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Hex: Retribution card description bug

thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

"A hex that lashes out upon its destruction. Those who cross you will be punished. Any Survivor who cleanses a Dull Totem will suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 45 seconds. If any Hex Totem is cleansed, including this one, the auras of all Survivors are revealed for 10 seconds."

Want to report a potential bug with Hex: Retribution. Above is the exact card description taken from the game. Doing tests, I found that if the totem is destroyed, both the Oblivious and aura effects are not applied to any totem cleansed afterwards. All other Hex perk cards specify that the Hex effect persists until the totem is destroyed, but Retribution does not.

So either 1) this is a bug with the card and it's supposed to say "The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing." or 2) the perk is supposed to provide these effects even if cleansed and it does not.

If you ask my opinion, #2 is how the perk should work. There is a lot more value when it works regardless if the totem is cleansed or not. It becomes a lot more viable for builds outside of pure totem builds (eg. Retribution and NOED becomes a strong combo).

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  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    All hex perks are disabled after being cleansed. They are tied to that lit totem , so if it's gone then the perk is gone too.

    They just forgot to add that text.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes but this perk does not say this.

    I had this argument with a friend. It makes no sense for every other totem to have this text but not this one. Either the text is missing OR the perk is not working as intended (where it should inflict Oblivious/show the aura even after the totem is cleansed).