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Funny Flying Afk player

Member Posts: 12



He look Disconected but Killer had to DC because match was impossible to end

1 votes

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  • Member Posts: 66

    It happened to someone in my game yesterday, I told him to report so I could post my screenshots but he didn't apparently.

    I really noticed the issue when I went out of the gate, and I was spectating the KILLER as third person view, the disconnected person was actually not disconnected, he was inside the killer and said he couldn't controll it, obviously the real killer was controlling himself.

    Here are some screenshots I took during that:

    • spectating player named 'Ridiculous', as you can see he's the survivor, but the camera is on the killer as third person. Player had birds, and was unable to do nothing, couldn't be unhooked or hooked or grabbed

    • Killer couldn't close the hatch apparently

    • The End Game is over, see the bar on top of screen disappeared, the end of the sound loop for End Game was still playing though

    • End of the game chat and scoreboard, killer eventually disconnected after wandering for many minutes unable to finish the game

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