Decisive Strike Change Suggestion
I suggest it be changed to the following
After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike will become active and usable for 30/40/50 seconds.
While Decisive Strike is active, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 5 seconds.
- Succeeding or failing the Skill Check will deactivate Decisive Strike.
- Decisive Strike will deactivate If the killer hooks another survivor while perk is active
- Perk can be used more then once
- Successfully stunning the Killer will result in you becoming the Obsession.
:o Seems interestring but why this change is needed?
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Fairly often survivor 1 is on hook, killer will chase and down survivor 2. While killer is carrying survivor 2 survivor 1 is unhooked, survivor 2 is hooked and killer heads back for survivor 1 and downs them. Technically survivor 1 would not have DS due to the timing of the hooking of survivor 2.
Anothet scenario is Survivor 1 is on hook, survivor 2 runs over with no BT (or killer has no terror radius for BT to work) and is hit by killer, survivor 2 unhooks survivor 1 but is downed from second hit, killer then downs survivor 1 who didn't make it that far. Killer goes back, hooks survivor 2 then can go back and grab 1 since they hooked someone else first and DS will no longer be activated.
I get the idea behind deactivating DS if someone else is hooked but it doesn't seem like right move when I see these two situations happen fairly often. I've seen other suggestions of DS deactivating if you are healed a health state, work on a gen for x amount of time, or cleanse a totem.
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Basically, BT has been used as the answer to making bad rescues more often than heroic saves, and DS has been used as a way to combo with BT more often than preventing tunneling, so the change is to make it so that it is actually an anti-tunnel perk, and not a second, stackable bad save perk.
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Killer main