Killer who was a Survivor

It's honestly a concept I'm surprised they haven't already released a killer for. Someone pushes to the brink by the endless torture of the trials and desperately trying to please the spidery legged entity. Clearly if Benedict Baker is anything to go by people can remember stuff here. Seriously trying to switch from victim to killer isn't a great leap of logic to make, especially given the eternal hell the survivors are in. I think it'd make for an interesting character with themed cultisty perks of a person desperate to please at any cost and willing to make any sacrifice to stay away from that eternal hell ever again. Desperately clubbing survivors with rocks and moving ladders to help hook them to curry the entities favour initially and generally throwing enough of a wrench into the trial formula for the entity to take action to the wrench in the cogs of it's well oiled machine. Clearly the entity can make someone strong and is willing to take someone like Adris seeking to devote themselves for salvation and turn them into a tool for its own ends. I don't see why it wouldn't do the same in its own trials. Might be a decent opportunity to introduce an alternative to bbq that doesn't stack with it for killers as well so people don't feel pigeonholed into taking it just for the bp and perhaps have alteratives. They would be particularly desperate to please after all.
Likely the killer would have one simple design moto, "Better to be the Torturer than the Tortured" A devils bargain if there ever was one.
The problem with this happening is that it contradicts lore.
When a survivor loses all hope, the entity takes them, and stores them in a separate realm of sorts, in which they are lifeless husks, hollow compared to their former selves.
Even if the entity would do this before they lost all hope, this would considerably decrease the hope of survivors upon seeing their friend turned into a murderer.
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I don't know, I think it'd be a source of hope for the traitor survivor. It's an opportunity for salvation, an opportunity to do something to truly change how things are going for them. I would be far more surprised if it wasn't tried many times before. It seems an extremely obvious solution to getting impaled on the regular. Certainly a shot I'd take in the situation.
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Edge lord teen gang who loved causing havok to the point the entity snagged them, rampaging stealing and destroying for fun. Vs someone making a last chance swap of allegiance, desperate to please for the salvation of the entity, not sure where the similarities are. Could see it a little bit if the trailer wasn't total bunk though and actually was a representative thing. Nothing about legion lore seems similar.
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Don't remember mentioning masks or hoodies, or even a knife.
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You say that but it's the entity we're talking about. It could probably gift him giant spider legs or something if it wanted to.