Breakable Wall idea for basic long wall jungle gyms

Nooooo. Just no. That variation of the jubgle gym is actuall the easier one to mindgame. Just give the survivor the pallet, and then approach from the extended wall near pallet while moonwalking = easy shutdown. We don't need any more breakable walls that make tiles easy mode for killers
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Edit: the drawing is wrong too. The wall on the left near pallet doesn't extend longer than the corner. And there is also a detached wall parrallel to that pallet
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Breakable walls should never be used for regular tiles such as jungle gyms or L/T walls. Those tiles are nowhere near being overpowered, and the killer can use his skill to mindgame survivors on many occassions.
I personally don't even know any old maps that breakable walls could spawn all over the place, other than Lery's and maybe Hawkins. The only places I can actually imagine them spawning in would be certain main buildings, but there aren't many spots that could fit them in without having to alter the entire building's layout. The map reworks also took care of most problematic window loops, which is basically what breakable walls were meant to counter, so yeah. I don't know what the devs would have to do in order to get them to spawn on all maps.
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You do realize that both of the basic jungle gym tiles are unmindgameable right and become an infinite for a somewhat decent survivor...
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@SquillDBD unmindgamable? Wow ok, sure thing.
All this post and your reply tells me is that you're not that good at killer. The play I told you in my comment is literally a mindgame/outplay.
You can also mindgame long wall tile by faking a vault and then vaulting to catch them out. You can also not give them the fast vault from pallet by chasing through the interior and getting the pallet dropped asap by not respecting it to get that tile weakened quickly. Moonwalking is a thing too. But yeah, you keep thinking it's unmindgamable
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How about learning how to play loops?
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There is only so much a mind game can do especially when the survivor can literally see through the wall. I play a lot of survivor and always end up chaining loops and wasting a ton of time on these op jungle gyms. The killer needs some sense of control over the chase because right now a lot of it is up to the survivor.
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That's not true, you're bad if you think so
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no, learn to mindgame
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it's alright vs average suvivors, but yeah, playing vs good survivors who chain tiles it is pain in the ass.
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They can only see through part of the jungle gym walls now. Like, literally the tiniest gap in the corner of the locker-side wall.
Lol jungle gyms are not 'op' XD i'm guessing you don't attempt to even do outside of the box plays at these tiles, as killer? You just follow and moonwalk occasionally?
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Green X = survivor
Red X = killer
Blue line = pallet
Pink line = vault
Grey arrow = unpredictable killer route that ALWAYS works!
After this, if you're still gonna insist jungle gyms are op and need nerfing, then I have no more words left in me for you, love.
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You're wrong on all counts.