Puh LEASE add the next gay or lesbian character without their sexuality being their focus.

So what I mean is don't make them super stereotypical/make their lore ALL about them being gay/lesbian. I don't mind gay characters hell I'm a gay trap myself and I wouldn't mind a femboy character bein added but like...I don't want the typical flamboyant gay man or the typical "My life was terrible because of my sexuality." gay or lesbian character. If you just added that the character had a same sex partner in the backstory or made their partner an important person in their lore great! Just please plan this correctly because at the moment it seems like pandering. (EDIT: Can you guys stop calling gays and lesbians qu**r its still a widely used slur and is still used against us)
Can we pleeeeease stop with "My opinion on this whole sexual orientation drama #3722728" ?
It's sooo unimportant and negligible.Maybe just wait and see what they are gonna do and then give your opinion?
4 -
This exactly.
I'd love the addition of a LGBTQ character, but don't have their sexuality be their main focus. That would ultimately undermine the purpose of an LGBT character to begin with. It would make something thats supposed to be inclusive stick out like a sore thumb.
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No we really can't because this is looking like a blatant use of gays and lesbians just for the sake of PR and publicity. Why's it so bad to give her public opinion so behavior knows what the community would like to see?
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I don't care about lore at all. I'd rather get some rainbow cosmetics
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It's obvious pandering and a PR stunt.
It's ....wow, weren't we talking about this in the beginning of June? lol
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oooh a fellow writer! But yeah I play Feng to relate cause shes extremely feminine and chinese and her sexuality is completely up who knows which is what I like about DBD cause you can find characters you relate too and make them relate to you more with head canons n stuff.
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Me and you interact/agree with a lot of things I've noticed.
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I mean,yes.Doing this kind of announcement seemed like a bad move on their part,honestly.
It feels like the next character is gonna be LGBTQ just for the sake of being LGBTQ.Being subtle about it in the backstory or cosmetics for example would seem like a better move.
But i think we should just wait and see how Behaviour is gonna handle this topic.
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Behavior are hit and miss with stuff like this. For Yui they were really pushing for "female empowerment", but it just felt like they were going through a checklist. They mentioned she had a stalker for example...and then moved on to the next bullet point. Compare that to Hag and how in-depth it went with her fighting off HER aggressors...and its VERY different. Some of the character bios really give ya a good idea on who they are while others just feel like a resume. I can definitely understand though wanting more than just a token gay guy.
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I cant be the only one that sees Ace as the stereotypical flamboyant gay dude...like if they released that as lore it wouldnt suprise me a bit
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Yeah I actually liked Hag's backstory for that and I love Yui but I noticed hers and Jane's rift archive kinda felt like a bit of a...political statement rather than an actual backstory for a character.
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Of course.
Making it a big announcement like that was a bad move in my opinion.
Now that character will just feel like he/she is LGBTQ for the sake of being LGBTQ.They should have been subtle about it.That's it
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I see Ace as just a typical old man with a gambling addiction lol
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This. Exactly.
Marvel didn't handle it well, they forced it. Then Ice-Man was cancelled.
BioWare didn't do it well, they forced it. Andromeda didn't do well.
TLOF2 isn't doing it well, they forced it. To be announced.
Dragon Age did it well.
Nier:Automata did it well, very subtle too.
I guess we'll see BVHR.
Oh yeah, and Batwoman didn't do it well, they forced it.
And well, you know. Ruby Rose quit and the show it going to the crapper.
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Pretty much they should focus on making an interesting character...that just happens to be gay. If ya want that to be an important aspect, thats fine...but it shouldnt be the center of the character's world.
Heres an example of a gay character done right. They gave us a likeable character who didnt feel the need to remind us about their sexual preferences every 5 seconds. As a matter of fact, it was only really brought to the foreground 2/3s of the way through the season when she had to let Steve down gently by telling him.
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Robin is possibly the greatest example of an LGBT character in media because it shows shes just a normal girl who likes girls and Steve is along with everyone else is perfectly fine with it.
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I think it'd be easier if their first queer character is a killer. Naturally, their story will focus on why they have their power.
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Please don't use that word...
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Do you mean the last of us when you say TLOF2 or am i missing a game to be announced.
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Can't upvote this enough, lets stop with the hyberbole.
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Wait, what word? I'm completely clueless here.
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Yeah I always like seeing LGBT characters ofc but it'll get on my nerves if it's done in a clumsy or checkboxy way. Just do it like nurse or legion imo, who have opposite sex partners but that obviously isn't the focus of their existence.
I dunno if the announcement was the right way to go about it rather than just doing it, but the thought is appreciated.
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Qu**r. Its still a slur to a lot of LGBT people.
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Can you guys stop sayin qu**r in this comment section ^-^
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Now it's a catch-all term for any and all people who're not cis and heterosexual. Hence LGBTQ, if you put the Q there. It was "taken back" from the bigots, if you will.
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The Q originally meant questioning. Despite whats being said in the media its still very widely used and regarded to as a slur and obviously it bugs me so leave it at that.
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And I'm trying to tell you it doesn't have to. Trust me, you can tell the difference when someone uses it to be a bigot and when someone uses it the proper way.
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Honey, I said it makes me severely uncomfortable I know it doesn't have to be but I can't exactly just have it stop bugging me and I don't want to be referred too as that its not a hard thing to ask.
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That's fine. I just don't want you to think of these people as bigots.
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Dont worry I dont its just something that me and a lot of other LGBT do kinda see as touchy so I was just saying for me personally please don't say it.
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Thank you so much and dont worry I know you didn't mean harm by it <3
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In a game where you get brutally impaled sexuality doesn't matter can we just not mention sexuality at all and leave it up to the fans to interpret in their fanfiction
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That ship sailed long ago, with the Nurse.
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Np, hope you have a good pride month <3
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Happened with nurse?
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Nurse's husband is quite explicitly mentioned in her lore.
If you'd read the devs' tweet, you'd see that the they're just saying that while, originally, they didn't intend to explicitly confirm characters' sexual orientations, they'd already done that with heterosexuals and their vision of the game is not the same as it once was. Therefore, they will go "all in" and just say everyone's orientation.
It amazes me that nobody seemed to notice that some characters already had their orientations "confirmed" and are only making a fuss now that the devs want to confirm more than just heterosexuals' orientations.
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I don't really read the lore so it doesn't matter to me also I can't give my opinion in the second half of your statement because it might start an argument someone will probably get offended and I'll get banned
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If you don't read lore and say it doesn't matter, why are you complaining about it? The lore is where it'll be mentioned.
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Literally no one is forcing you to read the lore...if it bothers you so much, ignore it and just play the damn game, or does that require a bit too much thought process for you? It has completely no affect on the gameplay, you can play the game for months and not have to read a single detail about the lore so you have no reason to even complain about it...
edit: this isn't directed at OP, just people who claim it would be bad for gameplay, or don't like the idea of gay people existing in the games they play.
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You don't read the lore, which is where it'll be mentioned, so it won't affect you at all. Looks like this problem resolved itself :)
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Welp time to get banned
I complain about sexuality not mattering to begin with because this is a game about people getting brutally murdered not about what person David or Laurie was dating before they died
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It's also possible to create a character that is gay without ever even mentioning it. Create their lore with the mindset of them being gay. Maybe a pin or something subtle added to their outfit. Idk what it would be, though.
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Yeah, that won't get you banned. I don't know why you thought it would since many people have said that, myself included.
I agree, it doesn't matter. However, since it's been here since Nurse, they might as well go all in. Why stop at heterosexual relationships?
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I mean this was posted in the general discussion not lore or off topic so this does affect me in a way
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Fun fact: it's not that they're going to create explicitly non-heterosexual characters, it's that they have already been created, but weren't "outed" as such.
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Oh, come on, now you're just being silly. You didn't have to click on this thread and read it. You didn't have to comment on it. Those were your choices.
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It was but it's also the op choice to post it here instead of the more dedicated discussions for it I'm at fault but there are other discussions this could have been posted in
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Pretty sure the nurse and wraith thing is not canon and was just for cosmetics, the devs in I believe a QnA awhile back have stated killers do not interact with each other between trials and they are simply in a void or being tortured by the entity. My opinion on this is that its unnecessary and not really needed. Its your character you are playing and controlling if you want you can just fill in the blanks yourself and think what you want of them, also lol can’t you right now make a femboy legion with a cosmetic glitch?
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Indeed, this should've been in the Feedback section. That still doesn't mean your complaint makes sense. If you see a thread like this, just ignore it.
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Nurse's husband is mentioned in her lore.