Trapper Buff Idea

Now that the Trapper can reset his traps, what if he was given a cooldown bar that wrapped around his power over time, and when full:
- (When placing a trap) Will teleport the furthest (unset?) trap away from him to his hands, and will drain the power gague;
- (When resetting a trap) Will also reset the nearest unset trap, and will drain the power gague.
Traps auto spawn to his hand sounds out of physical.
My ideas
- He should be able to carry 2 traps (still start with 1 trap)
- Remove large RNG, add skill check on trap escape attempt (Overcharge difficult, but not affected by skill check perk like Unnerving present), 3 success skill check will be free (5 success with Green stone)
- Give Hindered status if step on trap, lose the status if fully healed.
- Traps spawn 30m away from the edge of the map.
- New ability: Deep traps: take x5 time to lay trap, the trap is no more visible to Survivor. Only able do Deep traps on grass terrain. (sounds stupid but he needs more ability around his trap)
- New ability: Gen traps: take x3 time to lay trap on Gen, the first Survivor touch on the Gen will get an Overcharge difficult skill check (but not affected by Unnerving present),fail will cause trapped, success will do nothing.
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Trapper really needs just two things to make him more bearable to play:
- Trapper Sack be base, or even just being able to carry an extra trap would make having to pick up every trap less of a hassle and not feel like you have to run a Trapper Sack/Trapper Bag.
- Bear Traps spawned a little more towards the maps center instead of 2+ corners of the map, especially on a bigger map.
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In addition to Trapper Sack being base, he also needs the amount of traps on the map to be consistent. Stitched Bag doesn't just make you start with 3 traps, it literally increase the amount of traps in the game total by 2, since you start with 2 extra traps in your hand. If you're playing base trapper it's very easy to feel the difference in the amount of traps you have in the game.
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Maybe with a full power gague, the Trapper can walk through his own trap without getting stuck in it, consuming the power gague in the process.
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- Start with 1 extra trap
- Traps should not be in the edges of the map (unless there is a tile there)
- Add 2 extra traps to the map (if you equip the Stitched Bag the traps are removed from the map and given to you)
- If a Survivor steps on a trap, a skill check will begin start, if you get a great you get out, if you get a normal another skill check appears. If you get normal all the time, you get out in 3 attemps. If you lose the skill check, the survivor will scream (so the killer knows he/she's stuck there) and will not be able to get out without someones help.
- Logwood Dye should be base
- Add addons that decrease the time you need to reset a trap when you stepped on it (or maybe just remove the Padded Jaws and just add one brown addon that does it)
I think these are enough but if you want to add more, feel free
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@Erk both yours and @C3Tooth 's ideas sound great, but neither of them cut down time during the match; you still have to go and grab the traps, or go and reset the traps (granted they're slightly closer to the middle of the map in your cases).
My suggestion gives the Trapper more map pressure by saving the time needed to fetch or reset traps. The nice part is, how much pressure this gives him can be adjusted by changing a number in a file down the road (the cooldown time for the power gague).
It also raises the skill ceiling and allows for higher level plays and mindgames.
Imagine you have two disarmed traps close by during a chase. Your power gague is full. You see the Survivor running around a loop toward your other trap so you reset the trap near you, which resets the nearest trap (the one the Survivor is headed for), which traps them. It essentially lets the Trapper be two places at once, but only if/when the power gague is full.
There could also be other things added, like losing some of the power gague if stunned, or gaining some when a trap is disarmed (or traps someone).
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@Nos37 We dont have to over buff Killers. Giving minal buff already make a big difference. Example if all traps spawn 30m away from the edge, each of them may save you 10sec, 3 traps not spawns on edge would give you 30sec extra (120sec total on Survivors).
Beside, the choice between spread out the traps for mid game play, or try to make 3 Gen traps for late game play is crucial. Should not give him advantage at all game stage.
I like to add minor things in rather than pure number. A clear example between my Deep traps vs @Erk Logwood dye. Both mean to have harder to detect traps. But my idea force player to work more to get the better results, rather than have it by default
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When I play Trapper, I accept the fact that I have to set up for at max 1 gen. I think setting up is what makes Trapper fun
I agree %100
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I do like the idea of the OP. However (although I’m usually striving for balance to make the killer side more viable), the Trapper is pretty well balanced already.
For the sake of one day hopefully achieving game balance, I couldn’t support a buffing a killer that doesn’t need it.
Love the idea though, great creative thinking on your part, please do not let me stir you away from future ideas.
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Need something on injured survivors stepping into a trap. DW might work.
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Balanced? Maybe vs a full solo team. If you are playing against a swf one person needs to see where you placed your trap and the whole team will know there is a trap.
He also should start with all of his traps and then pick them up, you lost 2 gens in the early game bcs you need to set a trap->find another one->set it->find another one and so on
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I understand your point of view to an extent. However, your scenario insists that it must be a SWF group AND that someone is running OoO. The same arguments could be given for the Hag. Seems to me you should be lobbying more for an OoO nerf rather than a Trapper buff...I’m sure most killers would support you.
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What if there's a rework where he can throw traps?
He can't throw them far, only far enough that it helps him out at loops.
Kindof like a curving thing like the clown throwing his potions.
Throw them through windows, vaults, throw them upstairs, throw them downstairs. Maybe even throw them over walls.
Once the trap lands its lands already set. Or the traps set on impact once it hits the ground.
And of course the sack as a base. He starts of carrying a few and can carry a few.
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Yeah, but with hag you can use your traps at loops a lot easier, with trapper you have one trap that you can use (without any addons) and then you are a worse legion, if the survivor ran away, you need to pick up the trap and chase him again.
There is no need for an OoO user, while you are on the hook, you can tell your friends where he placed the traps so they can avoid them to get the safe unhook.