NOED Nerf needed.

johndeen33 Member Posts: 43
edited June 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a killer main I feel bad for the survivors when I use NOED, even when facing a 4man SWF. That should already tell you something. The perk is overall ######### overpowered. It awards you for being bad at the game and not doing your job at protecting gens or keeping the pressure on.

A viable nerf would be so NOED is given 1 dull totem at the start of the game. When that exact totem isn't cleansed by the end of the game NOED activates. The killer would have an outline on that totem so if he chooses to protect it he can. I feel like it would make the perk less overpowered and less consistent. (just like DS, where you have a chance of missing it and where killer can just slug you).


  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    you shouldn’t feel bad for the survivors, your only goal as a killer is to kill. NOED is fine in my opinion.

  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43

    You sound like you don't like having fun while playing the game lol

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    The game is starting to get boring for me so ya, xD. 😂

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    NOED does not reward you for being bad at the game, if you are bad then survivors have enough time to do bones, if you are good then survivors won't have time to cleanse all 5 totems. The game is literally designed over all 5 gens popping, if they do not then the survivors ######### up massively.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,957

    and of course you know the objective way to have fun. More experienced survivors will do bones on site (because of the points and NOED) and will probably look for the totem if it goes true. NOED is a crutch perk but its not uber OP

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Finally, someone with something original to say!

    I cant believe we never had a Noed discussion before.

    Ohhhh wait.....

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    The perk is overall [BAD WORD] overpowered.

    It's not.

    It awards you for being bad at the game and not doing your job at protecting gens or keeping the pressure on.

    It doesn't.

    A viable nerf would be so NOED is given 1 dull totem at the start of the game.

    A 20% chance to have your perk disabled is bad. No.

    I feel like it would make the perk less overpowered and less consistent. (just like DS, where you have a chance of missing it and where killer can just slug you).

    No, it would make the perk completely useless.

  • The_architect
    The_architect Member Posts: 120

    how about a comprimise. NOED: when there is one survivor left make a secondary fake hatch, that will have a slightly different sound than the real one. and if the survivor trys to go in, it will close and insta down them and give the killer a notification. but if the killer closes it, then it also closes the other hatch. the totem can be broken mid game.

    how does that sound?

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
  • DeadByCommunity
    DeadByCommunity Member Posts: 157

    This seems like the type of thread to be made by a salty survivor saying "I play killer too". Noed is fine. If survivors don't cleanse totem that's their fault.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Actually I agree with OP as a Killer main. I refuse to use NOED and consider any killer that uses it to be a bad killer.

    It's a crutch that allows you to instadown when the survivors get gens done, when if you're GOOD you should have already been taking them out all match. And the argument that survivors should be taking out totems is bad for two reasons:

    1) Taking out totems merely prolongs gameplay which is unneccesary

    2) Hex: Retribution now exists and makes it more risky to take out totems

    The only counterarguments I can find in support of this is that Jake and Nancy players now actually have more usability for their builds, however I think we can all agree that no one brings a specific build into a match assuming that a killer is going to be running NOED.

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    Prolonging game play?

    The game suffers enough from games being too quick.

    I don't know about you but I like blood points...

    I also think that you may not realize the underlying purpose of what totems are for, they are there for the Survivors to choose, to consciously make a decision to either:

    A: Cleanse and get Gens done a minute or 2 later and not worry about Hex Perks or potential NOED

    B: No Cleanse to complete objective faster but remain mindful of that choice to add potential fear or anxiety for that choice once they discover a sneaky NOED or Devour

    Choices are a big factor in what drives interesting gameplay.

    Choosing to cleanse or not to cleanse can change the game and is additional layer of challenge to the survivors which already suffer from some shallow gameplay. Do gens, save, run. Survivors need to have more to think about then M1 and Shift W imo.

    You also state that no-one comes into a match with a specific build to I would assume counter NOED. This is a whole other can of worms that you just opened.

    This game does not need hard counters. This game isn't supposed to be "have spreadsheet up on monitor 2 for all counters", like Overwatch. Hard counters to everything does not promote smart or skillful gameplay, learning to adapt on the fly is what makes games interesting. Good Killers and good Survivors do this almost every game. A good survivor will size up a killer and change their behavior accordingly and a good Killer does the same depending on the team.

    There are some hard counters in the game currently, which is fine. But 75% of perks being designed to counter others would make this game into copy paste for everything. Yes there are meta perks but they do not specifically hard counter anything. They are just in general strong perks. Just as an example:

    NOED: Counters non-cleansing survivors who may or may not rush gens, easily avoided or deactivated even after last gen pops

    DS: Counters off hook tunneling... only sometimes and whether or not you think its anti tunnel or anti momentum

    DH: Counters nothing, potentially prolongs a chase

    BBQ: Promotes non camping behavior and offers incentive for doing so, soft countered by lockers, distance, or hiding behind gen auras

    Adrenaline: Counters nothing save for maybe being slugged when last gen pops, provides Survivability

    All of these have no real hard counters or provide no hard counters and are seen in most games. Yes they're are perks like Stridor vs Ironwill as that would fall under Hard Counters, but the instances of type of hard counter in the game is low to my knowledge. All just food for thought.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    NOED is fine the way it is, survivors just need to take 14 seconds to cleanse totems rather than ignore them during the match. They can use small game, detectives hunch, and maps to help find totems if they don't know the handful of spawn points.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    I say this a lot when someone mentions this: if you have time to do gens, you have time to do totems. If you have time to do heals, you have time to do totems. If you have time to do rescues, search chests, get chased four times by a bad killer who doesn’t know how to use their power correctly only for them to get two lucky hits on you when a pallet won’t drop, then you have time to do totems. They even give you 1000 bp’s if you cleanse a dull totem and there’s literally even a perk that heals you if you cleanse any totem. It’s practically a sign at this point that even the devs think NOED is fine.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Then... don't use NOED, If you feel bad for it?