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Pyramid Head, and the disturbing trend with killer powers



  • Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm not saying killer is easy, and I'm not doubting your inherent skill with a killer. I could care less about rank (I've removed the part in my previous post that seems to have drawn your attention to rank), and the only reason I mentioned it was to point out that according to the game's standards I could do well. I think I got 2 kills every game, and the game thought that was enough to rank me up *shrug*. I'm not even touting my ability above yours, which probably isn't even the case anyway.

    Again, I never once said Doc was easy; I only said his power required no skill, and I thought that it was understood that this statement applied once a player understood how to play the game. Regardless, I don't like playing Doc any more since his changes mainly because of the chase music but also because of how constricted and simple (not the good kind of simple) his power feels. I run loops as a M1 killer, and I shock in places to make sure that the survivor can't drop the pallet or has to drop the pallet early. Doing his static blast isn't satisfying in the slightest to me, and so I have no more fun playing him than an uncloaked Wraith, per se (in fact I have less fun bc chase music).

    When I compare and contrast Doc to an uncloaked Wraith, it's to demonstrate how closely Doc can behave in chases to a killer stripped of any special abilities. You don't have any substance behind your statement of this comparison/contrast between Doc and Wraith implies I have zero understanding, so I have no way of knowing what your mind is thinking to say something that is both harmful to a constructive discussion and detrimental to people thinking you understand how Doctor works.

    @DudeDelicious that second statement applies to any killer (maybe except Nurse and Hillbilly on occasion?), so that skill you mention is the skill required to play the game effectively as killer and is not specific to Doc. Doc has some extra tools to waste survivors' time, but putting them into usage is simple and doesn't require additional skill past a killer's existing skill. Shock survivors whenever there are props nearby in a chase and you wouldn't be able to get a hit from just M1 killer tactics, and use static blast when a killer has no info on survivors or has been unable to apply sufficient pressure. That's all anyone needs to know, and that's not hard to remember or do in a match.

  • Member Posts: 324

    this game isnt competitive and probably never will be

  • Member Posts: 640

    Pyramid Head can still be looped, faked out, and gen rushed. Just like any of the other killer with "braindead powers".

  • Member Posts: 97

    I don't know about Deathslinger, but i don't think PH is braindead.

    He's a very lethal killer, but he has no map mobility.

    You don't beat him by being better at looping than him, you beat him by playing smarter and stealthy.

    Either way, there's still plenty of room to outplay him in a loop, but you have to read him, just like he has to read you.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    My attentiin came to rank BECAUSE you said his power requires no skill. Thats just 100% false, and if thats true then everyone, including you, should be able to pick him up and get to rank 1 with him. That was my only point, I was touting my own skill as killer in anyway.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    Ah, then, yes, I do believe that every killer capable of getting to rank one with Wraith/Bubba/etc. (no powerful add-ons) is able to get to rank 1 with Doc (no powerful add-ons). It's just a difference in powers, and switching to Doc's current power does not require any significant amount of skill past game sense developed from any other killer that shares his movement speed (or not).

  • Member Posts: 3,826
  • Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2020

    pyramid head needs to be 110% speed if he can counter windows loops like huntress and deathslinger . Also tighten his wave attack width

    Post edited by SurvJoe on

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