Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Spirit buffs

Give her normal movement speed and let her phase through walls and pallets with her power while reducing her HISSING noise because it makes it hard to hear survivors and she'd be decent.

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  • Member Posts: 15

    This made my day before going to bed. Not even 1 day out :D she definitely requires practice and skill, not 10 games played

  • Member Posts: 1

    I already shared my opinion on the PTB Steam post but here is maybe the better place for feedback so I will post it here too.
    I really think the Spirit needs normal movement speed. All 110 % speed killer have that speed to compensate their strong ability but I dont think the phase walk is enough to justify the 110 %. I mean sure its fast but its only a hit against people who walk in a straight line and even then the timing is not that easy (I guess u have to learn it I get that). But against survivors who played the game a bit (they dont even have to be that good) its pretty rare to get hits with the phase walk around windows and loops. And also sometimes you wont even be able to use the power in chase. Because of her slower speed you sometimes want to find and track survivors with the phase walk and it can work pretty well. But then you cant use it for a while and have to get looped because ur slower and you have to wait for it and you lose a bunch of time and so on...
    Just wanted to get some feedback in here between all the complains. I also really like the new killer, I think its one of the, if not the best designed killer yet ^^.

  • Member Posts: 10,200
    edited August 2018

    @CassetteTape said:
    She's been out for 5 hours, and you're already complaining? Haven't you people learned from Freddy?!

    Shes been out for 5 hours (a lot more now actually) and there are almost no survivors crying for a nerf.
    Doesnt that tell you enough?

  • Member Posts: 718
    Dudddd said:

    Give her normal movement speed and let her phase through walls and pallets with her power while reducing her HISSING noise because it makes it hard to hear survivors and she'd be decent.

    Do you want a survivor to start on a hook also at the start of a trial? will that make it easier for you.
    What? You didn't leave any real conversation, just a request offered to me? I mean if you suck that bad then dont play? 
  • Member Posts: 955

    @AStupidMonkeyy said:
    Dudddd said:

    AStupidMonkeyy said:

    Give her normal movement speed and let her phase through walls and pallets with her power while reducing her HISSING noise because it makes it hard to hear survivors and she'd be decent.

    Do you want a survivor to start on a hook also at the start of a trial? will that make it easier for you.

    What? You didn't leave any real conversation, just a request offered to me? I mean if you suck that bad then dont play? 

    Don't argue with him man.
    His name is 'Dudddd'.
    I hope you understand why.

  • Member Posts: 2,410
    Dudddd said:

    Give her normal movement speed and let her phase through walls and pallets with her power while reducing her HISSING noise because it makes it hard to hear survivors and she'd be decent.

    Do you want a survivor to start on a hook also at the start of a trial? will that make it easier for you.
    Oh, ANOTHER one of these "killers want EZPZ wins" threads.

    If you're gonna bait, at least use something more original.
  • Member Posts: 288
    I kind of agree. She has a power that helps her in the long run, but also hinders her, like the nurse getting self induced stuns. This killer cannot see survivors during ber power and must rely on blood or sometimes even just scratchmarks. This is extremely difficult without preditor and becomes much harder with lithe, windows of oppourtunity and lightweight.

    Unlike the nurse however, she has no phaseing through terrian and reaches less top speed and less distance then say, a 3 blink nurse, meaning that she can be looped.

    Her power also has an insane cooldown of 20s, which makes it situational and poor. After using it and not getting anyone, you have to hobble around pallets at reduced movement speed for 20 seconds, as opposed to nurse who can be back up and chaesing, cutting terrain and reaching extreme speed in mere seconds after missing qith her power.

    I hope this has been educational as to why she wont be top teir.
    Of corse this is just based on statistics and common sense with her power and not gameplay. She is still new and nothing is set in stone. Pray she doesnt get the Freddy Treatment.
  • Member Posts: 66

    The Spirit is so underpowered, and she needs to be faster and give her the ability to track survivors easily when she goes in the phase mode, also try to make the phase mode last longer and get into it faster. No one can play with The Spirit like this she needs more power.

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @TheWraith883 said:
    The Spirit is so underpowered, and she needs to be faster and give her the ability to track survivors easily when she goes in the phase mode, also try to make the phase mode last longer and get into it faster. No one can play with The Spirit like this she needs more power.

    Survivors are satisfied with her though :wink:

  • Member Posts: 61


  • Member Posts: 61


  • Member Posts: 2,559
    edited October 2018

    With the change where her power can be heard, it would be nice if her terror radius was reverted to normal.

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