Should killers have 5 or 6 perks instead of 4

I thought of this and its kinda like why does a killer have 4 vs the potential 16 he has to go against since its a 4v1? Wouldn't the game balance out alot better if the killer was given 5 or 6 to cover alot more areas and help recover from mistake more easily just like survs can
No. Perks are balanced around only having 4 slots available.
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But swf gives free perks because of the info
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Solo's would literally be trash. Also, top tier killers would become broken. It's balanced around 4 perks, leave it as it is.
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No, no, and no.
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The game was balanced around having 4 perks for each player. I don't think changing that is a good idea.
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No. The only way to make that work would be to restrict perks by category. Like gen slown down chase etc. And limit them to one per category. It would be too strong otherwise.
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As a person who plays a lot of SWF, I still equip tons of niche aura perks, mainly because they provide precise feedback about where my teammates (or other things) are. I don't believe that there is really any perk that is completely negated by SWF. Sure, SWF communication can grant a lot of benefits, but claiming that SWF gives survivors "free perks" just doesn't add up to me.
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Short answer - No
Long answer - Not really
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Unless you never want the game to be balanced. Last thing they need is to cut down perks to balance out the fact that we would have 5+
Maybe in KYF for experimentation purposes, I don't see why this couldn't be a possibility. But not outside of that.
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I always thought it would be interesting if rank 1s on either side got 5 perks instead of 4.
Not sure how bad it would break ######### though
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I wondered recently about maybe having more Add-ons like the Nurse's spoon and Bad Man Keepsake, addons to their powers that mimic their Teachable Perks, like if Leatherface's chainsaw had Franklin's Demise or Knock Out on it. a Survivor intoxicated by the Clown's bottles closed off the next window they vaulted through, or Survivors became exhausted while ripping up a Demogorgon portal.
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No thank you.Dealing with 5 second chance perks instead of 4 doesn't sound super fun >.>
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But youd have 5 perks too...think of tge try it.
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imagine if you could run all the perks at once
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SWF's aren't effective enough to require a Killer to have more than 4 perks.
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Thanks for the laugh :)
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If you lost with 4 perks, you will lose with 5 perks. I’d rather the Devs just balance the game around the top tier players and not the potatoes.
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Finally found a twin soul
YES, we DO need! At least a 5th for both sides
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So does a headset.
No headset and Stridor is still worse than just a headset. #banheadsets
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This is the reason we can't have it in the game. I agree totally that the killer should have more perks than survivors though but it's far too late to change that. I've made suggestions before where every character gets one of their teachables randomly as an additional perk each match but anything more than that would start a character meta for survivors.
This is also true. I really want them to address SWF already because it's really unfair how 4 survivors can have easily 8+ perks each and coordination while the killer is limited to 4 while possibly losing more depending on the perks ran (that they can counter completely or remove)
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Short answer: No
Middle answer: No
Long answer: No
Long long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooo!!
I hope that describes how I feel about the question.
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I wonder how hexes would even work if run the 5 lol.
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That should be common sense, but again that would not work at the moment. For example I'm a rank 1 killer. A lot of my games are easy 4k's. Then you have about 1-2 better groups in about 10 games and you only get 1-2 kills... maybe even none. But if they would take the killers to a higher level, the easy games would be even easier. You could then deal with the strong groups, but most games would be incredibly easy. I definetly wouldn't like that.
So first of all we need a proper ranking system. We have way too many potatoes in the red ranks. There are far too many up there that don't belong there.
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They'd need to change the core of the game if they gave the killer more perks,considering the game was built around 4 perks for each side as some people already noted.
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i mean the core of the game needs to change anyway, in its current state its pretty bad.
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You are not wrong there,but that would take too long. I think you know that urself aswell,doubt the devs would ever do it.
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they won't they rather take the easier way out by continuing to nerf survs and buff killers, which sure helps against swf but really hinders solo surv or even duo surv
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I mean they themselves said dbd is assymetrical. Can never be a 100% balanced game,so we can just come closer to balance. What they are doing right now,is don't know how to describe it. They made some good changes,but also some very questionable ones I guess,if you could say.
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you're right it is a assymertical game but the issue is that alot of times the survivors are more in control than the actual powerhouse, which doesn't make any sense
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I think anyone that has enough experience can say that. But is it completely true? 4man swf is powerful,very. Especially if you combine in toolboxes and keys. But,is a spirit with an ebony and god knows how much slowdown any weaker than that? Doubt.
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The game was built around solos to...
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Yea A headset is equal to 4 people communicating in a game not designed for communication.
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Ah here comes the swf argument. If you have a problem with losing against swfs,just play bubba with an ebony and facecamp. Or just do gen slow down spirit with stridor,put some strong addons and just destroy everyone. Run something that's equally strong,doesn't matter. You are guaranteed to atleast 2k with bubba if you facecamp with an ebony,even more if the survs play like idiots and give themselves to you. The solution might not be a fun one,but it is a solution cause it solves the problem of LOSING against swf.
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So Survivors get to gave unfair advantages so they can have easy games and fun but killers have to play to not have fun and still not win and get screamed at for not following the survivors rulebook yea no thanks just buff killers or fix swf.
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Actually,I don't see how rushing gens is fun. How do you see holding m1 as fun? Explain that please. Swf's who play sweaty aren't playing for fun,and they aren't having fun doing it. They are doing it to win. Killers don't have to win,but so won't swf if you play as ######### as you can as the killer aswell. Being screamed at for not following the survivors rulebook just means that you care about something that was made up by the community. Why do you care about something that doesn't exist at all,and is just a made up thing? Why do you care about the survivors rulebook? Survivors rulebook,definition-made up term from the community which has 0 ######### whatsoever with the game. If you care about it,you are pathetic and are following random made up rules. You should play how you want,you shouldn't be forced by others' opinions on how to play it. I guess you are just too weak to take all the dumbass insults which have 0 logic,that people throw at ya. Are you playing this game because you want to entertain others,or better said following the survivors rulebook,or to entertain yourself?
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I Dont care about their rulebook but im tired of coming here seeing them crying post after post because someone didn't do what they wanted.
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If you didn't care about their rulebook,you wouldn't be tired of all the crying posts. You'd just ignore them,stop lying to yourself.
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Their crying leads to nerfs and reworks