Reasonable Pyramid Head Nerf

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

Pyramid Head shouldn't be able to see the auras of cages. It encourages tunneling too much. The cage spawns are already pretty predictable, so if someone REALLY wanted to tunnel they could probably do it. But it'd be harder and take more time because they didn't know exactly where just the general area.

Cages are meant to be time savers not free passes to tunnel. At least I hope that's what the Devs intended



  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited June 2020

    As a killer main. Personally I wouldn't mind if BT worked with cages. I would really like wglf to work for when I farm but then what is the point of cages then? The PHs that cage and run straight to it does feel like it promotes tunneling, by the way there is nothing wrong with tunneling even though it sucks when it happens to you. However if all your hook perks worked with cages than the only reason to cage someone is to avoid DS or if your in a hurry and want to chase someone else. PH is already suffering by sending someone to a cage and he isn't getting pgtw, stacks for DH, thrilling tremors ect. Unless I'm trying to avoid a DS it's often better for me to hook someone over a cage. I do feel the current cage system can be abused but how can it be fixed to work for both parties is my question?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    The killer shouldn't see the cage auras. The idea of the cages isn't to be near them when a survivor is uncaged, it's to get rid of them quickly so you can focus on other stuff.

    This is coming from someone who has played against him loads the first 3 days and I've played about 30 games (P1 Level 50) as him now. He also shouldn't be able to mori off cages.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    It kind of bugs me that people cage camp or tunnel habitually. If a chase brings me to a cage, then so be it, but I'm not going to make the effort to cross the whole map to try and secure one kill. My biggest fear is if the devs do make changes to the cages, then they'll allow Survivor hook perks but not Killer ones. Because that's something they'd do. This is Legion all over again.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    The cages are already free unhooks for survivors, they always spawn as further away from the killer as possible. Also if he chooses to cross the entire map just to tunnel u then its a waste of time and u can loop either hide or loop him for even more of his time wasted. I know it doesn't give ds which is why people that are bad with him use it to tunnel for easy kills but 9/10 times the caged survivors gets saved instantly

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    That goes both ways. Give someone a tool that can be abused, and it will be abused by someone. Ethical or not.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,202

    Yeah. Tunneling with PH really is that simple and I get a lot of hate for that when I do it. It's very effective though. As survivor, I've been trying to be more aware of where the tormented is being chased/downed and trying to guess at where the cage will spawn to get a good jumpstart. That works fairly well as long as we still have a full team.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Cages are NOT meant to be time savers, they are meant to counter meta perks that would otherwise make you lose a lot of time. I do however think you should not be able to see the auras of cages.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Only if the cages go, I don't know, 25% faster than hooks? He's a relatively balanced killer, so taking away something could be alot worst than we think.

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    The only nerf i feel like he needs is a SLIGHT cooldown to his little flick move. And i mean like 3 seconds max so you can't just spam it

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    Yup, because it takes so long to travel across the new, smaller maps.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    I had a pyramid head leave a huge trail of torment circle when I was in a cage. He tunneled me to death and ignored anyone who tried to take hits. He went directly to the cage I was in and face camped me. All I did was 360 him. And he said I was a toxic player and deserved to die ( in the game not irl)

    I think we are friends😋

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Geez, like only 2-3 maps had slight size reduction and everyone keeps on mentioning it like some massive nerf that completely changed DBD's problem with map pressure and made all maps easy to traverse as all killers.

    Map reworks focused on removing some of the god loops not reducing size of all maps so yeah it still takes a while to cross maps, long enough to give a fair window for an unhook. If survivors keep on sitting on gens and don't give saves high enough priority then killers are going to defend them and punish survivors for ignoring their hooked teammates.

  • david0711
    david0711 Member Posts: 23

    I dont want him to be nerfed because i hate when killers are nerfed right away like oni, and i love mr pyramid head but id say 80 percent of the matches ive gone against him hes done the cage tunnel technique, litterally just keeps coming right for me till 1, 2, 3 im dead, its a little annoying cause even if im trying to be careful theres nothing i can do at that point when he does come clear across the map right away to get me :(

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    I mean, that's how it is. People use the things theyre able to abuse. You could say the same about infinite looping survivors. Or sfw voice chat. Because they're able, they do it. Even if it's not intended for the game. If survivors can voice chat and get all the information they shouldn't have, this is nothing for a killer. Killers deserve tools that can abuse sfw voice chat survivors. Don't act like killers are the only one to abuse annoying/unfair mechanics. Survivors have a lot more of these than killers.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    Whataboutism is always strong here.

    "Killers deserve tools that can abuse sfw voice chat survivors."

    This does not have anything to do with SWFs? Pyramid Heads tunnel me when I am solo as well, lol.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited June 2020

    A good early tunnel can help break apart a sfw on voice chat. Idk how you could possibly not know that. I'd be fine with survivors constantly crying about how unfair killers are if both voice chat and infinites weren't a part of the game. As a hag sure I can abuse solos with my teleporting, but it's very good at ruining a sfw groups synergy. The faster you're able to get someone down in sfw the better your odds. If that means having a good early tunnel, it helps. Controlling the game flow matters a lot as a killer, and sfw is great at denying all of it from start to finish.

    I'm fine with being able to have parties, but 3rd party vc in a ranked only game mode is absurd considering the advantages survivors get. I would rather fight a killer with wall hacks than a red rank sfw group.

  • iplaybothsides
    iplaybothsides Member Posts: 33

    This wouldn't effect the tunneling problem much imo. If you torment someone you can just hook, then tunnel off hook to cage. The only difference is you'd just out wait BT.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    if they do this they should add a short aura reading, or at the very least a notification when someone gets pulled out the cage. Knowing where the cages are is a good tool to guess the survivors next move when they get pulled out, so a different form of that would be fine.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    He already has a 3 second cooldown/fatigue every time he uses it.

  • ActulCasul
    ActulCasul Member Posts: 178

    I shamelessly tunnel tormented survivors who force bt bodyblocks off hook

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    If he does its the same length as the animation isn't it? I hadn't notice a cooldown outside that

  • TalkedToast505
    TalkedToast505 Member Posts: 10

    I agree with you that it shouldn't be a more free unhook but it would be fair that he don't see the cage bc survivor perk that meant to "counter tunnelling" like Ds and Bt are cancelled when caged. Ds and Bt can be used and he can see the aura of cages or Ds and Bt can't be used and he can't see the aura of cages.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285
  • TalkedToast505
    TalkedToast505 Member Posts: 10

    I agree. Just the other night i got tunnel to death he down me sent me to the cage and spawned right on my teammate and while i was being unhooked he was right there. Had a Jake that was saboing and i was going to break free but he dropped my and placed goob around me forcing me to step into it. I ran into and he caged me and boom there he was, close to me right when i was getting uncaged and then died

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    If anything, allow PH to see where cage is, but have aura disappear seconds after.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    How is that different than hooks though?

    Killers see hooked survivors and they camp them easy , right? Remove hook auras too! Lol.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113
    edited June 2020

    Well, feel free to go for the tunnel and/or camp. The killer is free to waste their time and be as scummy as they want, even if it's the only tactic they are capable of implementing.

    Either way, if you have to rely on tunneling as Pyramid Head, you're pretty trash.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Dude if you cage someone in the center of the map, the cage can spawn super close. The Killer can be there in less than 15 seconds sometimes.

  • TomTom1
    TomTom1 Member Posts: 4

    There's a cool perk called decisive strike, you know that? However I have awesome idea how we can nerf all the killers. How about something like: killers basic attacks doesn't injure survivors any more. I Think that this is a good way to make the game more balanced and enjoyable.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    no killer in this game needs a nerf guys. Dont step on the trails. crouch over them when needed. If in chase and you think your second chance perks will be better than getting caged, take the hook instead. Stop asking for nerfs on an already weak M1 killer. IDC who you are, if you really think the cages are that bad, you just need more time against him. Chances are, most of the people crying for nerfs wont be playing this game after 3 months from now and itll just leave us hardcore fans with a nerfed killer for no reason

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 272

    I agree with the removal of the cage aura, but like you said, there should still be notification when they get pulled out.

    Thankfully I haven't met a PH who tunneled me out of the cage, but i've been in matches where they 100% could have. I had one match a day ago where I was sent to the cage from the around the center of the map. One teammate was dead, and the other two were healing up with PH in between them and me. Could have easily been camped but wasn't.

    The more survivors that are dead the worse this problem gets, as there is less chance for a survivor to be close enough to grab you before PH can get there.

  • CharadaKs
    CharadaKs Member Posts: 2

    Não concordo com isso.. nerfar o Piramid Head não é necessário,ele deve ficar do jeito que está, até porque se não souber jogar com ele não consegue sacrificar ninguém a entidade, isso está me parecendo puro choro de sobrevivente!!

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    not quite sure what you mean, can you be a little more specific?

  • kingovbattle
    kingovbattle Member Posts: 10

    I agree. I like how people keep saying that he has to cross entire map, like he’s always downing someone at very edge. What if he downs and sends them to cage while at center of map?

  • bud627
    bud627 Member Posts: 1

    Hello I made an acount strictly to ask this question. I dont personaly play the game but I enjoy watching it and reading about it. My question is for survivors, how often would you say you get tunneled I notice this complaint comes up a lot. Escapicaly when it comes to potential killer nerfs. I mostly watch killer related content so I want to have an unbiased view of things.

  • kgyact
    kgyact Member Posts: 1

    In my opinion, he doesn't need this nerf. Think about this: If you send a survivor to a cage, they will be sent at the other side of the map, correct? Now If you hook them, they will be close to you. What is the best thing to do if you want to tunnel someone? Keep them close or send them to the other side of the map? And If you send them to a cage, your hook-related perks won't work. If he receives this nerf, his cage would be almost useless. It would only be useful when you want to avoid DS or when there are 2 survivors and you want to hook them, without the risk of a third survivor healing one of them.

  • doom2674
    doom2674 Member Posts: 2

    Anytime I play pyramid head the survivor usually spawns on the opposite side of the map as me which means I have to traverse the whole map to get back to them why would I want to do that? And there's usually a survivor over there by the time I'm (at most) 25% of the way there😂. also if the cage spawns are already really predictable why change anything?