Puh LEASE add the next gay or lesbian character without their sexuality being their focus.
I don't really see a point in it really. I believe that the devs stated multiple times that sexuality of the characters in this game (except the licensed ones) is completely up to the players' imagination. So, what's the problem?
I don't see how it is reasonable for them to have an original character who is DEFINITELY lgbt and don't have any original characters who are DEFINITELY straight. That's just double standards right there.
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Thing is,did they make some kind of announcement for that?
No they didn't.They just mentioned it in her backstory and that's it.
The tweet was unnecassary.Just put that character in the game,mention his/her orientation in their lore or cosmetics and let the community find it out on their own.And maybe then put out a tweet like they did now.
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They do have characters who are (presumably) confirmed straight. If you'd read the tweet, you'd see that's the whole point. They already have characters who are confirmed straight, so they're confirming the others who may or may not be LGBT.
The devs like to make announcements about stuff they add to the game, I don't know what to tell you. Were you this upset about other announcements of stuff they were adding?
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Okay, maybe I missed something, but give me an exact example where the "straightness" of a character was confirmed. Given that "presumably" and "confirmed" are two different terms. There are confirmed couples, like Sally and Philip or Frank and Julie, but there's not a word said that they like only an opposite sex. They can still easily be bisexual or pansexual, for example.
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Wow, someone who remembers we bisexuals exist. Kudos.
Anyway, the devs are the ones who said they'd already confirmed some characters were heterosexuals, so some of those with past or present heterosexual relationships must be heterosexual themselves.
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No,but can't they do it more or less the same way they did with clown?
The devs said they would never add a clown to the game and then they surprised us with the clown.They didn't need to put up a tweet to announce that they will add a clown to the game.They just did it.
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They decided to go with an announcement this time, just like they did for other stuff. Why is it a problem?
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I thought I recall them saying that, probably the safest response to that question. “Your David may be gay but my David isn’t” pretty okay balance tbh
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It just feels a bit dishonest on their part.
Don't you think that making this kind of announcement puts more focus on orientation than it needs to?
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Is queer a bad word now? Just asking, I see people use the term all the time, but now its bad? Ummm, its used in mainstream TV shows.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer_Eye
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I think the devs were trying to do something nice and put out a positive announcement. It doesn't need to be a big deal if you don't make it one.
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I just want to see more Blood/Gore/Horror, the REAL focus this game should be.
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why not both?
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Because why does it have to be focused on something else? i don't go into some games and feel like focus needs to be shifted i just want to play a game.
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Yeah,it seems like they aren't doing this kind of announcement as a means of making more money but rather to show a bit of support to an important cause.
At the end we will get a new character that will probably just have a few hints here and there about his/hers orientation and that's it.
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I don't really think this is going to have a massive impact on the game. Unless they change all the male characters default clothes to leather and the females' to flannel shirts. And instead of hooks survivors are now impaled on pride flags.
Which probably isn't going to happen.
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No true, i would prefer a new survivor though that supports the LGBT community, and let us all carry on thinking and letting us think who could be or not with the old ones, the devs can do a lot with new survs i feel even two new survs.
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Indeed, just like they've been doing for heterosexual characters.
People may say the devs are super greedy, but they do support certain causes. They've done so in the past, with announcements (remember the Charity Case?), but for some reason now that it's about LGBT, all of a sudden it's political or a PR stunt, shouldn't be done, will be done poorly, is a waste of time, etc.
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Alright, now I want to impale people on pride flags.
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So the devs can take our critics? Like the times before about nearly everything? Ha, good one. Nearly laughed.
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stop.please. we already have overwatch being a pain. not here, not now