Thought's on LGBT characters



  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I mean from a lore stand point, if you're trapped around the same people for eons on end I'm pretty sure the concept of being straight flies out the window for most people.

    Even being killed, chased, and scarified become monotonous. I'm sure a lot of survivors and killers are just said ######### it and did the deed, even demo to some degree.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    They're fictional characters. I think it's highly possible the developers could easily change their minds on a characters sexual preference before it's officially confirmed.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Indeed, and it speaks to the normality of LGBT people that it would make no difference whatsoever.

  • Mogletmox
    Mogletmox Member Posts: 24

    literaly makes 0 difference to gameplay what sexuality the charecters are ,so i couldnt care less

    and at the end of the day you can decide what sexuality they are if u wanted to regardless of what the devs say ..their just pixels not real ppl

    only thing thing im sick of seeing is all these threads and arguements / in ifghting it causes .. as if the gameplay is going to change becuase of lore of char background

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621
  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147

    Here’s the thing. More games have representation now but not all. The fact you’re gay and don’t think this is an issue is kind of sad.

    It’s cool you enjoy playing games and don’t think about sexuality, I’m sure many people don’t. However, when a game let’s you choose whether you’re straight or gay (or anything in between), it’s actually nice, whether you believe it to be pandering or not. The fact is the World has come a long way, and the fact videogames, which is something many of us enjoy to escape, are hearing us and seeing us isn’t a bad thing.

    there is still so much wrong the world but even little things like this show progress and how people CAN change. BHVR are displaying this in what they’ve said.

    The more representation means in time, less phobia and more understanding... even if it’s minuscule due to representation in a game, it’s still progress.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Except the killer doesn't give a ######### if your gay or not, equality kills!

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2020

    "Less phobia and more understanding" is wishful thinking. You are under the mistaken impression that people hold prejudice because they are ignorant. Quite the opposite: Prejudice is learned behavior, and people are learning it watching twitter raid streamer chats and insist that anyone who dissents from their talking points is a filthy evil bigot that must be punished.

    Nothing about this fixes anything in the world or progresses anything other than your own ego and sense of gratification. Every time this happens the people doing it go on at length about how righteous and better than everyone else they think they are for it. This is privilege, pure and simple. You're privileged enough to live in a culture that not only tolerates LGBT but punishes people who don't. You're privileged enough to have enough time to complain on the internet because you feel like a videogame is leaving you out. You're privileged enough to stand behind the iron bulwark of social justice so everyone is afraid to call you out.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I'm not sorry I don't follow the mainstream opinion. Forcing diversity into everything creates two dimensional characters and, at the end of the day, is just corporate pandering.

  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147

    There’s a mix of people - those who are ignorant and those like you said have been taught. This is why I said minuscule - I’m not naive to believe everyone who plays will be like “oh, this doesn’t change the character at all... go figure”, but you can’t assume it won’t make any difference.

    I do know people who’ve had those misconceptions, who were taught to be prejudice... who aren’t now. There are those who realise it’s wrong to hate on someone because of who they love/any other reason.

    some people are just bad, but not all. Some people can learn and grow. It’s just difficult remembering that, especially with the current climate.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    The climate will get worse as long as the LGBT community and social justice movement keep trying to inject their idealisms into hobbies and interests that have no real place for it. What business do they have hounding a videogame developer for inclusivity exactly? What is inclusivity? Is a single line in a character's backstory enough, or do we need a character running around in a trans acceptance rainbow shirt and neon blue hair? Trick question: It's never enough because the whole process is pure egotism. It might not be that way for you but I guarantee you it's that way for a significant amount of the people supporting you.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    Yes, please demean my talking points by reducing me to a caricature. That'll help change minds and promote tolerance.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    That was just a joke because your statement was also sarcastic.

    at least that’s what I thought..? You were not really serious?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Your mind is made up. You genuinely believe there's some massive conspiracy to blackmail companies into including certain themes in everything. What's there to debate?

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    There is an element of sarcasm, with the trans acceptance rainbow shirt and neon hair bit, but that's more of an intentional extreme absurdity to make a point. Honestly I don't find this all that funny.

    Yeah, and your mind was made up too. This has happened before. It will happen again. It is a fact. I already cited Cyberpunk 2077 as a direct example and you still deny it as a "conspiracy theory" right before you regurgitate standard rhetoric for your cause. Your method of argument is a joke.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,202

    I like the idea, but I think people would take it way too seriously.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    maybe, but it still a +18 game so i think it could be explained

  • HelloThere
    HelloThere Member Posts: 59

    I didn't mean that inclusion is more important than saving lives and ending oppression.I do know (actually meant death sentence) and it breaks my heart. But do you know why we have a Pride Paredes even though in some countries the biggest problems are already gone. To be loud and show we are just people who want to live a normal life and spread awareness. Inclusion and representation can normalize LGBT and maybe can change people's perspective on that matter. Maybe it can change those countries two. The parallel is that if we making LGBT normal than LGBT persons don't have as many proplems to face.

    Also why is it such a bad thing if there was an gay character in dbd? It doesn't hurt you or does it?

    I didn't even know that they were planning to release a gay character until I read in the forum about this. I don't care if they didn't do something like that. I think it's nice.

    Please don't assume that i never faced "real" problems. In this case i wouldn't fit your description of "real" problems. Juat the fear of discrimination and non exception.

    Please show me evidence that the developers are at risk of a ######### storm. Wait scratch that they already have half of a ######### Strom from doing it from people that can't mind their own business.

    Yea this is a circus bc people scream at them why they have to make a gay character without a real reason. This is tracer all over again.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    You didn't even know eh? Well that's nice, but this was all prompted by direct demands on twitter toward DbD devs via their community manager. They were pressured into doing this. That's the problem, right there. Not because a character is gay or DbD were feeling particularly warm and fuzzy, but because they were PRESSURED into doing so under tacit threat of backlash. That is not how you win hearts and minds. Quite the opposite, actually, it's how you alienate them.

    "This is tracer all over again" oh you mean a totally pointless and meaningless corporate gesture to pacify a demographic of consumers? Good, we're on the same page.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    "False information" look at the comments. I've got work today I don't have time to joust with someone that calls me a liar.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    If you don't care enough why should I? Scroll through them. Besides, I find it funny that you demand proof that people are threatened by backlash when there's truck loads of empirical evidence for it happening multiple times a year every year. The social justice community has even been satirized by South Park as a bunch of frat boy bully thought police and you still don't get it. That community is the threat. Not LGBT people, not cosmetics in a videogame, but a coordinated group of social engineers punishing anyone and everyone that questions their worldview.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    Funny, it's like you ignored EVERYTHING after the first two sentences of my post because you can't actually form a coherent argument. I pointed at proof BHVR were pressured, lots of it. When pressured you either say "yes" or you receive an unceasing shitstorm of epic proportions. That is called a tacit threat. Now, are you a human being with thoughts capable of understanding complex concepts or are you a forum goblin that only argues according to your program?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You posted a tweet and expected people to dig through thousands of comments to find proof for your argument. You're essentially saying "I made the argument, now you go look for proof that I'm right", which is absurd.

    Show me the proof. It's that simple.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited June 2020

    Don’t bother asking, I actually scrolled a little bit through the comments. There are no threats. Not even demands nor questions for LGBT+ chars. Just a few cosmetic pleas, LGBT-related or shirtless x. Totally normal.

    there are also comment like „ew“ and barfing smileys, so it doesn’t seem hardcore censored.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Even if there was a ‚threat‘, it would be so minor that probably no one from BHVR noticed, they can’t really read every single comment for every tweet.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Naturally, but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes, I'm sure the issue with the LGBT night club was the "LGBT" part and not the "night club" part.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    I'm fine with it. it's something i for one don't really care for since I don't read the lore, but still I think it'd be a neat little thing

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Dude you act like Dead by daylight characters are super complex deeply layered character studies and only the inclusion of the LGBT element would make character studies and only the inclusion of the LGBT element would make them two dimensional.

    Meg's character can literally be summarised as girl likes Sports and her mum. Literally adding that she used to have a girlfriend doesn't make her any less complex than she already is because honestly there is no way you can get less than that

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Idc if they're added or not. Why people care either way is beyond me.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    It’s just pandering to the social justice crowd, in an effort to not be attacked by SJW. I’m just worried about the next part. I mean, I hope they add in whatever sexual identity that want but, no matter what they choose, they will probably open up the flood gates to the internet harassment team who will

    A) Always demand more. They cannot and will not be happy.

    B) Be upset with the sexual identity you choose. Like, how dare you make David a Heterosexual white male, he already had two strikes against him and it was very important that he be Gay.

    C) Publicly shame the company for not doing more and donating money.

    Sorry, but all the real people in my neck of the woods do not need representation to feel normal or inclusive. Your just some person, living in a country that has more rights and benefits then most, and your taking advantage of it to use your personal sexual identity to control, manipulate and attack anyone or any company on an attempt to win victim points or free money or sad self satisfaction that you ‘did something’.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    So you are a forum goblin on a program then? Good thing for me to know. See you think nobody knows your tricks. You really legitimately think nobody notices how you have a pre-selected method of argument with easy responses based on baited statements. I say "existential threat" and describe to you the immediately observable and easily recognized social justice movement as that threat. Instead you constantly and repeatedly misrepresent my argument by demanding proof of direct verbal threats until someone comes running to rescue you from your own pathetic broken argument. Even if I produced a tweet with a direct verbal threat in it you would immediately jump to "THAT'S ONE PERSON AND DOESN'T REPRESENT THE WHOLE!" You're not as quick on the draw as you think you are. You're a sophist without a hint of reason in your rhetorical constructs.

    Nobody is fooled by this act anymore. Everybody can see what's happening here. You think you're buying tolerance and inclusivity with this behavior but you're not. All you're doing is culturing an entire group of silent bigots reading these posts that can see exactly what you're doing. The alternative, that you're merely a well programmed tool regurgitating the same talking points you've heard over and over again, is equally damaging to the cause of LGBT people. Beware, cautious avoidance can turn into active hatred very quickly.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2020

    Imagine being so out of touch with reality you consider anyone that challenges you a nonsensical over the top caricature instead of an actual person. Must be a sad way to live. Oh wait, nobody lives that way because you created this imaginary person and the words they speak so they're not really alive and only exist in your head. You know what I thought when I got up this morning? "Man I don't want to go to work." But guess what? I went anyway. Then I come back to you rather disagreeable folk. You'll never learn and, apparently, neither will I.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Who cares if the Characters are gay or not? Does it change the core concept of the game play? Why is this even a discussion.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    Because nobody cared, or had to care, up until just recently. "Who cares?" Well, the people that demanded change care. Then the people who do care voiced their opinions and here we are. What a shock: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    Deal with it, because if you don't value what I say I don't have any reason to care what you think either.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    Well first of all you posed a question with no quote, so I would interpret that as a free invitation answer it. So I did. But then you decided to get all butthurt about someone replying to you. Apparently I was supposed to be telepathic and figure out that your post, though having no discerning features that involve a direct reply to a singular individual, was in fact only directed toward one person and nobody else should even dare to acquire your attention for the few moments it takes to read some text.

    Seems like you're the one that wants to argue over nothing. Indeed, you argue over someone trying to answer your question genuinely. So to you I say this: Deal with it, nerd.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Until BHVR adds a gay survivor who's literally a walking stereotype. And it doesn't change the fact that it's corporate pandering.

  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    You can't salvage it now my dude, so don't try. A lack of quote implies nothing of the sort and it's actually pretty funny that you're even trying to say that it does. It's even more funny that, for someone that accuses me of wanting to argue over nothing, you are arguing right now at this very moment about something that's not even close to on-topic. Oh no, please, don't call me out in the process of having a tantrum because you feel like my answer didn't kiss your ass enough. 🤣

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Corporations pander to everybody.

    It's where the whole sex sells phrase comes from.

    No Michael Bay totally showed off Megan Fox because it was important to the plot it wasn't just to get horny teenagers into the seats.

    In horror films there's always goes to strip and jiggle about but that is totally because of the price not just because it gets money.

    Have you ever noticed generic shooter covers box art in video games words where is the lone soldier standing with a Wasteland in the background. That's dependent to the target demographic because they found it cool.

    Sorry to drop this bombshell on you but anytime a company appeals to their target demographic it's pandering