Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Nerf Freddy

He's boring to play against and his slow down add-ons take no skill. Worst add on designs for any killer.


  • LordVoidron
    LordVoidron Member Posts: 152

    Did you forget tombstone and hair Myers?

  • Marsauce223
    Marsauce223 Member Posts: 4

    I agree with how boring he is to play against, I feel no real excitement

  • david_king
    david_king Member Posts: 37

    I don't mind those add-ons for Myers because it takes him forever to get the powers. There's a trade off and you can always jump in a locker to counter it and make it no different than his normal insta-down power. With Freddy his add-ons are just boring. You spend additional time on the objective just for Freddy to eventually get Pop Goes The Weasel and reset all of the progress. It's very boring. I'd rather play a game against an AFK killer than a Freddy with slow down add ons.

  • david_king
    david_king Member Posts: 37
    edited June 2020

    I want to add that I've played Freddy myself and I have him prestige 3. I'd rather he have more stimulating add-ons that change his power in a way like Hags add-ons do. Most of his are just for generator regression or slow down, which doesn't really do anything killer-sided. It also doesn't let you have creative builds and ideas to play with.

  • LordVoidron
    LordVoidron Member Posts: 152

    I do agree the slow down add-ons on top of anti gen perks is aids

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Nerf blendette.

  • SpEz
    SpEz Member Posts: 75

    Freddy is balanced and fine as he is I wish all the survivor mains stop complaining about him . Yh he can be boring to play against but still he is fine where he is , he’s strong and there needs to be strong killers in the game but that’s what survivor mains don’t understand.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 724

    Okay I understand, you're unhappy with how Freddy is but can we leave the strong killers alone for now and focus on buffing/adjusting the not so strong killers?

  • david_king
    david_king Member Posts: 37

    Freddy isn't strong for the right reasons. His base kit is fine but his ability to slow down all speeds is boring. It's not about getting outplayed. Nurse, Billy and Demogorgon are all fun and balanced killers because they can have anti-looping abilities and it feels rewarding as both killer and survivors to play as and against. Dodging a Hillbilly chainsaw or a nurses blink feels satisfying. Hitting a survivor with a chainsaw or blink is satisfying.

    This community acts like any feedback on a killer is a survivor being entitled. I play both sides and I think Freddy's add ons are boring for both sides. I want them changed to be more stimulating and interactive.

    I don't want Freddy nerfed. I want his broken add ons nerfed. There are a lot of interesting ideas that they could apply in a dream state to give Freddy more creativity with his builds other than constant generator slow down.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    They already nerfed his slowdown add-ons. Swing Chains gives 2% slowdown per person asleep, which you can counter by waking up.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Also you can wake up to avoid those add ons but too much time waste we need gen rush to breathe

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055


  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I agree that he is boring from both points of view: His chases as survivor follow one pattern with no variation, and playing him feels like my IQ is slowly being taken from me. But he's not overpowered by any means. They do need to change the status effect you get while you're asleep though. It should be something else instead of oblivious. This way he wouldn't counter BT by simply existing, and a survivor wouldn't have literal wallhacks against him.

  • Warhorse_Huntress
    Warhorse_Huntress Member Posts: 43

    Lol why do you want excitement? Why aren't you sleeping?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,749

    Feel like if you want Freddy to have varying addon effects, theres plenty of room to work with since most of his addons are pretty garbage. Does he REALLY need 2 addons that give the hemorrhage status effect for example, with one of them being a purple addon? The rope addons have already been heavily nerfed and the only reason why people use them as much as they do is simply because they actually DO something that can be seen as useful. If we're going to claim that theyre OP because they can be added onto the slowdown effects of perks, then we'd still be making that claim even if the numbers given to them are 0.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Nerf your face

    (Joke 😊)

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    You come to that conclusion "no skill" by just playing against him?

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Fake Palletts are weaker than the snares stop being entitled because if Killers call for nerfs to survivors bs crutch perks and swf you will have a fit

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I really don't like when people pop up and are just like "Character X isn't fun, please nerf them", but don't offer any further suggestions on what they want to happen.

    I won't deny that Freddy is a pretty boring killer to play against after his rework, but why not focus on WHY he isn't a fun opponent and work to amend that? Mindless nerfs won't make him more fun to play against, and will probably just make him less fun to play instead. Everyone loses if that happens.

    The biggest problem I have with Freddy is his power(s). Fake pallets have no functional counterplay (you can't even tell they're fake unless you were awake in that area recently) and Dream Snares are way too easy to plop down in chase. Because of this I would change:

    -Dream Pallets to look slightly different from normal pallets, possibly through a combination of slightly remixing their color scheme and maybe making them look a bit shiny in comparison to the real ones. There is probably a lot more that could and should be done to make these a more interesting game mechanic, but I think this is a change that needs to be applied to them. I think Doc's Pallet Hallucinations should share a similarly distorted color scheme.

    -Dream Snares should be placed at Freddy's feet instead of in front of him, and he ought to be forced to briefly stop moving for the trap to be placed (just like with every other trap-killer in the game).

    -Neither of Freddy's powers should regenerate when survivors activate his traps. Instead, I suggest that he would regain some Dream Tokens any time that a survivor falls asleep or he successfully attacks a survivor who was already sleepwalking.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    As usual, Freddy = suicide on hook :) puts me asleep irl too, disgustingly boring