idea and could realistically allow for people to die before they reach death hook. That ain't something I'm really comfortable with making base kit. Beyond that, this also has the issue of screwing up balance between Killers, as Killers with easier to accomplish conditions could end up being much better than those with difficult conditions.
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The simplest change moris need is to make them usable only once a survivor is on death hook, it really ain't that deep.
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If you wanna make them useless, sure, that's a good way to go about it. If you want to make them fair, however, leave them the way they are and have survivors up their game for once.
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If a mori suddenly becomes useless because the killer actually has to work for his kills, then I don't know what to tell you. Spare me yet another paragraph of why you love moris though, I'm pretty sure I've already seen three of those coming from you.
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A mori becomes useless when hooking them is better in every conceivable way except the unique animations.
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Great idea for basekit(If conditions are met you can mori death hook survivors) but would make mories useless in general and even more so on reactive killers like trapper sense most trappers tend to have everyone dead long before they reach the 4th trap escape prevention.
Trust me in good games its an average of 3 sense 3 trap escape preventions is 3 free hook states taken away from survivors at which point if your going through that much effort or beyond for a mori you'd be better off just using Devour Hope.
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It would still be useful if, for example, you know the survivor has DS Unbreakable, or the time it takes to carry them to the hook is longer than the mori animation.
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As much as I agree that making them death-hook only would be a massive nerf, facing someone who camps & tunneles in solo Q with a mori is hardly you just dropping your game. That's like saying "Don't want to be moried? Don't get hooked"- imagine if someon said "Don't want survivors to escape with a key? Don't let them do gens"
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The point of a Mori is to quickly and effectively end the match. Pig's RBTs work the same way. Survivors keys work the same way. I don't think anyone particularly has a problem with a Mori itself, it's the players who use it to tunnel other players immediately out of the game. It shouldn't be based off death hook. At that point, what's the point besides a drawn out (cool) animation? It's probably quicker just to hook someone rather than Mori them.
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Pig's RBTs aren't meant to primarily kill survivors. They're supposed to help Pig apply pressure by ensuring that trapped survivors aren't working on the objective. RBTs are potentially lethal when Tampered Timer + 5th box addons are used, otherwise survivors have plenty of time to get the trap off. If they don't - they die, and that's a bonus for the Pig, but that is not the primary function of RBTs.
I agree with Keys requiring changes though; I don't think moris nor keys are fair, since they both just cut the game short. I will however say, that the amount of effort survivors need to put in order to get a 4 man hatch escape is vastly disproportionate to how much less effort a killer needs to put into getting a 4k with moriing everyone off of first hook.
There are two simple ways to change moris without having to overhaul their entire mechanic, and that is either to make them usable only when a survivor is on death hook, or if every individual survivor was hooked at least once. I would be fine with either of those changes, and I might actually start using them myself if that were to happen. Until then, I will despise them as a mechanic both as a survivor, and as a killer.
I do have some different ideas for keys as well, but this thread is not the place for it. Maybe I'll create one myself if I can't find a relatively recent one.
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What about changing the mori so that the killer can only use it after hooking every survivor once?
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It's all on death hook so your first part isnt true..and the advantage is so small it wont affect much
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It is because then you make a 7k offering do nothing but lose you points and its lazy
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You lose rank with moris either way. Killing everyone off of first hook with an ebony mori actually gives you a depip, a black pip best case scenario.
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Exactly..but at least it's a the lazy mori change I'll be spending points to lose what? Lol
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Ah, okay. That was not apparent to me based on your original post. My mistake.
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All good..wasnt sure why you thought it would be before that lol
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I think each Killer should give survivors difference status, not Mori. It can be
- Trapper: hindred after escape from traps until healed (his RNG still need fixed)
- Clown: stop exhaustion recovering after contact with smoke for 20sec
- Spirit: get haunted status after get a phasing hit, occasion hearing short phasing sound for 30sec if not in chase
Cant think good ideas, but still idea
Currently killer addon gives Hindred,haemorrhage, mangled are so mainstream
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Interesting idea..but this was just to pitch the idea of these built in moris..I'd prefer them to now moris as I can have fun with them without swaying the game so much
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I mean, a certain killer gives a different status effect is why make that killer stand out the others
Doc with madness, Plag with broken, Legion with deep wound, stealth killers make survivor similar to oblivious, Chainsaw with expose,Pig with her trap
Hag started with cursed but only with perks, so does Shape started with obsession which dont really make them unique
Able to Mori on last hook is indirect nerf to Sabotage, because u dont lost a hook for sacrifice
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Yet its earned and sabo should always be niche..its not a healthy meta to have as has been proven