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Moris really suck
you say that until theres 4 blendettes on a dark ass map as a swf have fun with that game, blendettes get mori'd thats the rule
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Rancor is only useable at the end of the game and the obsession has ample time to hide before the last gen gets done.You usually get to mori only one person too.
DH can be removed before it even gets useful and you don't get any stacks when survivors save immediatly.
Both perks have clear counterplay.
Your idea would lead to a situation in which all survivors would just hide all game after the forth hook.Not fun for either side
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That isn't what this thread is about. It's about an issue with a game mechanic implementation, not about someone's subjective rules of engagement.
God, can you imagine if game balance discussions went this way in the Behaviour offices? Like, imagine four grown adults with careers and life experience having this conversation.
- Person 1: Should we change Moris? Their net effect is to delete 33% of life states for survivors, decrease rank and BP gain for killers, and alter the entire game flow.
- Person 2: Freaking entitled survivor main! WHATTABOUT keys??? WHATTABOUT Borrowed Time??? WHATTABOUT Blendettes??? WHATTABOUT [insert whatever other whataboutism]??? Blendettes get mori'd THEM'S THE RULES.
- Person 3: OK, you can delete Moris but also all meta survivor perks get deleted too!
- Person 4: LOL rank doesn't matter dude, and I got all the BP I need.
I swear, I dunno why I even start these threads, because players always get way too emotional and can't look at anything from a mechanical game health perspective.
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just remove all killers
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What the, and I must emphasize specifically the toxic survivors basically want.
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The point I’m making is this is just copy/paste of every other one of these types of post so it will easily be ignored you have to add information on things that could be changed to make everyone’s experience better cuz never will they delete moris if anything what’s bound to happen soon is Mori offerings will be removed but they will be base kit dead hook on all killers I feel like pyramid head is the gateway to this change OmgImBlurry made a whole video discussing this on YouTube you should definitely check it out
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I am not vain enough to truly believe that any suggestion I make about game mechanics will be picked up by developers who read these forums. That is not how game development works. So, in that sense, maybe I am just another fool who is wasting my time, shouting into the ether.
In the past, I have proposed the idea of moris only working when a survivor is at the death hook state. Others have pointed out that this would make moris useless, and there is logic to this. My issue is that the entire use case of a mori is the issue, and this is the only way I can think of to retain the current "killer presses a button to execute a unique animation and remove a downed survivor from the game" implementation. My other suggestion is:
- Yellow Mori: Keep as-is, and potentially change to green rarity. Having this available for only the final survivor is not a ruinous use case.
- Green Mori: Keep as-is, and potentially change to red rarity. It's still problematic, but at least it only impacts one player and not the entire match, and would still be regarded as a big threat.
- Red Mori: Just straight-up replace this with something else, with a new offering that has a different name and effect entirely.
As far as the speculation on Executioner being a trial balloon for adding these kinds of mechanics into a killer's base kit, I think that's a radically different discussion. In Executioner's case, the special mori mechanic is tied to specific conditions that the killer must first meet. It isn't an all-or-nothing sea change from the moment the match begins. I could see ways that this might potentially work without totally wrecking the game.
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Survivors dont want strong killers strong killer perks or strong addons. They dont want killers to killers to play optimally either. They just want bots that play by their rigged rulebook so just remove killers and replace them with real bots or just remove killers so they can have their gen simulator easy escape they want so bad.
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I covered this kind of reaction in my OP.
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Moris and keys are already getting nerf at some point so shut up and wait you entitled surv main not to mention theres 40 other mori posts going on atm
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1) They are? Where are you seeing this?
2) The fact that you are calling me a survivor main tells me you didn't even read my original post.
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Big facts! Moris ruin the game and encourage salty killers to tunnel off hook.
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Unfortunately moris kinda need to stay in the game while second chance perks and SWF dominate every killer.
I'll agree that a mori against a bunch of solos is unbalanced, but against a SWF they're fine. Even ebonys.
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Read the whole post. I lay out a case about this singular mechanic having a way more specifically degenerate impact than any perk or item possibly can. If you're going to reply, at least consider what I said as part of your reply.
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Mori's count as a hook state according to the wiki. So provided you don't mori off first hook you should be fine when it comes to rank.
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Well,99% of all killers are using their mori off first hook.
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At 29:26
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Let's nerf keys first. Being that they are more common and can literally be found in chests.
Can I find a mori in a chest?
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The killer should only be able to mori survivors after they have already hooked every single survivor at least once.
So let’s say Meg gets hooked and Claudette saves...the killer is gonna chase Claudette so they can actually work towards their mori instead of tunneling Meg and ending her game in two minutes.
After the killer hooks every survivor at least once in the trial, THEN they should be able to mori who they want.
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Ya I noticed it's a shame because it really is a boring thing. I like a lot of the animations, but the first hook mori can be a tad annoying.