Remove or Revamp Haddonfield

Or at the very least get rid of the "Great Walls of China" that frequently appear on it. There should never be a fence that covers at least half the side of an entire tileset. It's not fun for either side. I honestly can't believe between all the complaining I've been seeing, from both survivors and killers, that this map wasn't given priority to change in at least some capacity.
Pretty obvious why this map is annoying for most killers except for maybe Ghostface, but I find it equally annoying as a survivor to play on. The great walls alone restrict so much in terms of chases on both sides. I think more doorways were added to the map at one point, but it's not enough. Why wasn't priority for doorways or at least windows given to prevent these potential "great walls" from occuring?
They've already fixed it up a fair bit. The great walls aren't nearly as bad as they used to be, and some of the fence vaults were removed.
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Still hoping breakable walls will be implemented on some of the older maps like this one. I'd imagine Haddonfield could be more enjoyable if the killer was able to open up certain sections of fences and some houses.
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They'll probably rework Haddonfield the same way they did Springwood Soon™