Reasonable Pyramid Head Nerf



  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,262
    edited June 2020

    There is at no point in time where ds has ever been usable multiple times on same survivor and your comment suggests that you wish that the perk could be activated multiple times, how many times do you exactly want to trigger it? 2-3? maybe 10 times per match? Apart from when DS came out 3 years ago where you could automatically escape the killer grasp with no restriction, DS is probably in the strongest form it has ever been. it certainly is the most punishing it has ever been. Original DS used to be 4 second stun and Enduring used to work against it. Awhile back, the stun was increased to 5 seconds and now enduring does not work against it. furthermore, the perk in some sense is more powerful than old one because old one required teammate to block the hook for it to work on non-obsession and the killer could avoid obsession. It also makes unbreakable as a perk extremely reliable and in my experience, most killers respect that you have the perk even if you don't equip it. So I don't exactly see what exactly is nerfed about the perk. In the context of previous post, If killer plays in an extremely lame way which is proxy camp a hook and than down where no tileset exists, than DS kinda deserves to activate because that situation doesn't have good counter-play for the survivor. Current DS feels more like anti-momentum because if you hook people too quickly, you'll get ds randomly. Imagine having a perk for killer that if 4 generator are completed in less 2 minutes, undo 2 generators because the survivors are playing too well. DS should just deactivate when another person is hooked to avoid punishing the killer for doing well. other than that the perk is fine.

    Devour hope is like ultra-high risk, medium reward perk. Half the time when I'm playing survivor, there's like 4 generator done before the perk even activates, so its like... there was devour hope in the match? Not to mention that lit totems glows extremely bright, you can hear it if your next to one(it sounds like fire) and most of the time, these totems get disabled before their effect even activates because totem placements in this game are terrible. They're so bad that haunted ground is probably more reliable perk than devour hope is. The only way I can ever see totem perks be good is if every totem in the game either started as dull or if there was a perk that shielded your totem perk and I guess that perk was suppose to be Hex:Retribution but it doesn't exactly do that. Totems perks might as well just be rolling a slot machine that rarely ever helps the killer when they need it to work. Camping totems is like camping hooks, It doesn't help you progress your objective to win or get tickets on the perk. In the end, Totems are just gimmick perks.

  • Legionmain0517
    Legionmain0517 Member Posts: 34

    Honestly in practice PHs cages are more of a pleasant plus that you happen to use every now and again if the opportunity presents itself rather than being a tool to kill survivors super quickly. Only the most reckless survivors will let themselves get inflicted with torment to begin with and it's not like the cages have many benefits over regular hooking as is. Of course if you torment everyone and manage to get the whole team slugged then that's a win condition right there since you can't escape the cages on your own but your emblems will suffer for it, particularly in hooks.

    TL;DR: Cages aren't overpowered. They don't need nerfs, since they only serve as an alternative hooking method with it's own risk and rewards.

  • Papamodzz
    Papamodzz Member Posts: 57

    Yeah its difficult but usually when they get torment on someone that's when tunnel vision kicks in and im glad hook perks don't work on him or surviours cause its fair to say gettimg easy hope and huntress stacks will be ridiculous

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    I do have a issue because it annoy and it sad people depend on it and is boring see 80% people use it.

    WAZZZZZZZZUUUUP Member Posts: 3


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited June 2020

    Hm...I wonder why 80% of people use it.

    Maybe because 80% of killers tunnel. I hate to see games where killers have no obsession.

    80% is high, but you get what I'm trying to say.

  • Leva
    Leva Member Posts: 5

    You're right. It should just be a time saver and quickly get survivors one hookstate up. I don't care if they get the survivors instantly because I know that she has one hookstate left or whatever.

  • silvio00
    silvio00 Member Posts: 40

    Bubba needs a REWORK not a nerf, survivors should get their hook perks to activate when they’re in the cage since it counts as a hooked state. I don’t care about him being able to see the aura, but no adrenaline, ds, bt, WGLF is kind of trash since they typically tunnel anyways

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    *slow clap*

    Let's not overlook the whole 'your counter was not getting caught' bit. Just don't get caught. Not once. Ever. Well gee golly gosh batman, why didn't I ever think of that? Literally the equivalent to someone saying 'just protect/patrol gens' when someone says gen speeds are too fast.

    There are reasonable arguments to be had from either side, but the reasonable comments in this thread are very few and far in between.

    I mean someone really said DS is 'in the strongest form it's ever been' in here. I'm sorry, but.. were you even around when DS was active from the start of a match and only deactivated if you tried to use it?? Was that a fever dream or is everyone just pretending that never happened? Maybe this isn't even it's final form.

    Jokes aside, my personal experience against him has been lackluster. It's stupidly easy to get people into torment in my experience when you just put your trench in/at vaults and pallets even while in chase as he still moves quickly while doing so (and it can turn into his long ranged attack at any second from this state) and suddenly that loop is no longer viable if you don't want to be sent to the gulag so you can make use of your hook perks (which you're not entitled to use to be fair, perks are a gift, not a given) or better yet, mini mori'd.

    'Just crouch through it or you're just stupid and don't know how to play'. Yeah, lemme just crouch walk down the hallway over this zigzagged trench of inevitable instant death that is no hindrance to him while in a chase and just give him the down all just to avoid getting tormented because that's all you can do to avoid it if you don't want to get mini mori'd. Brilliant.

    By the by, why does the trench slow you down like clowns bottles? Is it meant to be that oppressive?

    If they want to talk about him not being a time saver, I've definitely got some qualms with the whole half second base kit mori. 'You know what people love the most? Getting mori'd and avoiding any possible chance at making it out alive! Let's make a faster one and make it base kit.'

    Before anyone starts in with 'you're not entitled to survive', no, you're not, but there's a difference between being entitled and feeling backed into a corner, like there's no hope going against him. At this point why not just spawn us in hooked, why don't ya?


    'you were death hook anyway', at least with any other killer you're given the slim chance of wiggling off or your team may be able to help you with either flashlights or taking hits, but this killer negates not only some of the best second chance perks to date, but the most basic things you can do to survive aside from 'nOt GeTtInG cAuGhT'.

    A competent killer can and will make use of any killer in their arsenal. Every last one has a very strong, very viable tactic, if not more than one and that will only become more over time as new perks and meta's are introduced. PH is still very fresh on the scene so only time will tell how he develops.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Survivors should ? What about killers? Also then tell me what is the purpose behind the cages?

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    I use the damn DS and fail me that is the reason I hate DS like Dev really need to out a big skill check because it too small especially at times that getting hard with the killer.

  • silvio00
    silvio00 Member Posts: 40

    Ok what about killers? The purpose of the cage isn’t to give the killer a free way to tunnel. It’s to save him time from having to go hook a survivor. But instead they’ll rush to the cage and tunnel the survivor without hesitation

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    It doesnt save time because you need more time to torment others than to hoom them. If perks would work then tell me why anyone should use cages instead of hooks since cages are also on the other side of the map.