New MMR will send fake red ranks back to R15
All you need to do is measure success to decide the direction of the change and measure the MMR of the other players to decide the magnitude of the change. From there everything will work itself out over time.
Good players are the players that succeed more than bad players. Worrying about the how's is an inappropriate use of a ranking system.
So long as you are measuring success as your primary metric, sooner or later the most optimal players will be sorted to the top while least optimal players will be sorted to the bottom.
The RNG doesn't matter because it applies to everyone meaning it will even out over several games.
Abuse of overpowered mechanics only kinda matters, but is also a quality you would expect an optimal player to have. Aka: The best player uses the best build and uses it to maximum effectiveness.
If a mechanic is so overpowered that anyone using it is practically getting a free win, then trying to solve that with the MMR is not the appropriate use of an MMR system. Such a problem is for the balance team to solve, not the matchmaking team.
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Who knows what its gonna look like at this point.
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What is success, if you say escaping then 9/10 players who actually know about DBD will laugh. Even the Devs would laugh at you, I mean right now you can escape and black pip
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And if the devs do laugh then the are explicity contradicting text they wrote in game.
This game has a tutorial. Said tutorial spells out the win conditions. Survivors win if they escape. Killers win if they kill the Survivors. Simple as that.
A ranking system that doesn't use the win conditions doesn't make the win condition the wrong win condition. All it means is that the ranking system is not using the win conditions to determine who does and does not rank up, which only means matchmaking won't be sorting by who is the most optimal player like it should. There is no deeper meaning and this isn't the only game to do that.
Saying 9/10 DBD players will laugh at means just means that 9/10 DBD players didn't read the tutorial and came to an objectively wrong conclusion about the win conditions as a result.
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Guys guys guys. The win condition is fun! Did you have fun?! Then you win!
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Oh, so it will be hidden. I was confused, thank you.
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Aaaawwww~ ❤️🧡💛
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I think AI could be pretty good, it could catch deviations from regular matches. But I wouldn't take those Archive challenges as a measure factor to train AI.
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If you play with friends the friend with the best rating should be the 'Score' that app lies. If you want to play with your friends of different skill level...that would have never hit up the same lobby of not for SWF. The penalty should be best survivor rating is all that counts.
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My thoughts on the win condition of dbd
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Thats what I was saying. We don't have the info to truly know how it will work but I believe it should also be off the highest rated player to make it fairer for the killer.
This means in the OP's scenario they will still get those players who shouldn't be in the high ranked brackets due to swf.
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Exactly. I know what’s like and it’s so frustrating to get teammates like that.
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Great. I'm gonna be against sweaty Freddy mains all day, every day. Its all anyone plays at true Rank 1.
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New MMR can also make fake grey ranks too.
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The devs make the game and they make the rules. They can make an MMR system based on whatever they define as winning/scoring.
As a simple example, they could make a MMR system based on escapes or kills...hell they could make a rating system on how many time a survivor tea bags in a match...or a killer hits ppl on the hook per match.
We can launch people into space, but coming up with a MMR system for dbd is impossible...