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How many charges per health state?

madradfox Member Posts: 190

How are health states and their healing cost calculated with respect to medkit charges?

For example: I have had situations where the 16 charge medkit without addons: 1. did not actually heal a full state (blanked out at 99%) 2. healed one state and then dissaperaed (standard) and 3. healed one and had a fraction of charges left (progression bonus for great checks?).

If it is theoretically 16 charges/state, does that mean

  1. All kits stacked with 32 charges will heal two states (at different speeds depending on kit)?
  2. Adding a 12 charge add-on will not grant you another full state heal of yourself?
  3. How does self-care 20% "efficiency" bonus affect this? Is it charges/speed/both?
  4. How do progression bonuses (Sponge) affect this? Do they speed-up progression by automatically consuming remaining charges?
  5. Is the charges/state cost the same when healing yourself and when healing others with a medkit?

Best Answers

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,545
    Answer ✓

    16 per health state so 32 is two health states

    12 is not 16 so you will be left at 3/4 till the next health state

    Efficiency only affects the duration in which your medkit will last before expiring due to usage, it will not increase speed

    speeding up healing reduces charges faster, but in the case of Great Skill checks, it circumvents the usage of the item and adds the flat % increase in progression instead. This is how people saved their brown medkits before the item rework. A brown medkit only provides enough charges for one heal, if you did not land a great skill check the medkit would have been consumed.

    Charges are charges regardless of who you use it on, there are medkits that provide speed bonuses depending on who you use it on, though.