New eventitems/eventofferings/eventbonusbp

Mystaria13 Member Posts: 495

Ps4- Since the event started I’ve not received any bonus bp from event generators, hooks, getting crowns, and carrying them around, or escaping with them. The first day of the event I was getting 2 4 year offerings Per bw but on Wednesday (24 hours later) I’m only getting 1 of the 4 year anniversary offering per p3-50 bloodweb. I have leveled AT LEAST 10 p3-50 bloodwebs and have not received even 1 of the new flashlights or medkits. I am getting regular flashlights and medkits but this is unacceptable! I was excited for this event and I’m usually never excited for anything in dbd. I’m very disappointed guys! The fourth anniversary offering are not working and I’m getting nothing from this event. Please give us 1.5 or 2.0 blood hunt and fix all of these problems quickly!! I do have to give you props though, you did a GREAT JOB with the decorations, the new items, the crowns, and all the confetti too but don’t wait to fix these issues because players are very unhappy and disappointed because what’s an event when you can’t earn extra bp?

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