Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Should separate out the swf and lone player and suggestion plan

There is some reasons that the swf and lone player need to separate out.

SWF ruin the rank system and matchmaking and also the fun for both killer and survivors except the SWF survivors.Some people always complaint the matchmaking system is broken, they match to play with unusual high or low rank survivors and killer. Most of the case is caused by SWF. When u see the rank is rainbow on the result page, just check their profile then u will find out the answer.

For killer, lone player and matchmaking. The SWF and lone player need to separate out.

Here is the plan, killer can choose to against SWF or lone player and they can get more blood points and less required to increase the rank from the SWF match.

Plan A: 1 killer

No SWF for grey rank killer to against.

1 vs 3 SWF

SWF survivors need to spend 0.85x time to finish the 5 gen

1 vs 2+2 SWF

They need to spend 1.15x time to finish the 5 gen

1 vs 4 SWF

They need to spend 1.35x time to finish the 5 gen

Plan B: 2 killer

The killer can not be the same

The killer perks power is independent

The total of two killers hex perks can not be more than 3

2 vs 2+2+2

They need to finish all the gen on the realms to escape

2 vs 3+3

The need to spend 1.2x time to finish all the gen on the realms to escape

2 vs 4+2

The need to spend 1.15 time to finish all the gen on the realms to escape


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    When u see the rank is rainbow on the result page, just check their profile then u will find out the answer.

    No, not really. I am currently a rank 3 survivor and got matched into a game where my team was 12 ranks and killer was 13 (and i was playing solo)

    The matchmaking in general is currently broken

    And i dislike your idea of making gens longer. (also why is 3man swf considered "weaker" than 2swf (and im guessing)+2swf?)

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    SWF is not the cause of rainbow matchmaking. And punishing SWF would kill the game.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    At this point if survivors cant play without cheats i mean comms then let the game die

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I just want to know if the lobby is filled with SWF or solos so that I can take off Third Seal or Insidious and replace it with more boring perks that SWF comms can't cheat around.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Heres the thing survivors like to claim both. They do it defend their bs. On one hand they claim swf is rare to fight off calls for balance but will claim if anything is done to remove swf or comms the game will die because everybody plays swf.