LOL I'm trying

JustCats Member Posts: 298
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

I swear to christ is there a scenario that occurs in DbD where I'm not expected to let survivors escape?

Playing a match, leveling up my brand new level 12 Deathslinger. Hook a survivor. Next one has cosmetic sparkles, so I slug and move on. Hook another. Now two have sparkles so they don't really get chased, and if they do it's a slug and move on. By the end of the match three have cosmetics cooking and I down the last survivor who doesn't have it. I hook as gates open.

"Well, this is my courtesy sacrifice," I figure. I go open the gate for them and walk back to my hook to set up camp. In my heady innocence of just having played what I thought was a nice easygoing gesture of a game, I imagine they'll take their cosmetics and give me the black pip but I am constantly forgetting that only the killer is supposed to give fair play nods - it's no one left behind time. So in the middle of fending off the swarm of sparkly survivors I am legit trying not to kill the hook kobes behind me, and apparently, according to end game chat, that meant I was also supposed to let her escape?

Naturally, this whining is coming from a team full of red ranks (I am rank 10).

I mean, lol, I'm trying, but it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. So many unwritten rules... and weirdly only for killers...


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Play how you want.

    If you want to let survivors trying to get cosmetics go for free, do. No one should make you do otherwise. If you don't want to let someone else go because they're not trying to get it, yet again, do it.

  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    Lol I hate survivor entitlement. Killers have no obligation to let anyone live. Ever. You were nice to let them escape with their crowns.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I did 5 killers yesterday and it was a CHORE playing killer just letting them escape.

    The wait out the last timer to the very second and flashclick and spam vault

    Like I really can't stand survivors sometimes

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2020

    It just seems like every game somebody's whining and moaning about some game "etiquette" mechanism whereby I'm supposed to let survivors escape. That was just a particularly bad one where I actually was trying to let them escape, and still got crap.

    I chase an injured survivor in literally any scenario - wahhh tunneler.

    I camp a hooked survivor when the gates open - wahhh camper.

    I don't immediately hustle to the opposite end of the map on a hook - wahhh proxy and/or camper.

    I chase the flashlight brigade instead of picking up the downed survivor - wahhh slugger.

    And even in the case of a bad game - wahhh you suck l2p.

    There's no escaping the toxicity. It doesn't really bother me, I've been playing multiplayer games long enough to where butthurt bad sportsmanship isn't really a thing, but it does make me ask: what, exactly, do they freaking want? I mean, like, literally, how do they expect killers to play?

    Now, I'm not a rank 1 killer by any means, and if this was other relative newbies like me - then whatever, everybody's figuring it out. But the BM and eye roll inducing whining is almost exclusively from red ranks (thanks matchmaking, btw). Like do red rank killers unlock some special ability to just open the doors at the start of the match and just let the survivors walk out for easy peasy bp?

    I fluctuate between rank 11 - 6, and usually when i get to the mid purples I buy a new killer to start over with and de-pip to greener (natch) pastures, because I don't know all the special rules about letting survivors win and it seems like brown-purple ranks don't get all twisted up over it. (Edit: and it's not smurfing, tbh I don't notice any particular skill level difference from survivors going up and down like that, and generally average about 2k wherever I am.)

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Throw away the survivor rulebook.. you don't owe these people anything. You're overthinking this all a bit.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    You messed up when you decided to show some kindness. Most survivor players have double standards, and will not show kindness in return. In my almost 1k hours played, I have probably had myabe 5 survivors give me pitty kills. I have given free escapes way more than 5 times. I am way past the point of being a chill killer. I play the killer to try to kill all 4 if possible now. If they are easy to kill, that is their issue. If there is an event going on requiring them to escape, that is their problem.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I really wish someone would publish this Killer's Rulebook because every single match I'm breaking some kind of rule. I mean, seriously, the games going to become a sit in the corner and wait till we leave simulator. How very dare we, as a killer, even think of touching the survivors until they're ready to leave. I feel like I need them to sign some kind of contract somedays that says I'm allowed to play my role.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222
    edited June 2020

    It's honestly the entire community. I'm not a survivor that is toxic unless the killer was playing like an absolute jerk. I like to meme, run up and poke them, give offerings, etc.

    I know just how tiring both sides can be, so I always try to give one or the other a break. As killer, I almost ALWAYS give the last survivor hatch. I'm a GF main, so I also like to t-bag with them and nod. His nod looks HILARIOUS on survivor side, so I know it may make them laugh.

    As survivor, I do the above stuff or I just play the game normally. Rarely try to waste time or BM unless I feel the killer deserves it. Or if I DS at the exit gate, then I assert dominance. >_> cough

    This idea that people hate X role because of this or that is what causes everyone to be toxic. If you main killer, you may run into a lot of toxic survivors who may be toxic because of previous toxic killers. You yourself then become toxic to innocent survivors turning them toxic, rinse repeat.

    There will always be toxic players out there, but you have to look at the good ones and the fun games, even if you didn't 4k, and just say, "hey, that was a good game." Unless they're toxic in end game chat. Then roast them. >:)

    With how I play, I don't think I've ever had a toxic end game chat before. Just have to try to be as positive as possible to try to improve the community one game at a time.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Somedays, it's a toss up as to whether uninstalling the game would be enough for them or not! Those particular survivors would probably be offended even then!

    Play as you like to, but I am glad to see op is laughing at this. That's a great attitude to take! :)

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222

    I wish there wasn't any idea of rules for either side. As a survivor main, I never judge a killer's play style because that's just how they choose to play. There are no rules on how you're required to play.

    While I may say, "wow, this killer is playing like an a**hole," I don't flame them in end game chat. Either I won't say anything at all or I'll say GG.

    Don't let some of the toxic players get you down. You play how YOU want to play. You bought the game like the rest of us, now you get to play it as you wish.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Yeah I mean ultimately it's whatever - they're dead either way - I'm just befuddled lol.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Oh I don't follow their made up rules, beleive me. I do try keep my matches fair for everyone but I still get that one salty survivor who will message me with a lovely sentence, usually involving death. I don't let it get to me anymore. I'm playing for fun.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404
    edited June 2020

    Just a word of advice: dont try to be nice to survivors. They wont ever do the same in return. They will always take advantage of you. Make sure you camp them all and never let anyone go. Unless u want to, that is! It's a nice thing to do :) but they rarely appreciate it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891


    its really funny how always the survs are the bad ones in these forum stories.

    meanwhile i had a Myers that didn’t try anything and I figured he wants to farm, turns out he REALLY liked to grab me from gens, so I thought he had a challenge. Then last gen popped, i got a crown and was happy to get my cosmetic. he downs me and camps me in the basement. I let him grab me 5 times.

    guess what? There is scum on BOTH sides.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    I never trust farming killers. You should never let them grab you off a gen lmao ######### their challenge. It's a challenge for a reason.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    I do this too. Even if there is one person that doesn’t have a crown I’ll let them escape also. I can’t intentionally let some survivors go but kill the rest.

    I Also don’t think I’ve had any toxicity from survivors I’ve helped out like some killers seem to be getting. Like your situation, the survivors are usually appreciative.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    I don't doubt it. However I will say that in probably 9/10 matches as killer there is some sort of legitimate toxicity from one or more survivors whereas it feels like the opposite when I do play survivor.

    I'm not counting irritating gameplay "toxicity" from either side (camping/tunneling/genrush/bodyblocking), just the overt taunting and foul end game chat stuff. Granted, I play a lot more killer than survivor so maybe that's not the case - but I am also a lower ranked survivor and never see a red rank killer, while as killer I see red rank survivors every game (which is where 99% of the toxicity comes from).

    I don't know if that dynamic changes and full red rank games are just complete cesspools on both sides, but I can say that I can't wait for matchmaking to weed these guys out for me.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    Trust me, at least on the foul end game chat killers will go all out.

    i know that survivors are not better, and you will have a higher chance to see survs acting toxic because there are 4 per match and they can back eachother. But that does not mean that most of the killers are nice guys.