Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Leatherface Rework Idea

32 meter Terror Radius

115% Movement speed

Power: Chainsaw Rampage -

Charge for 2 seconds to enter a rampage, during the charge you move at 3.68 (92%). While in a rampage you move at 5 M/S (125%) and will down Survivors you run into instantly. You may press M1 to cancel the rampage early. If you run into an obstacle the rampage will be forcibly canceled and if the obstacle was a pallet it will be broken.

Charging a rampage or being in a rampage depletes the power gauge. The gauge holds 5 seconds worth of usage and will start to refill after 2 seconds of not being used. After the pause it takes 6 seconds to refill to full from empty. It much be recharged for at least 2.5 seconds from empty (after the pause) for the power to be used.

Note: this means by default a rampage can last up to 3 seconds.

Hitting a Survivor with the chainsaw or a basic attack will instantly refill the power bar. If you are in a rampage this will extend the maximum duration of the rampage.

Note: with perfect timing each chainsaw hit can extend a rampage by up to 5 seconds


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited June 2020

    To be fair, I'm using the term "rework" losely here.

    The things changing is:

    • How often the chainsaw can be used (no cooldown -> variable cooldown max 8 seconds)
    • Acceleration (Takes the entire rampage to reach top speed -> Instantly set to 125% MS)
    • Maximum rampage time (3 seconds always -> 3 seconds extended by chainsaw hits)
    • He now can cancel the rampage
    • Charge movement speed is increased to match billies
    • No tantrum

    That's pretty much it.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You move a bit faster when charging the chainsaw and suddenly move fast when releasing it instead of having a build up period.

    The cooldown makes it much harder to use for camping since you can't hold it charged up like you can now.

    If you hit a wall you just stop entirely like billy instead of going into a tantrum.

    Rampage duration is refreshed on chainsaw hit. M1 hits also refresh the cooldown.

    Otherwise it's basically the same as now. Still breaks pallets, still can use the saw to down groups. Only now the power has anti-loop potential moreso than just camping potential.

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    I think this is a great idea. I have mostly only used Leatherface as a killer, but as you get higher in the ranks, he becomes less and less "equipped" to face them.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    No thanks players need to learn not to feed campers not get a reward for unsafe unhooks

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I mean true, but Leatherface still needs a buff in the chase either way and if I want to make it a big one then something has to give.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Dont get me wrong im all for a buff taking him to his bbq unlock was awful.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    ill never touch him again anyway but i dont know its fair but part of me loves king camper bubba because it pisses survivors off.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I mean you can still kinda do that with this. It's just not quite as free.

    I'm sure the bonus chase potential would more than make up for that however.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Nerfs his ability to facecamp, 1/10

  • marked
    marked Member Posts: 18

    I love the idea but I feel 5.0 M/S with full manuverbilty would make him to strong maybe decrease it to 4.0 M/S or 4.5 M/S because 5.0 is almost as fast as legion and 5 seconds can feel pretty long with a refreashe legion speed and full munoverbilty so love the idea over all and it would make him one of my favorite killers just nerf the speed a bit

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    It's 3 seconds unless you've already hit someone.

    4 M/S would mean he would never catch up to anyone ever in order to use the saw, and even 4.5 isn't fast enough to have any sort of anti-loop potential. And if he can't anti-loop with his power then there really isn't any point of playing him over other instant down Killers.

    Basically him being able to put himself at 5 M/S is the answer to the question of "why not just use Billy?"

    Also. In terms of a straightaway, this is just the beast marks addon but with the acceleration flattened completely and the charge speed reduction removed.

    And you're comparing his speed to Legion as if it's a direct comparison.

    Legions power:

    * Has no start-up

    * Can be use to vault windows super fast

    * Can be used to vault pallets

    * Has over triple the duration

    * Grant's him tracking on hit

    * Can be lunged out of

    * Slows the game down

    * Is still 0.2 M/S faster

    By comparison Leatherface has no tracking, no patrol mobility and absolutely no stall. The only thing he has potential going for him by process of elimination is the chase, so that means his chase potential needs to be on par with Huntress, who has arguably the best chase in the game due to her long range and low cooldown hatchets.

    And it can't just be that his instant down alone is just so powerful that he doesn't need any utility or anti-loop, because of the other 4 Instant down Killers all of them have lots of utility AND a better instant down.

  • marked
    marked Member Posts: 18

    Good points and I think any speed non devs suggest will be largely arbitrary seeing as we can’t test every speed to see what let’s you catch up with survivors with out being an easy catch almost every time

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You'd be surprised. Like I said, discounting the charge stuff this version of Leatherface travels roughly the same distance as current Beast Mark's Leatherface.

    Plus Play with your food exists and 2 PWYF stacks is just above 5 M/S

    And we did have a 5 M/S Legion for awhile. That last one acting as definitive proof you can temporary loop a 125% Killer although not for very long (hence why Legions speed needed to be buffed back to 5.2 M/S).

    Also bloodlust 2

  • marked
    marked Member Posts: 18

    I wasn’t around for 5.0 legion and I don’t use PWYF at all and almost never play surviver so I can’t verfeiy that but I’am assuming this game isn’t broken and you can loop those things for more then 3 seconds I feel 5.0 M/S would be good

  • marked
    marked Member Posts: 18

    And what If anything would you change about the end of it and that awkward lunge that slows you down a weird feeling amount before you go back to normal speed personally I would completely remove it

  • marked
    marked Member Posts: 18

    Maybe even increase duration by a bit like 3.someting seconds to make charging up while in a chase not a death sentence 90% of the time or at least that is what happens to me when playing bubba (granted I’am trash with him)