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BUG at Grim Pantry (Backwater Swamp)

DMTrick Member Posts: 2
edited June 2020 in Bug Reporting

I was walking through the map, just wandering around trying to get hid from the killer, and I noticed that I had walked through a wall, when I looked back at the wall I only saw a vaulting spot and nothing else I could go through, so I tried to go back from where I came from and I found the spot that's bugged.

edit 1: I'll add a video in a few min. Just noticed it wasn't uploaded because it was too heavy. Currently working on trimming the video.

edit 2: can't upload it as a video nor as a gif, apparently.

edit 3: Uploaded it as a video on Flickr. If anybody has any other idea on how to show a video of a bug, please let me know. Link to video:

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  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    I went into a custom game with a friend and it works on both swamp maps.