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How to fix camping



  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    How to fix camping - run kindred, and do gens.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    I've always thought they should rework the system where getting a kill with the hook doesn't end the game for that player.

    Been playing Resident Evil Resistance a lot and the idea of a universal counter and multiple areas to play through with different objectives and variables is very engaging.

    But no one wants to tip the sacred cow of tunnel one person to death, win game.

  • FogNoob
    FogNoob Member Posts: 115

    I like your idea, I just disagree with the stationary part. I mean... the killer could just camp moving around, back and forth, whatever... would be too easy to play around it. But I would love if it was a built in mechanic like bloodlust, but I guess killers would lose their ######### if that happened, that's why I suggested a perk, somethink you could use but would have to spend a perk slot to.

  • FogNoob
    FogNoob Member Posts: 115

    Yeah, but someone else need to run it and be close to the hook. So, it's not really your choice to run it, you get what I mean? I wish there was something that YOU could run to counter camping.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Step 1: Survivor's Gen Rush

    Step 2: Open The Exit Gate's

    Step 3: Escape

    Problem solved on how to deal with camping killer's. There is literally no other way to punish camping killer, besides giving them less points and a depip for camping. Ik it sucks for the survivor that got camped, but y'all gotta realize that some sacrifices are needed to escape

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    How to fix camping.

    Don't get caught.

  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140
    edited June 2020

    I found that as a killer the best way for me to get points is to camp. I'm really bad so if i manage to get even 1 hook, I'm going to do what I can to make sure I get a kill. Its already punished by the ingame emblem system, but I'd get much more points doing it than if i was to go the whole game not hitting anyone.

    And when that happens I get teabagged at the gate and they wait until the last second of the endgame collapse to leave. I usually just go to the middle of the map to avoid that since they wait there until they cant just to do it. If i open the gates it means I give up but they waste their time just to do that. Atleast if I camp the one survivor im able to hook ill feel a lot better that i actually killed someone.

    Maybe when I'm better I wont have to resort to doing it, but for now its the best way ive found to get points.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I'd be happy finding a way to keep piggy from patrolling jigsaw boxes to tunnel their first catch. Ruined several games for a friend of mine that i got into this cursed game between last night and this afternoon. Or when there are more gens left than survivors and the jerk slugs everyone. Id happily extend my wait time to be able to avoid killers i personally deem toxic garbage that do the most grimy things as first instinct. They don't want to play they want to be toxic.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Hard to ignore when there's 15+ a day. I just finally decided to reply to one. People need to quit crying over spilled milk. I hate swf's and think it's the most unfair, unbalanced thing in the game, but it's never gonna change, so why complain about it? It's already a thing, and isn't gonna change. Just like camping, tunneling, flash light spams, butt dancing, etc.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    But camping is just a strat yeah there is bad players who do it 24/7 but there is always a point where it has to be done especially nearing the end of the game

  • FogNoob
    FogNoob Member Posts: 115

    If there's so may posts I guess maybe it's an actual issue? Maybe worth discussing and looking at? I mean, as far as I can tell that's the point of this forum, right? Also, things do change in this game all the time. DS was changed, Borrowed time was changed, Ruin was changed... the game evolved a lot because of feedback.

    Also... c'mon dude.. flashlight spamming and "butt dancing" don't really keep the killer from doing anything, does it? You're gonna tell me that a guy clicking a flashlight is as bad as camping when it has literally zero effect on the actual game? It's annoying as hell, I know, but maybe just ignore him or chase him? You do have an actual choice.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    When a killer camps survivors have 2 choices:

    1) Do gens. If 2 or 3 gens get popped while a killer is camping it becomes a much less productive use of their time.

    2) Run up and unhook the survivor. If you do this you are willingly handing the killer at least another hit, if not another take down and hook.

    If survivors would start doing #1 a lot of camping killers would either have to find a new strategy or they would end up having lots of bad games. There are enough survivors that do #2 though that camping is a viable strategy.

    If you keep loaning your neighbor tools and he refuses to return them it may technically qualify as stealing, but at what point do you realize he couldn't keep stealing them if you didn't keep willingly handing them to him? Same thing applies here. Camping is only a winning strategy so long as survivors continue to literally place easy wins in the killer hands.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Just like how you have a choice to move on to the next match. And nice try w those changes you listed, because they were nerfs to killer and buffs to survivor, but that's how the game goes, right? Camping IS a strategy whether you like it or not, and it's not going away. Quit getting caught so easily, and you won't be camped by noobs or mashed potatoes, because that's the only people that really do it. Any killer that's ACTUALLY GOOD and has SKILL isn't gonna waste there time camping, because your not gonna pip, your not getting ######### for bp's, and only get 1k unless the team is a bunch of morons and keeps feeding the killer instead of knocking out the gens. GET BETTER! Someone draw this guy a picture or something man. I'm done with this dude. ✌

  • FogNoob
    FogNoob Member Posts: 115

    I'm not getting caught easily, actually the longer it takes for you to be caught, the more likely to be camped you are. Some killers just get extremely salty just because you are running away and looping. TOXIC SURVIVORS doing exactly what they are supposed to do. And yeah, I get "CaMpInG iS A StraTegY GET BETTER!!111", just dont know why you get so salty just talking about it.

    And you gonna tell me the DS change and the BT change were buffs to survivors? Are you crazy? The same with the Mettle of man nerf. They were necessary changes, I totally agree, but I think it's totally bull** saying "that's how the game goes"... hahaha Yeah man, just move on.

  • thepyramidhead
    thepyramidhead Member Posts: 59

    Its not called camping, its called killers playing the game and a survivors dying.